The Unbreakable Ex-Wife Novel Chapter 806 – Alicia had already swallowed a few mouthfuls of seawater.
Her body was shivering from the extreme fear she was feeling. “Don’t be afraid. Mom’s here to save you,” Olivia tried to calm her down. Alicia was still just a child, after all.
Not to mention, the situation on the ship was very chaotic. The pirate ship was also approaching and Tobias had already ordered his sailors to return fire.
Alicia’s life was hanging by a thread. Scared out of her mind, she started to struggle. Olivia was already using every bit of her strength to keep Alicia above the water.
But the struggling made it hard for her to keep it up and her stamina was quickly depleting.
The waves were intense and Olivia herself had swallowed a few mouthfuls of seawater, but she was still trying her best to keep Alicia afloat. She was afraid that Alicia would choke on the water. Olivia felt like her strength was leaving her.
As she felt her body get heavier and heavier, she cursed inwardly. She knew that if this kept up, both of them would be dead. At that moment, Olivia despised herself for having such a weak body. She couldn’t even save her own child.
As she was holding Alicia and floating on the water, the rain mercilessly pelted her on the face. Olivia started to curse Fate for being so cruel. She also cursed her own weakness.
She had finally found her daughter, but why did their reunion have to be like this? In a place like this? Olivia’s optimism was slowly fading.
She went from being determined to get back to safety to thinking it would be pointless. The pirates would already have their eyes on them anyway. They would be doomed either way. Olivia held Alicia tightly, completely spent.
She looked at Alicia tenderly under the flickering light of the fire from the ship. “Baby. I’m so happy I got to see you. I’m sorry our time together was so short.” she said. Olivia started to relax her body. Then, she planted a kiss on Alicia’s forehead. “Baby, I love you more than you will ever know.
Don’t be afraid. I’ll be with you, in life or in death.” Olivia was prepared to die. Slowly, she sank into the ocean with Alicia in her arms. Suddenly, a man’s voice pierced through the noise. “Ms. Fordham!” The water was already up to her chin.
Olivia raised her head and saw aman jumping straight into the ocean. She could also make out two huge ships behind the pirate ship. They were military ships from Arlandia, no less.
The same scenario reminded her of the time she was in the ocean with Ethan. Logan had already landed in the water and raised both of them out of the water while Olivia was still spaced out.
“Are you okay?” he asked. Olivia couldn’t really hear Logan’s voice over the cannon shots. But she cried tears of relief. They were saved. “You’re finally here.” Olivia blacked out and fell into Logan’s arms. Logan’s gaze fell on both their faces. This girl and the boy on the ship … Realization struck him and a wave of joy swept over him.
The pirates were quickly defeated with the help of the military. They were decimated before they even got the chance to board the cargo ship.
Olivia didn’t stay unconscious for too long either. Her survival instincts quickly jolted her from her slumber.
Logan’s drenched body was the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes.
“Ms. Fordham, are you okay? You …” he started. “The child, where is the little girl? Is she alive?” Olivia asked anxiously as she grabbed his arm.
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