Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 999

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 999 – Side Story 5: Paul VS Daryl (2)

Daryl took his hand, turned her face aside, and lightly kissed the corner of his lips. When she shot a rare gentle glance at him, his heart skipped a beat. And then, he pushed her onto the bed, intending to continue making love.

But the nightmare-like cry sounded again. As soon as the baby began to cry, Paul expressionlessly picked it up before Daryl could get up. He patted its back to coax it, but it did not stop crying. After Daryl took it over and coaxed it for a long time, it was still crying.

It didn’t want milk, and its diaper was clean. Daryl felt so anxious that she even wanted to call the hospital to ask about what was going on.
Paul silently took the baby from her arms. When she asked him what he intended to do in shock, he entered the study without answering.

He held the crying baby in one hand, opened a cabinet with the other, and took out a cardboard box. Daryl behind him was startled and asked, “What are you doing? Why are you taking it out in the middle of the night?” Paul replied, “I want to abandon the baby.”

Daryl was shocked.
The baby was crying so hard that it turned red all over. Seeing tears
streaming down its wrinkled face, Daryl felt distressed. There were
newspapers and towels in the cardboard box, so Paul pressed on them with
one hand and then put the crying baby inside.

Unexpectedly, a miracle happened. The baby instantly stopped crying,
contentedly smashed its lips, and then fell asleep.
Daryl was dumbfounded, wondering why it had suddenly stopped crying. This
was too weird. When she tentatively picked it up, it instantly pursed its lips as
if intending to cry. So, she quickly put it back. Immediately, it quietly fell
asleep again.
The study fell into an eerie silence.

After a long while, Daryl said in disbelief, “Does it like the cardboard box?”
Paul calmly replied, Maybe.”
Daryl was speechless, wondering whether letting a baby sleep in a cardboard
box would be regarded as child abuse. Fortunately, it was spacious enough.
After putting several soft cushions and a small pillow in it, she placed the
baby back inside, tucked it in, and moved the cardboard box next to the

Confirming the baby was sleeping comfortably, she sat on the edge of the bed
in depression, wondering why her husband and son were both so weird. If
outsiders saw the baby sleeping comfortably in a cardboard box, they might
blame her for being ruthless. At the thought of this, she felt even more

Paul didn’t think much. He sat down next to her and rubbed his chin against
her neck. When she felt itchy and couldn’t help laughing, he kissed her soft
In order not to wake up the baby, Daryl held back her voice during the entire
process with difficulty. And she could only hear them breathing heavily in the
bedroom. Daryl felt soft all over her body, letting him do whatever he wanted
to do to her. Her body was extremely sensitive, so she soon began to beg for
mercy after failing to push him away.

They had finally had sex after a long time, so it lasted until midnight. But Paul
was still full of energy and wanted more. After Daryl begged for mercy and
ratified many unequal treaties, he finally let go of her, kissed the tip of her
nose, and closed his eyes with her in his arms.
The next day, Paul asked the nanny to come over in the afternoon so that
Daryl wouldn’t be embarrassed. The baby was awake during the day but no
longer cried in the cradle. Its eyes were shining like jewels. When Daryl
teased it with a toy, it giggled.

Seeing the mother and son getting along so intimately and harmoniously,
Paul unconsciously showed a gentle smile and suddenly felt having a child
was not a bad thing.
Daryl said,” Paul, come here. Look how happy your son is now.”
Paul walked over and leaned over to look at the tender baby in the cradle. Its
facial features gradually became more exquisite. Its parents were Daryl and
Paul, so it would definitely grow up into a pretty man in the future.

When the baby giggled at Paul, its curved eyes immediately reminded him of
Daryl’s charming smile. So, he reached out to touch its soft little face. But the
baby instantly curled its lips and burst into tears.
Paul was speechless.
Seeing him pick up the cardboard box, Daryl asked, “What are you doing?”
Paul replied, “Abandon the baby.”

Although she knew he was joking, she was afraid he would really send the
baby away in a fit of anger one day. The father and son seemed to be born at
odds. The baby always grinned at her. But when seeing Paul, it always began
to cry within a few seconds. She even suspected they had been enemies in
their previous lives.
Every time seeing him picking up the cardboard box with a gloomy face, she
was both amused and helpless. But the baby was always excited when
seeing the box as if it were its best friend, making Paul even more unhappy.

And this almost made the couple forget about naming their son.
Daryl listed the names she had thought of before and asked Paul to think of a
few more. While eating grapes on the sofa, he slowly said, “I think…’
Don’t you dare to talk about Lily!’
Paul replied, “Fine.”
Daryl thought the names she had listed were all too elegant and delicate.

Paul was too quiet, so she hoped their son to be more active, gregarious, and
Paul glanced at the names on the paper and suggested, “What about we
draw lots?’
Daryl said, “Please don’t be so casual.”
No parent but Paul would name their child by drawing lots.
After they meditated for a moment on the sofa, Paul snapped his fingers and
said, I got one.”

Daryl’s eyes lit up when she asked, “What?”
“Joy! I wish him a lot of happiness.”
Seeing her speechless look, Paul was confused.
She sullenly stared at him and said in a gloomy voice, “I told you not to be so
casual. It’s your son instead of a pet! How can you give him such a name?
Why don’t you directly name him Happy? It sounds even happier.”

Paul replied with a calm face, “Happy sounds like a good name.”
She was so angry that she was at a loss for words.
After thinking for a long time, they couldn’t think of a satisfactory name. So,
they decided to choose one from Daryl’s list.

Daryl did not want other kids to laugh at her son’s name after he went to
school. When she had been a student, her classmates had given her a lot of
nicknames because of her real name. The maliciousness had made her sad,
so she suddenly realized a common name would be better.

After another discussion, they finally decided to name the baby Charles. It
was a good name that was easy to remember. And they hoped their son to be
strong and upright.
Then, Charles Thomas gradually grew up in the careful care of his parents.

Sweet Extra Wedding (1)

Paula returned to the Thomas family’s villa on the day before her wedding
because she wanted to spend the last night at her natal home.
At 4:30 in the morning, Nico went out of her bedroom with a cosmetics case,
knocked on the doors of Lucia’s, Daryl’s, and Sophie’s bedrooms in turn, and
then went to Paula’s bedroom.
She would have a lot of things to do today. She had to do makeup for Paula
and her friends and be her bridesmaid. But this was a happy event for her
family, and she respected Burton the most, so she was walking at a brisk
pace full of energy and joy although she knew she would be extremely busy

Paula was fast asleep, so she did not wake up after Nico knocked on the door
for a long time. When Lucia came over with Daryl and Sophie, they saw her
blankly waiting at the door with her cosmetics case. Daryl directly pushed the
door open and led the others inside.
Paula on the bed was annoyed by the noise, so she turned over with a deep
frown, covered half her head with the quilt, and continued to sleep.
Daryl understood the drowsiness of pregnant women but must wake her up.
So, she lay on Paula’s big bed, patted her, and repeatedly called her name.
Paula ignored her words and muttered with her eyes closed, “Burton, be

She had not sobered up, so she mistakenly thought that she was still in the
Harris family’s house and that it was Burton who was trying to wake her up.
Hearing this, Sophie helplessly smiled, pulled her up, and said, “Burton is
dressing up now. Hurry up and get up. After you wash up and have breakfast,
you will put on makeup. Don’t you know it will take a long time to do makeup
for a bride?”
Hearing this, Paula finally realized she would get married today, so she
immediately sat up, blinked, and continuously rubbed her eyes. When she
saw the people around her bed, she completely woke up and pounced to get
the mobile phone on the bedside table. When she looked at the time, she
found it was 4:50 in the morning.

She needed to have breakfast and dress up, so it was indeed late now. Paula
scratched her head, threw back the quilt, got out of bed, and went into the
When Dianna brought the breakfast upstairs, Lucia distributed the food to
everyone, Daryl helped Paula make the bed, and Nico fiddled with her
cosmetics and various hair accessories.
To save time, they started having breakfast without waiting for Paula who was
still in the bathroom. While eating, they conspired about how to make things
difficult for the groom later.

When Nico excitedly said she had a good idea, Lucia urged her to tell them
about it. But before the former could continue, Paula came out of the
bathroom. Seeing her, the others tacitly shut their mouths up and
concentrated on eating.
They did not want to hide the plan from Paula, but they were afraid she would
inform Burton in advance if she knew about it. If so, things would become
much less fun.

Paula had heard Nico was an excellent styling designer. But she did not
realize the latter did live up to her good reputation until she styled the four of
The bride looked elegant and refined as a hibiscus, Daryl looked bright and
radiant, Lucia looked delicate and graceful, and Nico herself looked confident
and decent. She had chosen different makeup, hairstyles, and dresses
according to the four people’s different temperaments.
She had been busy since 5 in the morning until the lazy winter sunlight came
in through the window of Paula’s bedroom. When the women were working
and laughing, the birds in the big tree outside the window occasionally

When they were ready, it was 8:45 in the morning. Burton would arrive at
9:15. So, Paula still had half an hour to calm herself down. But her three
friends still had other things to do.
Paula had always been calmer than Burton, but now, she somehow felt
increasingly nervous. However, her three friends had all left. None of them
had chosen to stay in her bedroom to talk to her to relieve her boredom or
ease her nervousness.

Gail and the butler were busy working downstairs, so they had never come
upstairs. Paula was left alone in her bedroom. Sitting in front of the big mirror,
she stared at the clock and unconsciously sweated.
Suddenly, she realized she was not calmer than Burton. Her friends had been
accompanying her since yesterday, so she had been distracted. Now, when
she was alone, all kinds of inexplicable emotions suddenly flooded in.

Wedding (2)

At 9:13 am, several cars stopped in the yard with roars. Then, Paula heard
Daryl and Nico speaking happily but couldn’t clearly hear what they were
She subconsciously wanted to go downstairs, but as soon as she got up, Nico
rushed back, blocked her way, and quickly locked the door. Then, she
pressed Paula back on the stool with a smile and teased, Paula, there is no
rush to go downstairs. They will come up to pick you up soon. As your friends,
we will help you test the groom.”

Nico had never won Burton since childhood. And it was a once-in-a-bluemoon opportunity to play tricks on him today. So, she must not miss it.
Burton was walking through the courtyard of the Thomas family in a
handmade black suit, which set off his slender figure. Under the suit, his white
shirt was stiff and smooth, making him look tidy and elegant. There were lightcolored prints on the collar of his shirt, a dark red bow tie around his neck,
and a huge bouquet in his hand, making him look less indifferent.

Joshua was walking beside him, while Paul and August were behind them. All
of them were outstanding and eye-catching. And the courtyard was full of
Sophie and Nico stood at the gate and smiled at the men who were
approaching them. Burton was walking in the front, and all of them were
striding with long legs, looking imposing.
But no matter how aggressive they looked, Sophie and Nico would stop them.

Sophie folded her arms over her chest, cleared her throat, turned to look at
Burton, and said, “Paula and I are good friends. I’m older than her, so she
treated me as her elder sister. Since she is getting married today, I must help
her test the groom. Burton, you won’t mind it, right?”
Her opening remark was a bit long, but Burton patiently listened to her. Then,
he smiled, “Sophie, please go ahead.”

Sophie cleared her throat again, raised her head, and triumphantly smiled, ’I
heard when you proposed to Paula, you moved her by a piece of piano
music. As far as I know, it was someone else instead of you who played the
piano that day. I think you should show more sincerity today. If you can sing
that song now, we will let you pass through this door. Paula liked listening to
music very much, so you must be able to do it for her, right?”

It was difficult for Burton to sing in such an environment. He was willing to
sing for Paula, but he had no talent for things like singing at all and had barely
sung since his childhood.
Burton slightly raised his eyebrows, pondered for a moment, and replied, I
can’t remember the lyrics of that song. Can we change the test to painting? I
can sketch her.”
He was talking to Sophie in a humble and sincere tone, so she felt
comfortable and agreed, ‘ Fine. But you must complete it within 15 minutes.

If you fail, you
must sing the song.”
Burton agreed readily, so Sophie hurriedly handed him a pen and paper. But
unexpectedly, it was Joshua who came forward to take them over. She knew
Joshua well, so she was sure he could complete the test easily
When she told Burton he could not break the rule like this, he retorted, “You
did not say I must draw it by myself, so it is not a violation.’

Then, Sophie asked several questions, and Burton answered all of them
easily. Seeing this, August laughed in the back row. Burton had prepared for
almost a whole night, so he could definitely pass their tests with ease.
Seeing this, Nico knew this barrier could not stop Burton and rushed back to
Paula’s bedroom. She knew it was unwise to try to outsmart her big brother,
so she decided to use other tactics to deal with him.
Seeing her slipping away, Sophie had no choice but to let them pass. When
the group of men rushed to the stairs, she suddenly shouted, “Bridegroom,
you haven’t given me the gift!”

Then, she caught up with them. Burton was generous. After he looked back at
Joshua, the latter took out a thick stack of cash from his pocket and put it into
Sophie’s palm.
Burton had thought they would use some tricky method to stop him, so he
had secretly thought about how to deal with it for a long time last night. He
had not expected he could go upstairs so easily, thinking he should not have
summoned so many helpers.
But when he arrived at the door of Paula’s bedroom, a recording
unexpectedly came out from the inside.

Do you think everyone is like Burton? Why is he so clingy? He can’t bear to
part from you for even one day? By the way, haven’t you been using condoms
all the time? Why did you suddenly get pregnant? Burton is not only efficient
in his work but also in impregnating you!”
The recording Nico had recorded last night was clear. After listening to it,
everyone turned to look at Sophie who was following behind them.
Sophie accepted their gazes calmly and said with a smile, “Isn’t it the truth?”

Nico said, “Burton, did you hear the recording? She got pregnant not long
ago. Think about it carefully. Can you remember when you impregnated her?
How long did it take? Where did you do it? What’s the frequency?’
Nico, you’re an unmarried woman! How could you ask such questions in
Burton showed a slightly sullen face. He was only thick-skinned when facing
his beloved woman and had always behaved decently outside. How could he
talk about their sex in public?

Burton, have you forgotten I studied and worked abroad? I don’t think these
questions are sensitive at all! Why are you so old-fashioned? Hurry up and
answer my questions! Otherwise, you may miss the auspicious time!”
Burton’s face turned sullener when he unconsciously looked back, regretting
that he called so many people to help him today. But as soon as he turned his
head back, he happened to see Joshua.

Joshua took out some cash from his pocket and stacked them, planning to
give them to the girls when the door opened. But he met Burton’s eyes when
looking up.
He thought Burton was asking for help again, so he said with a frown, “This is
different from playing the piano or drawing a sketch. None of us can help you
with it now.”
Joshua was speaking with a serious look, but the men behind them all
laughed playfully.

Wedding (3)

August stood straight behind them with his hands in his pant pockets and said
with a smile, “Burton, why don’t you answer the questions to satisfy
everyone’s curiosity? If you can’t remember it, calculate it based on her
pregnancy weeks. You’re smart. So, I believe it is a piece of cake for you.”
Joshua burst into laughter and kept encouraging Burton. Seeing him remain
unmoved, he stretched out his hand to show him his watch, signaling to him
that they were running out of time.

Burton stepped back and looked around, wanting to see if he could bypass
these women and directly carry the bride into the car.
He had been here several times, so he knew Paula’s bedroom and the
bedroom next door shared one balcony with only a small gap between them.
Paula’s bedroom was next to the stairs. If Burton wanted to enter her
bedroom without going through the door, he could only enter the bedroom
next door and go to the balcony.

He then asked Dianna for the key to the bedroom next door, but she said it
was in Paula’s hands.
When Burton heard this, his smile froze. Seeing him so frustrated, Sophie felt
happy. After all, he had passed her test by playing a trick just now.
Nico urged again, Burton, have you remembered it? Paula ate only a little
food early in the morning. If you can’t figure out a way to open the door as
soon as possible, she and the baby may starve. You don’t want this to
happen, right?”

Hearing her words, Paula rolled her eyes. She had had a bad feeling when
Nico had begun to play the recording just now. Hearing her asking those
private questions, she had tried to cover her mouth. But she was a pregnant
woman, so Nico had easily dodged her.
Paula stood up with arms akimbo, pretended to be angry, and warned in a
forceless voice, “Nico, please ask serious questions! There is another girl
here. She is not like you, so she may feel shy.’
She was naturally referring to Lucia.

But Lucia didn’t plan to cooperate, so she calmly waved her hand and said,
“Don’t worry, I am not a virgin!”
Hearing this, Nico triumphantly winked at Paula. Since Lucia had personally
said she didn’t mind, Paula could no longer hinder her now.
However, the women inside had not expected the people outside the door to
have heard Lucia’s words clearly and burst into laughter.
Nico shouted from the inside, urging Burton to answer. But Burton turned his
head back to look at August who was leaning against the wall and asked in
surprise, “Is Ma’am always so open?”

August did not reply.
Burton was too embarrassed to answer Nico’s questions, so he kept silent for
a long time.
Burton, hurry up and answer my questions!” Nico yelled again. The people
inside and outside the door were constantly interacting, so the scene became
increasingly lively. Burton couldn’t help raising his wrist to look at his watch.
Feeling impatient, he stretched out to pull August over, pushed him to the
front, and said, “Boss, cover for me here.”

Then, he strode downstairs with his long legs.
There was a reason for him to let August help deal with the women inside.
After all, Lucia was inside. If August wanted to help him, he could make use of
her easily. And Burton needed time to figure out another way.
Seeing him leaving, August had no choice but to say, “Ms. Harris, don’t you
want us to tell you the answers? I can tell you! Remember to open the door
after listening to the answers. Don’t push your brother too hard.”

Nico was dubious about his words, so she asked in disbelief, How can you
know about it.”
After all, outsiders couldn’t know about such private matters between a
August didn’t think much but said directly, “Paula is about seven weeks
pregnant now.

So, I guess she got pregnant after Burton flew from City B to
Englance to deal with the dispute with the Maike Group. He was busy those
days, and Paula lived in the apartment in Grande Garden then. Are you clear
about it now?”
What? Can you make it more concise? I don’t understand!”
August had spoken quickly, so Nico failed to get his points. When she had
just got one point, he had begun to talk about the next one. She had pressed
her ear against the door to carefully listen but still could not understand.

Ms. Harris, you still cant
understand?” Joshua interjected in a loud voice, “The day of conception is when Burton came back from Englance. The location was the apartment in Grande Garden. They had not seen each other for at least ten days then, so the sex must last long. You can imagine by yourself! As for the frequency, it is too private. So, we do have no clue!”

The newlyweds who had left didn’t know their best friends were speculating
about their sex life behind their backs and almost drew the right conclusion.

Wedding (4)

Nico exclaimed in shock, opened the door, and looked at August in disbelief,
saying, “Why do you know about these things? It’s weird!”
August showed a cold face and said slightly harshly, “I know you have studied
and worked abroad for many years. You may be open in your attitudes about
sexual orientation. But don’t think too much. Otherwise, your brother will
teach you a good lesson after getting married.’

Nico got sullen and wanted to ask how he knew what she was thinking. But
when hearing the second half of his words, she shut her mouth up.
Actually, it was not surprising that August knew about it.
He was Burton’s boss, so he knew his work schedule. And he must fully
understand Burton’s situation to assign reasonable work tasks to him.

Moreover, Paula and Lucia were good friends. When Burton was on a
business trip or unable to take care of Paula for other reasons, he always
asked Lucia for help. As Lucia’s husband. August was also clear about it.
Nico leaned against the door frame and pressed her arm on the door panel,
guarding the door. August wanted to go in and see what Lucia was doing. But
if he forcibly went inside, he would have awkward physical contact with Nico,
so he could only give up.

Seeing this, Paul took two steps forward and said, “We’ve answered your
questions, so you should let us in. We will get in trouble if missing the
auspicious time.’
Nico curled her lips. Her steady and self-reliant brother had not answered
these questions in person, so she felt unsatisfied. But she also knew she
must not keep them out for too long. Moreover, they had indeed accurately
answered her questions. So, there was no reason to stop them now.
After getting a stack of cash from Joshua like Sophie, she shouted, “Paula,
time to go.”

But when she turned around, she did not see the other two people in the
Paula?” Nico shouted again, but there was still no response. She suspiciously
walked around and searched every corner including the bathroom. But she
still couldn’t find them, so she couldn’t help shouting, ‘ Lucia, what place did
you take the bride to?”
It was a woman’s bedroom, so the men outside didn’t dare to rashly enter it,
for fear the women inside were not ready. Hearing Nico’s puzzled shouts, they
couldn’t help looking at each other in confusion Sophie had been watching the fun in the back row.

Hearing the bride had
disappeared, she hurriedly pushed her way to the bedroom. However, she
suddenly stopped her steps when arriving at the door.
She was familiar with the structure of this house. Burton was a smart man.
So, she guessed the newlyweds must have met by now.
When everyone turned to look at her with strange expressions, she waved
her hand and asked, “Let’s get in the car. That affectionate couple teamed up
when you wasted time here.”

All the men immediately understood what she meant, but Nico was still in
confusion. But seeing the others going downstairs, she could only catch up
with them with her cosmetic case.
When they arrived at the courtyard, the handsome and proud groom had
helped his bride into the car. When he was about to close the door, he saw them coming out while laughing.

He let out a sigh of relief and realized getting married would be tricky when
one had too many “bad friends. He had always been elegant and calm, so he
had never expected he would be forced to climb the wall to meet his bride
one day. Now, his forehead was still beaded with sweat. If he hadn’t refused
makeup, his face would have become messy now.
As soon as Nico stepped out of the door, she saw her brother and shouted
angrily. Burton, you are too treacherous!”
Burton replied in a cold voice, “You’re unmarried! Watch your mouth.
Otherwise, you won’t be able to get married forever!”

‘1 don’t care!” Nico said indifferently.
Paula was sitting in the car, and the closed windows blocked the laughter
from outside. But she could see people walking toward the cars. And she
didn’t feel at ease until seeing the cars with the same color and style filled
with passengers. These people were too naughty!

If she hadn’t forced Lucia to cover for her and help her leave from the
balcony, she wouldn’t have known Burton had been forced to climb the wall.
This was an old house, so the second floor was not high. But it was still scary
to climb up and down. When she was stepping into the balcony of Andrea’s
bedroom with the help of Lucia, she saw Burton climbing up. He was
handsome in a suit and leather shoes but looked a little embarrassed.

Although the butler and Gail were steadying the ladder for him, Paula was still
worried. He was climbing up at an even and steady speed, but she still didn’t
dare to talk to him, for fear of distracting him. However, he spoke to her first.
He stretched out one hand toward her from outside the rail which was as high
as her waist and said, “Paula, come on! I’ll carry you down.’

Paula felt slightly scared. The second floor was not high, and he could climb
up with ease, but it would be difficult to carry her down. Moreover, she knew a
better way out.
So, she held his hand and softly said, Get in here. We can go out from the
bedroom next door. There is no need to climb down.”
It’s okay. It’s a piece of cake for me to carry you down. I won’t risk you and our

Since Burton insisted, Paula trusted him and handed herself to him. Of
course, Lucia had helped them and did not let go of Paula until Burton
securely wrapped her into his strong arms.
When climbing down, Burton moved steadily step by step while carrying her.
Of course, he made a lot of effort. Otherwise, he would not have sweated so
If he had known his friends had betrayed him after he had left, he wouldn’t
have used such a strenuous method to get his bride out.

Wedding (5)

They finally arrived at the wedding venue. The venue was azure blue. And the
wedding theme was starry sky and ocean.

A huge sculpture of a dark blue jumping whale was in the center of the stage. Around it were waves made of blue ribbons, decorated with pink purple, and white shells And both sides of the stage were blue and white flowers. The ceiling was like a starry sky, decorated with light blue silk ribbons. A huge round of moon was hanging in the middle with scattered stars around it. And there were many other small and exquisite decorations on the stage.

When the sweet voice of the wedding host echoed through the spacious hall,
Paula and Burton stood on both sides of the stage, preparing for the
The ceremonies at all weddings were similar. So, most guests could guess
the process.

Paula had attended many weddings before, but it felt completely different
when attending her own. Sure enough, people needed to find happiness in
the seemingly same things in life.
The process was similar to those of other weddings, but some people in the
audience watched it very carefully.

Joshua looked at Sophie who was standing beside Paula and exchanged
glances with her from a distance. They were getting married soon, so he must
carefully watch and learn.
Paula was nervous from the beginning. When the host suddenly mentioned
her name, she held Sophie’s hand tightly.

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