Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 839

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 839 – The Importance of Father

After taking a few steps forward, she suddenly noticed something. When stopping her steps, she looked ahead and met Janet’s watery big eyes. Looking
at her sneaky movements, Janet asked curiously, Mom, why did you come out of Uncle August’s bedroom?”

Lucia was at a loss for words, not knowing how to reply. Now she wished she could find a crack in the ground and hide inside. Janet was the person she least wanted to find out about this matter. Yesterday, she had asked her to cut off the contact with August because he had bad intentions.

So, after Janet saw such a scene early in the morning, it would be hard for Lucia to build up her prestige in front of her in the future. Lucia felt so regretful that she didn’t even notice August walking up to them.

August stroked Janet’s head affectionately and patiently explained in a deep voice. Your mother was too tired last night, so she fell asleep in the guest bedroom. I slept on the sofa in the living room.”

Standing together, August and Janet looked like real loving father and daughter. But Lucia’s cheeks were burning, so she was not in the mood to appreciate the loving scene at all.

And she had wanted to step forward and kick August out of the house when he had deliberately accented the word “tired”. Janet nodded obediently without doubts and said, “I’ll ask Turner to prepare another bedroom tonight. Sleeping on the sofa is bad for your spine.”

When Lucia heard this, her expression became even more embarrassed and furious, and she secretly blamed Janet for not helping her mother.
But August and Janet ignored her gloomy face.

She soon took his hand and led him to the dining room because Turner had cooked his favorite food in the past. August was very satisfied with the meal, and Janet beamed with joy when saying proudly as if asking for credit, I specially asked Turner to cook the dishes!

They are my father’s favorite.1′ “Your father’s taste is similar to mine…” August slightly lowered his voice as if thinking about something. Janet nodded in agreement, “Maybe you are my father.” Lucia happened to hear this sentence when entering the dining room.

She had made a painstaking effort to calm down but flew in into a rage again now. So, she
reprimanded angrily, “Janet, don’t talk nonsense! Uncle August has a girlfriend.”
It was an indisputable fact that he was on Currer’s side now.
Hearing this, Janet pursed her lips and fell silent with an aggrieved expression on
her immature face, making Lucia more comfortable.

Things could not go on like this. Lucia frowned in silence, but the gloom in her
eyes did not dissipate.
After breakfast, August took Janet out of the dining room as if they were very
close to each other. Seeing this, Lucia became upset again, following behind
them closely.
Seeing her anxious face, August smiled faintly. Then, he teased with a half-smile,
“Are you afraid I will steal your daughter at your home?”
Lucia couldn’t help rolling her eyes at him and nodded, “Yes.”
“In this case, you’d better keep a close eye…”

After August finished speaking, he held Janet in his arms and walked toward her
bedroom. He had promised her last night that he would help her with her
homework. Seeing this, Lucia hurriedly followed behind him. Soon, Janet’s laugh
and Lucia’s roar came out of the room.
August had used various reasons to live in the villa during the past few days. And
Janet had become his shadow, following him all day long and asking him all
kinds of weird questions.

When the sunshine crawled onto the balcony through the curtains, Janet was
studying astronomy knowledge in August’s arms. After he answered all her
questions easily, she was amazed, so she expressed her admiration for him
“I have an astronomical telescope customized in the European Astronomical
Institute. If you want it, I can move it here.”

Really?’ Janet’s eyes lit up. But the sparkle in her eyes gradually dimmed when
she thought of something. After a while, she shook her head and said, “My mom
said I can’t accept gifts from others casually. It would be great if you were my
Lucia’s hand suddenly shook, and the potted plant that had been trimmed
properly immediately had a bare branch.

She had not expected Janet would become so dependent on August after just a
few days. If things went on like this, the consequences would be unbearable. She
must kick August out right away. He was good at brainwashing people, so he
would sow discord between Janet and her soon!
After pondering for a moment, she looked at August solemnly and said, “Mr.
Adams, how long are you going to stay at my home? You have caused a lot of
inconvenience in our life!”

‘1 plan to live here until you agree to sign the contract,” August responded calmly.
‘1 will never sign it!” Lucia said through gritted teeth, mentioned for Turner to
come over, and said, “Ask people to tidy up Figher villa. Janet and I will move
there this evening.”
Figher Villa was the birthday present she had prepared for Paula last year. But
she and Burton had not come back, so the villa had been vacant all the time.
Turner hesitantly said,1 Ma’am, Figher Villa only has some simple furniture. The
chef and servants haven’t been allocated yet, so…”

You just need to prepare some daily necessities and food. I can take care of
Janet by myself. Don’t worry,” she said firmly, determined to move out.
It was only then that Janet realized she had said something wrong, so her heart
skipped a beat. Figher Villa was different from the Adams villa. The latter was an
independent building, but the former was in a high-end villa district where there
were not only professional security guards at the gates but also many security
facilities. Once she moved there, she would be unable to send Uncle August her
location. Thinking of this, she immediately held his arm tightly and sharply
refused, “I don’t want to move there!*

Hearing her words, Lucia frowned harder and said in a chilling voice, “Janet, I’m
not discussing this matter with you but announcing my decision. And you must go
with me!”
Janet knew there was no room for negotiation…

After the atmosphere froze for a long time, she resignedly lowered her head with
tears in her eyes and murmured in a sobbing voice, ‘1 am not reluctant to leave
Uncle August. But I miss my dad too much. He hasn’t accompanied me like this
for a long time…’

Seeing the disappointed look on her immature face, Lucia felt heartbroken.
Instantly, the pain spread to her limbs and bones, making her feel powerless.
She had always thought that as long as she gave all her love to the two children,
they would have a happy childhood. But she had forgotten she could never
replace their father no matter how well she did.
In a sense, she was not a qualified mother…

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