Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 838

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 838 – Throwing Herself on Him

When Lucia heard the doorbell, she thought Timothy had come back to grab something he had left behind.

She happened to have something about business to discuss with him, so she went to the door. But before reaching there, she unexpectedly heard Turner say ‘Mr. Adams” in surprise. Her heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly had a bad feeling.

When she arrived in the hallway, she saw August, the man she least wanted to see. She annoyedly asked in a cold voice, “Why are you here?”
August didn’t mind her bad attitude. He casually pointed to the gifts under his feet and asked patiently, “Aren’t you going to invite me in?

Is this how your family treats guests?” “Yes!1′ She gritted her teeth and replied, “You are not welcome here. Leave with your things!” While speaking, she reached out to push his shoulder, looking as aggressive as a gamecock.

Seeing the door about to be closed, August suddenly stretched his hand into the gap. He didn’t stop her from closing the door but put his hand where it was likely to be crushed. The solid wooden door gradually closed, sandwiching his slender fingers in between.

But it stopped as soon as touching his hand, not causing any harm. Lucia and August both kept their hands on the door, falling into a silent deadlock.

Lucia frowned, looked into his calm eyes, and finally lost the battle. She secretly blamed herself for being useless because she could not bear to hurt his fingers because of the familiar face. She suddenly asked in anger, “August, what on earth do you want?”

Before she could finish her words, August saw his chance and pushed the door. Then, he passed her, walked into the living room openly, and gracefully sat down. I thought carefully about what you said.

I admit I should not have met Janet alone without your permission,’ he abruptly said in a deep voice.
Hearing him mention herself, Jane pretended not to hear anything, held her legs
on the sofa, and quietly watched them fight.
Looking at the gifts at the door, Lucia understood his intention, so she said, “I
don’t need your apology. It’s getting late. You should go back as soon as possible
to avoid unnecessary trouble.’

Apology?” August looked at her with a half-smile, crossed his legs gracefully, and
said slowly, “I’m not here to apologize but to show my sincerity.”
Then, he put a prepared document on the table and continued, “My task is to find
a suitable endorser for my company. And this contract is the token of my

Lucia stared intensely at the document and gradually had a bad feeling. Her
intuition told her this matter was not that simple! If she signed this endorsement
contract, she would send Janet to her opponent, giving Reggio a chance to
threaten her.

She looked at August with wariness in her eyes and responded word by word, “I
am not Janet’s agent, so I have no right to sign the contract. And I will never
agree to her being your company’s endorser. You’d better give up as soon as
“Yes! ‘ Janet nodded and echoed, “I don’t like you, and I don’t want to cause my
mother any trouble. I will not sign this endorsement contract.”

Hearing their responses, August did not show any surprise as if he had long
known they would give him such an answer. Then, he said slowly, “Since you are
determined to make things difficult for me, I can only resort to some unusual
Hearing this, Lucia abruptly raised her head. But before she could speak, August
stopped a maid to ask where the guest bedrooms were. And then, he contentedly
walked into one of the guest bedrooms as if this villa were his home. Seeing this,
Lucia got so angry that she hurriedly followed him inside. But before she could
stand still, she bumped into his solid chest.

The familiar smell instantly enveloped her. Because of the familiar environment,
she felt as if she had returned to two years ago, so she was slightly stunned.
Lucia, are you throwing yourself on me?” August teased with a half-smile.
Hearing his words, she suddenly came back to her senses and subconsciously
tried to break out of the embrace she had missed for a long time.
But when he suddenly tightened his hands around her waist, she instantly
blushed to her ears. Then, she pressed her small hands against his solid chest
and said anxiously in anger and shyness, “Let go of me! Otherwise, I’ll call
people over!”

However, her words sounded as if reminding August of something. Immediately,
he raised his foot to close the door and pressed her slender body against the
cold door.
August bowed his head slightly, pressed his thin lips against her ear, and
whispered, No one will come to help you. After all, they have seen my face…”
When the hot air spayed on her cheek, she couldn’t help trembling, and even her
hands on his chest became weak.

When their hot bodies pressed tightly together, they could each other’s strong
heartbeats. Although fine beads of sweat began to ooze from her forehead, she
gritted her teeth to maintain the last sliver of consciousness and said in a faint
voice, “I am married, and you’re not my husband…”
She secretly gritted her teeth and kept reminding herself that she must not get
bewitched by the romantic atmosphere. The man no longer loved her but
intended to harm her, so she must guard against him!

Seeing her thoughts through, August showed a faint smile on his thin lips and
slowly said in a joking voice, “But your body seems to have recognized me as
your husband…”
When she heard this, her cheeks burned more severely, and her heart skipped a

She immediately struggled hard to break out of his confinement, for fear
that he would see her embarrassing look.
But he restrained her forcibly and pressed his cold thin lips accurately against her
soft lips.

Something exploded in Lucia’s mind, and her blood began boiling. Then, she
froze in situ, allowing him to kiss her passionately at will.
Her mind went blank, and the memories together with August flashed in front of
her eyes one after another.

The familiar feeling and smell were silently reminding
her that he was the man she had missed for a long time.
The moment her legs went weak, he carried her into his arms and then put her
on the soft bed…

After a night of sweet dreams, Lucia opened her eyes in a daze. Soon, the
furnishings around her and her cleaned body reminded her of what had
happened last night.

She immediately patted her cheeks to sober herself up, dragged her sore and
heavy body out of the bed, opened the door of the guest bedroom a small gap,
and poked her head out, for fear of being seen by others. When she kept looking
around, she wished she could dig a tunnel back to her bedroom. After making
sure there was no one around, she tiptoed out.

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