Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 837

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 837 – Unwilling to Meet Him

If you continue acting willfully, I will teach you a good lesson.1′ Lucia took a deep breath, looked at him intensely, and said, “If you dare to approach my kids again, I will sue you for attempted abduction.”

August raised his eyebrows and said with disdain on his face, ’ Really? Are you sure that you can win the lawsuit?” “If I lose, I will appeal for a new trial. And I will not let you have a chance to get close to Janet.”

She raised her head high and determined to fight him desperately, saying, The Lion Group is powerful in Austos, so it is easy for me to fight you. I don’t believe you can win.” Hearing this, August moved his lips slightly, showed an enigmatical smile, and sneered, “I did not expect you to say such words.

I thought you are an upright person.’ There’s no need to be upright when dealing with people like you!” She glared at him, took Janet’s hand angrily, and pulled her to leave the dining table.

When Janet kept up with her mother, she turned her head back to look at August with a hesitant expression from time to time. After he gave her a comforting look and shook his phone, she felt relieved and stepped up to catch up with her mother.

Then, they walked out of the restaurant together. The atmosphere in the car was a little gloomy. Lucia kept glancing out of the window, ignoring Janet.

So, Janet bit the bullet, forced a flattering smile, and then reached out to hold her mother’s arm, saying, “Mom, I should not have believed
the bad uncle’s nonsense. I know you’re broad-minded. Please forgive me.”

When Lucia heard her witty words, her face became less gloomy, but she still tubbornly pushed her hand away and responded with a snort.
Janet carefully observed her face. Remembering the conversation in the restaurant, she ventured, “Uncle August does want me to be the endorser.

He didn’t say anything irrelevant during the meal, so I did not guard against him.” Only then did Lucia turn her head to look at her precious daughter. Seeing her clear eyes and the innocent and pure expression on her immature face, she believed she was telling the truth, so she let out a long sigh.

If it were Timothy, she wouldn’t have been so worried. She didn’t want her two children to go the old path of her and August, so she tried
her best to keep Janet’s purity and cleanliness.

She kept her out of the company’s business and Griffith Organization’s affairs because she hoped she could grow up carefreely. So, she couldn’t tell her about August’s ulterior motives or that the current situation was so dangerous that she might die at anytime.

Seeing Lucia’s worried look, Janet felt more uncomfortable. She hurriedly threw herself into her arms and softly said with guilty and distress in her eyes, ‘If you don’t like him, I won’t meet him anymore. I don’t want to cause you any trouble.”

Hearing this, Lucia felt even sadder. When she gently stroked Janet’s hair, she wanted to tell her many things but felt a knot in her throat. Finally, she just let out a sigh. When they returned to the Adams villa, Timothy was waiting in the living room.

Unexpectedly, he didn’t taunt Janet but looked at her with an enigmatical
expression as if he had known everything.
Janet subconsciously avoided his gaze. She had never done anything without
telling him before, so she felt guilty.

Hearing the sudden indifferent voice, Janet shuddered, subconsciously tucked
her phone into her sleeve, looked at the speaker with a smile, and complained
seemingly relaxedly, “Why did you suddenly call my name? You startled me!”
Timothy asked in a slightly displeased voice, “Who are you sending the message
Janet looked guilty because she had had no secrets from her brother before.
Then, she bit the bullet and stammered, “Well, I was discussing my work
arrangement with Elijah.”

Timothy tilted his head and replied indifferently, ’ You don’t have any work the
next few days.”
“Timothy!’ Janet shouted and couldn’t help rolling her eyes at him. Then, she
continued, “Why do you always check my work schedule? I need privacy!” You’d
better hide your privacy” well from mom. If she finds out what you’re doing, she
won’t let you go so easily as today.’ Timothy accented the last sentence in a
warning tone.

How did you know?” Janet widened her watery eyes and didn’t sit down on the
sofa until she completely digested his words. Then, she said, “But this uncle is
not a bad person. He…”
Before she could finish her words, Timothy raised his hand and interrupted, “If he
were a bad person, you would not have gotten a chance to meet him today.”

Janet fell silent and secretly complained that she could not hide anything from
her brother. He was the same as their father! No! He was even more terrifying!
After Timothy gave her a sideways look, he ordered Turner to prepare some
clothes and daily necessities for him. This was not the first time he had left home.
He had taken business trips to neighboring cities several times during the past
two years, so Turner didn’t think much about it. Soon, a small suitcase was put in
the living room.

Janet was the first to realize what was happening, so she hurriedly stepped up to
stop him and asked, “Why are you suddenly leaving? Where are you going?”
Because I want to avoid him,” Timothy responded concisely, but Janet was
shocked. They both knew who he was referring to.
‘We will meet sooner or later, but I don’t want to see him now.” Then, Timothy left
the villa.
Janet looked in the direction where he was leaving in confusion, and then her
brows were deeply furrowed.

When Lucia went downstairs after taking a shower, she didn’t see Timothy, so
she felt a little puzzled. Janet couldn’t tell her Timothy had left because she was
colluding with August, so she lied that he had gone to the company to deal with
an emergency.
Lucia had no doubts about it. And while walking to the dining table, she reminded
Turner to send someone to deliver some food to Timothy.

When the doorbell suddenly rang, Turner hurriedly wiped her hands and went to
open the door. Seeing the familiar handsome face outside, she subconsciously
blurted out, “Mr. Adams?”
August nodded slightly in response and then said in a deep voice, “I’m here to
meet Lucia.”

Turner hurriedly nodded and said with a big smile, “She must be happy to see
you back!”
Then, she intended to tell Lucia the good news. But as soon as she turned
around, she saw Lucia standing in front of her with a gloomy face. Then, Lucia
said in a slightly displeased voice, “He is not my husband although they look
alike. You can call him Mr. Adams.’

Feeling that the atmosphere was gloomy. Turner could only bite the bullet and
nod heavily. And she did not dare to turn around to look at them confronting each
other at the door until she exited the hallway.

No matter how she looked at the man, she thought he was August Adams. So,
she wondered what was wrong with Lucia…

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