When She Unveils Identities

When She Unveils Identities Novel Chapter 601

When She Unveils Identities Novel Chapter 601 – Larry returned to his bedroom, followed by Irving, who was there to serve him. “Larry, you’re finally back. During the days when we couldn’t reach you, we couldn’t sleep well.

I almost took someone to Break City to save you! “I have been out of touch many times. Why are you so nervous?
” Larry took off his mask and coat and said expressionlessly. Irving hurriedly walked forward to hang up his mask and coat properly.

“You are right. It is not the first time we couldn’t reach you. But you are dealing with Braden this time. There is
fierce hatred between Braden and you. What if he kills you?”

“You don’t have to worry about this. It is impossible that he plans to kill me, just as I don’t intend to kill him.
If he kills me, Shirley will cut all ties with him.” Larry raised his eyebrows and said with confidence.

Larry had been fighting with Braden for so many years, and he probably knew better than Shirley what kind of
person Braden was. To some extent, they might not be enemies, but more like opponents who insisted on
competing with the other party. Each of them was the representative of his family.

If one won the
competition, it meant that his whole family was the winner. Larry believed that the deceased members of
the Wilson family also hoped that he could win! “You are right. I think that Braden still loves Shirley.

Otherwise, how could he let go of you easily? And why does he want to cooperate with us?”
“He still loves Shirley? Larry snorted disdainfully, “Who is he? He was undeserving of her affections.”

Braden was ruthless. He was about to marry another woman. How could he say that he still loves his ex girlfriend?
“However, if it wasn’t because he still loves Shirley, I can’t figure out why he let you go so easily and take the initiative to mention cooperating with you?”

Hehe, what else could it be?” Larry looked into the distance. It seemed that he had seen through
everything. Larry said, “Braden is a businessman, and a businessman values interest most.

It’s not because he loves Shirley. He just pays more attention to the value of Shirley. If I guessed right, he wants to
play the same tricks as before.” Hearing this, Irving’s expression also became serious, “Your analysis
sounds reasonable. Braden deceived poor Miss Joann to defeat you back then…” “Shut up!”

Larry’s expression immediately became terrifying, “I warned you not to mention this name again, right?”
“Yes, I’m sorry…” Irving lowered his head. He trembled and said, “I thought you don’t care about this matter
anymore, so…”

“I hated being betrayed the most in my life, not to mention being betrayed by the person I trust most. I will
never forget this unless the bastard and the bitch are dead!” Larry’s eyes were red with hatred.

The pain he suffered in the past was like the scar on his face. He wanted to forget it, but the scar was itchy and painful
on every rainy day. It tormented him all the time. How could he forget and forgive it?

Irving lowered his head. He didn’t dare to speak. When Larry fell asleep, Irving walked out of the room in a heavy mood. Just
as he walked to the corner, his eyes were blindfolded and he couldn’t see anything…

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