the dark side of fate novel

The Dark Side of Fate Novel {Book 2} Chapter 162

The Dark Side of Fate Novel {Book 2} Chapter 162 – A Dream Come True ~Tamia~

The wedding and claiming ceremonies were absolutely stunning. Love was in the air throughout, and I
couldn’t help but feel overjoyed for everyone. Sylvester and I were filled with happiness, celebrating not just
a wedding but a triumph.

It seemed almost impossible a few weeks ago, and we never imagined we would reach this moment. Yet,
here we were, revelling in new beginnings and the joy of young love.

We truly felt blessed by the goodness in the world. The enchanting light of the blue moon cast a magical
spell on us as we danced and praised the goddess for her blessings.

After the party, Sylvester and I retired to our room. We were exhausted, so all we could do was hold each
other tight. In the warmth of his embrace, I snuggled closer, cherishing his protective presence. No words
were necessary between us. Sleep embraced us, bringing peace and tranquillity.

Morning arrived, and the newlyweds embarked on their honeymoon. Vino, Claudia, Stephanie, and Jake
headed to Grizlo, while Devin, Leo, Amelia, and Susan chose Cains Island.

Cains Island was an amazing vacation spot, but I understood why Vino didn’t want to go there. It held
painful memories of his past with Amanda. Now, he was starting a fresh chapter, making new memories.
Any place, like Grizlo, would do just fine. It took some convincing, but Vino and Claudia agreed to leave
their adorable triplets behind, entrusting us with their care.

Once they left, everyone else went inside except Sylvester, who pleaded for me to wait with him outside. I
instantly felt butterflies in my stomach, sensing that something special was about to happen.

“Let’s go to the stables. I want to take you somewhere,” he said, and a smile spread across my face as I
wondered where our horses would take us.
We walked to the stables and mounted our horses. Sylvester led the way, and I followed eagerly. We rode
for a while until we arrived at the most breathtaking stone bungalow I had ever laid eyes upon.

As I dismounted, my gaze was fixated on the property in awe.
Tears welled up in my eyes, and I fought to hold them back. I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing. It was
beyond beautiful.

The garden was exquisite, with a charming park and playground for children. I rushed towards the
entrance, where Sylvester stood, holding a set of keys and wearing a wide smile. I didn’t need to guess
what those keys were for. I hugged him tightly, overwhelmed with emotions, and he lifted me up.

“We haven’t even seen the inside yet, Green-eyes,” he said, laughing, and I couldn’t contain my emotions,
kissing him passionately. I had only mentioned my dream to him, and he assured me he would look into it.
Little did I know that he had decided to grant my wish. I didn’t know how to express my gratitude.

“I love you, Sylvester. I love you so much,” I whispered, and he held me even tighter.
“Anything for my queen,” he replied, his happiness mirrored in his eyes.
Gently, he set me down and handed me the key to unlock the front door.

Placing the key in the lock, I turned it, and the door swung open.
We stepped inside, greeted by a beautiful and welcoming home.

We moved from the anteroom to the living room, which was incredibly spacious with modern and stylish
furnishings. The colours of teal, green, brown, mahogany wood, and cream created a delightful ambience.
There was a comfortable settee ofchairs, and everything felt perfect. The kitchen shared the space, with
the dining area positioned between them. A passage led to the bedrooms, but I didn’t need to explore
further. I knew it would be the ideal place for us.

“How did you manage all of this?” I asked, amazed at when he found the time to plan and arrange
“While we were still dealing with Yuri,” he replied, leading me to the backyard. With the press of a button,
the curtains rolled away, revealing sliding glass doors that showcased the beauty outside.

A marvellous garden, a barbecue section, and a small pool awaited us.
Opening the sliding door, I stepped outside, feeling like we had entered a different world within Lucland. It
didn’t feel like the estate; it felt like a warm and private haven. I was in awe of it all.

Sylvester guided me through the rooms, showing me the five bedrooms, one for Liam, another for Harper,
and two additional rooms for our future children. He had thought of everything, and all I had to do was say
the word.

Finally, he led me to the master bedroom. Although not as grand as the one in the estate, it was fit for
royalty. Stepping inside together, Sylvester closed the door and walked toward me, his eyes filled with love.
“Did you think I wouldn’t listen?” He asked me, staring into my eyes, and I did not know what to say. He
touched my face, and I closed my eyes to feel his touch.

“Tamia, You mean the world to me, and I can never place anything or anyone above you. You are the
centre of my universe, the anchor that keeps me grounded, and the light that illuminates my path.

From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew that you were the one who would fill my life with happiness
and love. You have brought immense joy into my days, and I am grateful for every precious moment we
have shared together. Through thick and thin, you have stood by my side, and your unwavering support
has meant everything to me.

Please know that my love for you runs deep, deeper than the oceans and higher than the mountains. It is a
love that knows no boundaries, for you have captured my heart and soul in a way that no one else ever
could. I am forever grateful to have you as my partner, my confidante, and my best friend.

Your needs are my needs, and your happiness is my utmost priority. I promise to always be there for you,
to listen to your thoughts, and to understand your dreams. Your desires and wishes hold immense value to
me, and I will do everything within my power to fulfil them. Your smile is a treasure to me, and I will strive
each day to bring it to your beautiful face.

Life may throw challenges our way, but together we are stronger. With your hand in mine, I know we can
conquer anything that comes our way. Your love has given me the courage to face the world head-on, and I
am eternally grateful for your unwavering belief in me.

In this journey called life, I want you to know that I will always be by your side. Your happiness is my
happiness, and your sorrows are mine too. Together, we will celebrate the joys and overcome the obstacles
that come our way.

My love for you knows no bounds, and it will continue to grow with each passing day. You are my rock, my
inspiration, and the reason I believe in the power of love. Thank you for being the amazing woman that you
are and for choosing me to be your partner.

I love you more than words can express, and I will spend the rest of my life showing you just how much you
mean to me. You are everything, and I am forever grateful for the love we share. I love you, Tamia,” He
said, and tears spilt down my cheeks because I could not find the words to say.

In the tender language of breath and trembling lips, my emotions were laid bare. He pressed his lips
against mine, an ardent kiss that spoke volumes. I clung to him, vowing to never release our embrace.

Forever I shall remain by his side, striving to bring him joy, as he has filled my heart with boundless
happiness. I held on to my mate, my love, my life, and my future, the father of my children, with all my love
and all my heart, promising to never let him go.

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