the dark side of fate novel

The Dark Side of Fate Novel {Book 2} Chapter 143

The Dark Side of Fate Novel {Book 2} Chapter 143 – We Still Have Time ~Amelia~

I thought when we got to Mountain, Leo and I would have time, but we had spent two days already, and the
only time we had was nighttime. He spent the day ensuring the warriors trained and sharing their formation
with them. It was hectic.

My brothers helped, too. Within two days, my sister-in- law, Alia, came to join us
because Alexei did not want to take any chances. She had come with her newborn twins and three
Omegas to help her.

Apparently, she had given birth When in hiding. They did not communicate with Alexei, so the call will not
be traced.

I was enthusiastic about her visit, but the fear of the battle’s outcome weighed heavily in my mind, that I
could not spend time with the lovely twins.

They both were faired-haired with weird eyes like mine. Seeing them, I figured my children would look that
way too. Especially knowing Leo had some Stepanov genes.

The twins were adorable. A boy and a girl, and they named them Josephine and Eiane. Apparently, they
had discussed the names of their babies before Alexei joined us to head north.

The twins looked so cute that I could not wait to hold mine in my arms. Unfortunately, Leo sent Alia and the
twins to a VIP bunker where all the Eastern Lunas and their children were kept. It had better resources and
was cosy. She would have joined us in the North if she did not have the twins with her, but there was no
room for children at the Volkov estate. Especially knowing there was a possibility the place would be

Even though we were not going to battle in Gad, there was a possibility we would fight in the North if Yuri
got the bright Idea of coming after us there. Alia was in no condition for a fight, so the bunker was her best
bet. The Alberts and Sullivans were going to Join them in the bunker when Leo and the others headed to
the west in two days.

I would lie if I said I wasn’t afraid but had faith in Leo and his team. I believe that the Stepanovs that
volunteered to join us would not deceive us, and I think the moon would be on our side.

I had to keep a positive mind so I did not fall apart.
I must accept that everything was beyond our control and that the goddess wasn’t wicked to let Yuri win.
I had to hope that we would all get our happy ending and we would all look back at this and laugh.

I had to believe that one day I would tell this story to my children, Leo would give them the details of the
battle around a campfire, and we would laugh at the outcome.

I hoped we would have a future after this because if I didn’t, then Yuri would have defeated us without even
fighting us.

Hope keeps everyone alive; we had to keep our hope alive.
Susan and I will return to the North in the morning, so I decided to use that opportunity to check on my
mother. I did not know if she would remain in the East or join us in the North, but I had to see her.

I believe there were a lot of unspoken words between us. There might never be a right time to say those
words, but seizing the moment was important because we did not know what the coming days would be

I stood at her door while contemplating whether or not to knock. I eventually did, and she did not bother to
ask who it was. She just opened the door.
She was shocked to see it was me.

I could understand her shock because I had not made an effort to speak to her privately besides breakfast
and lunch or family time with Leo and Susan’s parents.
It wasn’t that I hated her, but I did not know how we would connect.

“May I come in?” I asked, and she stepped aside, still in shock, and let me in.
I entered her room, and it was neat. I wondered if the Omegas had come to fix her room or if she had done
it herself.

“Gez… I mean Mother,” I said, and she smiled and nodded.
“It is okay to call me by my name, Amelia. I can understand,” She said, but her voice was a bit shakey.
I had not called her anything, really. I avoided addressing her directly so I would not have to figure out how
to address her, but it was time to deal with the situation.

“I would prefer to call you Mother if you don’t mind,” I said, and her eyes softened. There were tears in
them, but I could tell she was fighting them with everything she had got. I sighed and gathered my strength
to speak to her. I do not leave room for her to speak so we do not digress, and my courage does not fail

“I am not good at bonding, and I might come across as disconnected sometimes, but I want you to know
that I do not hate you and do not blame you. You did what was best for both of us,” I said. She was about to
speak when I stopped her. I did not want to digress neither did I wasn’t to lose the resolve I had gathered to
come and speak with her. I had so much to say, and I knew that I would hold my peace if I did not speak

“I want you to know that I do not blame you. I am glad you held on to life and did not give up. I am glad you
came looking for me. I am grateful for your courage, Mother,” I said and watched her tears fall.

“I do not hate you, and I promise I will try to connect with you. Thanks to you, I am no longer an orphan..” I
said, fighting my own tears.

“I will be a mother soon, and I want you to be a part of our lives,” I said in tears.
“I want my children to call you grandma, and I need your help. I might seem too old and independent, but
the fact still remains that I need you. It is never too late to know what it feels like to have you in my life.

I want to experience that. I want to connect with you, and I want you to give it a chance. Please say you will
give us a chance,” I pleaded in tears, and she rushed toward me and hugged me.

She wrapped her arms around me so tight that I almost lost balance.
“Amelia,” She wept, and I wrapped my arms around her, letting myself cry, releasing my pain and fear of

I didn’t want her to go away once Yuri had been dealt with, and all this was over.
I wanted her to remain and be a part of my life. I wanted my mother, too, and I hoped she would remain.
“Please promise me you will stay when all this is over. Promise me you won’t leave me,” I pleaded, and she
held on tight.

“I won’t leave you, darling. I will never leave you again. I will never leave your side. I will remain for as long
as you want me to. I will stay, Amelia.” She said, and there was no need for words between us.

I held on to her tightly, and she held on to me.
I was grateful to the goddess for giving me back my family.

Everything I had lost when I was four had been restored, with the exception of my father, but I could live
with it.

This was better than being alone in the world. Not having anyone, not knowing where to go, and not
belonging anywhere. Wandering like a vagabond with no hope and no future.

First, it was Leo, then my brothers and now novelxo my mother. I was grateful that my life had been turned
around for the better. I held on to her with all my might and promised never to let go. I vowed to make her
proud and make the most of our moments together. We still had a long time to go, and I am glad she came
at a time when I was about to enter a new phase in my life.

I remained with my mother for a while, getting to know her on a personal level without any distractions for
the Alberts and my brothers, just us, and soon left her room to go and look for Leo. We only had tonight to
spend together. I will be heading north in the morning, and the rest will be in fate’s hands.

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