Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 997

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 997 –

Side Story 4: Paul VS Daryl (2)

Daryl finally understood why many people said childbirth was dangerous. Although modern technology was advanced, women could not avoid pain or various sequelae when giving birth. She had considered painless childbirth and water childbirth.

But unfortunately, due to her drug allergies and physical condition, she had given them up. If the sequelae of a cesarean section were
not so serious, she would have chosen to undergo the operation.

She was so tired that she was profusely sweating, but the nurses were still encouraging her to push hard. She was putting forth her strength and pushing so hard that her toes were about to cramp. Finally, a nurse said in an excited voice, It’s out! Push harder!’

After a few seconds, Daryl exhaustedly collapsed on the bed and listened to their congratulations, feeling as if having unloaded several tons of cargo. She had had fetal malposition, so she had been afraid the baby’s feet would come out first.

Fortunately, everything had gone smoothly. Lying weakly on the bed, she felt so tired and sleepy that she barely could keep her eyes
open. But she had an important question to ask. So, she tried her best to open her eyes a little and weakly asked, “Is it a daughter?”

’It’s a healthy boy! Congratulations!” A boy? A son? Would he grow up into a man like his father?
Daryl burst into tears, feeling as if being struck by lightning.

The nurses friendly chuckled, and one of them said, “Look, your mother is so
excited that she is crying.’
As a new father, Paul was supposed to see the baby first, but he directly
strode to Daryl’s side and held her hand tightly. Daryl almost fell asleep, so
she couldn’t help shivering when Paul’s fingers suddenly touched her. His
hand was as cold as ice. She struggled to open her eyes and vaguely saw
him staring at her with red eyes and a pale face.

Daryl was amused and sad at the same time, so she reached out a hand to
touch him. Seeing this, he quickly bent over to let her touch his cheek.
Her fingertips were wet with sweat when she lightly touched him and said in a
faint voice, “You are a father now, so you can’t cry…”
She had seen Paul about to cry only twice, and they were both because of

Paul held her hand tightly and asked in a deep voice, “Is it still painful? Would you like some water?
Do you feel uncomfortable? Don’t be afraid. The doctors are here, and
they will make you recover as soon as possible.”

Hearing him mentioning this, Daryl said in a sobbing voice with tears in her
eyes, “It’s a boy…”
Paul froze. Although he had also hoped to have a daughter, Daryl’s feelings
were more important. So, he asked, “Don’t you want a son?”

No, but I bought many pink clothes…” She had prepared so many hairpins
and dresses that a little girl could wear until graduating from kindergarten.
A son and a daughter were the same for her. But she had thought she would
give birth to a girl and made a lot of preparations. So, when knowing she had
given birth to a boy, she was at loss for what to do.

Paul seriously said, “The cardboard box is still at home.”
Hearing his words, Daryl almost sat up in a panic. She had thought he had
been just joking and had never expected he really planned to give the baby to

So, she hurriedly said, “No way!”
Paul stroked her head and slowly said, “I am kidding.’
She was speechless. If she were not so weak that she did not even have the
strength to glare at him, she would have thrown a punch at him.

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