Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 990

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 990 –

Side Story 2: Paul VS Daryl (1)

It is a great cause to raise a baby, if you want to keep it. To Daryl’s surprise, Paul chose to welcome the baby to this world.

He actually instantly set out to prepare for its arrival when she herself was still at a loss for what to do next, especially when her belly still looked quite flat now.

Daryl glanced over the piles of books in the study Paul had just bought, just to find some weird ones among the normal instructions of pregnancy and fairy tales for kids, such as “Dogs are Better than Kids”, “Spartan Education’ and “Kids can Discipline Themselves”.

She even saw him significantly place a paper box with cloth inside into the wardrobe. With an ominous hunch, Daryl asked, “Could you let me know what you are going to do with the box?”

Proceeding with what he had been doing and closing the wardrobe, Paul answered slowly, “We may give the baby to those who’d like to adopt him or her upon legal procedures if we really feel regretful for giving birth to him or her later on.”

Daryl was speechless at such a father-to-be who was thinking too much due
to some strange complex even when his kid was only an embryo. The
ridiculous existence of the box just got her to worry about the education of the
kid in the future as she stroke her belly now.

At night, Paul began caressing Daryl like before.
Daryl just hit him back, leaving him gawking at her with a puzzled look.
I thought you’ve read the books,” blamed Daryl, “but how come you’re still
ignorant about the knowledge that you had better not touch me in the first and
the last three months of pregnancy?!”

Paul groped for his phone instantly. His face seemed quite grim in the dim
light of phone screen.
Having studied relevant articles carefully, Paul finally believed what Daryl had
told him. With a flicker in his otherwise dull eyes, Paul began to blame

He was filled with remorse not only for the impulse just now, but the unwise
urge that night, which he thought a total loss if that could be deemed a sort of
But now, despite the obvious vexation, he had to proceed with that “business”
firmly since Daryl was the one who would have to sacrifice much more than

Watching his dramatic performance, Daryl was so amused.
As his ascetic life started from that day on, Paul lay on the bed stock-still.
Daryl might even think he was passing out but for the heaves of his chests.
How naughty Daryl was that she even went as far as to get him aroused by
laying her face upon his chest softly!

Paul’s body stiffened up as he restrained himself hard.
After a while, he finally gave up and sat up. “I’ll go grab something to read.”
Are you sure?” laughed Daryl. “At this late hour?”
Paul just got out of the bed resolutely and went out of the room lonely.

In the eyes of his coworkers, Paul’s behavior was getting so strange that he
not only started reading weird books, but was becoming more and more
fretful, almost as peevish as he had been when Daryl disappeared last time.
Everyone felt so agitated to approach him, only fearing any minor mistake
would provoke his filthy temper.

Paul didn’t really reproach you with harsh words. His supercilious glance only
turned to a glare that fixed on you silently for some seconds, which was
suffice to make you quiver.
It was just a nightmare when he scowled at you.

Burton finally got Paula to check this matter from Daryl secretly. When Daryl
was having the afternoon tea with Paula, she wasn’t actually quite sure
whether it was the best timing to let Paula know about her pregnancy, only
acting gingerly and keeping away from coffee and cold drinks. During the
process, Paul even sent several texts to her, asking when she would go

Paula joked, “You act so carefully just like a woman expecting a baby!”
So you finally discover it!” Daryl exclaimed.
They both exchanged glances in silence.
Oh mine!” Paula suddenly burst out a scream, drawing the attention of all the
people in the cafe.

Daryl hurried to cool her down, whispering, “Just between us, OK? I haven’t
planned to spread it yet.”
Paula nodded firmly.
But in the evening, messages of congratulation from friends like Sophie and
Lucia began to bombard, among which was Paula’s apology saying “I’m sorry
but I only told Lucia!”

Letting Lucia know it was equal to announcing it to the whole world.
Daryl really hated to see that. But on second thought, she found it not bad
either, since that actually spared her the trouble of informing the friends one
by one.

The only question was she now found it quite a workload to reply to all these
friends, which got Paul quite pissed off as the friends finally figured out —
However the friends congratulated this couple for the coming baby, what Paul
cared about now was the health of Daryl. He wouldn’t allow anything to get
her tired.

In fact, he had already been choosing the best nursing aides from the
recommended list for the best care of Daryl during the last months of her
Daryl exclaimed, “It’s not that serious as you imagined, Paul…”
Paul retorted, “Said that as if you’ve been a mother before. You need
professional advice.”

Paul was right. Daryl soon got blighted by the feeling of nausea.
From that day on, she had been on a diet, and tried hard to inculcate Paul
with the danger of gestation obesity once she was given a chance.
Paul insisted the nutrition wouldn’t give her superfluous weight.

“Don’t you think I’m getting too fat now?’ enquired Daryl.
I never mind about that…” answered Paul.
His reply immediately caused severe punishment from her.
Watching his wife disappearing in rage, Paul began to ponder over the
reason. Pregnancy would lead to capricious behaviors? Probably yes, since
Daryl flew into a fury so easily now.

What he had no means to know was that her anger this time actually had
nothing to do with pregnancy.
The rule to keep your wife pleased is to respond with the comment like “I
never think you fat” whenever she asks you about her shape. That’s the sole
correct answer.

Paul just hadn’t read enough to know that point, nor could he realize the
mistake he had made.
Paula and Daryl met up a couple of days later. “It grows so fast that I could
even feel that from the shape of your belly.” Paula observed joyfully.

Touching her belly, Daryl replied with a less cheerful tone, “What you see is
pure fat.”
She would just be calm one moment, though not necessarily delighted, and
furious the next.

Three months passed as Paul had been counting eagerly. Just at the night
when the penalty of asceticism was over, he stretched out his arms to hold
Daryl, kissing her fondly.
Daryl opened her bleary eyes. ‘What are you doing?”

“It’s been one day and three months today.” reminded Paul.
But I’m not in the mood now.” Daryl rejected as she got more sober.
His head downcast, Paul sat on the bed, listening to her light snore in despair.
He finally let out a deep sigh after sitting there for a while.
In the fourth month of Daryl’s gestation, Paul’s spirit had come to a historic

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