Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 989

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 989 –

Side Story 1: Paul VS Daryl (2)

The instant outcome of Daryl’s offer was that neither of them could afford the strawberry-picking physically. Daryl lied to Lucia that she was in period and just needed some rest. And she was actually lying on the bed when Lucia came to visit her.

Lucia didn’t have any doubt as Paul was even passing Daryl some water. Lucia thus expressed her concern, told Paul to take good care of Daryl and promised to bring them their share of strawberries later on.

As soon as Lucia left their room, Daryl began to blame Paul by hitting him. Her fists pummeled at his chest so gently that Paul actually felt quite
comfortable. He even began to ask her what she wanted for the meal later on. Daryl could only sigh with resignation.

After the two-day stay in the countryside villa, Daryl went back home with a box of sweet strawberries and sweet kiss marks all over her body.

But her mood plummeted to the bottom when it occurred to her that she still needed to go for work the next day when she was so exhausted. That thought got her to glare at Paul, despite the fact that it was she who took the initiative last night.

Paul only acted innocently facing her scowl all the way back home.
In the following days, Daryl almost forgot this matter for she didn’t feel
anything unusual with her body until it was late.
She had thought it some minor disorders caused by an excess of stress.

the doctor advised her to go through some more tests after the regular
physical examination. Holding the final report after the examination, Daryl
lapsed into a gaze on the chair of the waiting room.
Paul came in with some water and asked with concern, “Feeling unwell?”
Daryl only shook her head bleakly and passed him the report.

Reading the report, Paul was paralyzed with shock, almost let the water fall
onto the floor.
Their upset reaction, especially Paul’s poker face, got the nurse, who took
them as a couple on the edge of divorce, to comfort them patiently and advise
them to think twice before making any decision.

The unexpected news gave Daryl a great shock too. Fortunately she hadn’t
felt any gestation discomfort so far, and thus could still console Paul by telling
him that they might, at worst, let the kid come later if he was really not ready
for one now.

Paul just put an emotionless expression on his face all the way from the
hospital to their home. He didn’t even eat much at supper. Daryl couldn’t help
Paul stroke her hair in a placatory way, though still silently.
That day, he held her in his embrace for a whole night without closing his

Paul’s coworkers noticed his unusual behavior too. He was mind-wandering
in the meeting, not even remembering to operate the slides when the
presentation was going on.
When he stopped mind-wandering, he was just busy looking for some
information in his phone attentively and grimly.

All the people in the meeting room kept peeping at him as they thought that
must be due to some mistakes of the presentation. Even the presenter began
to stammer, doubting about his own performance.
But what Paul had actually been browsing through were topics like the side
effects of adoption”, “natural labor VS cesarean operation “, “how
reproduction affects women’s health”, “how to minimize the harm of birthing to
a mother”, “Do women really want children?” and even discussions about
postpartum depression.

He was so engrossed in learning the knowledge which he should have known
as a man with regular sex life.
Daryl’s face floated into his mind, on which there was palpable uneasiness as
she sat on the hospital’s bench with a report in her hand.
But when he tried to remember her facial expression more clearly, he was
sure there was nervousness, shock and bewilderment, but without the
slightest fear. There was even a hint of surprise on her face. She must want
the baby very much, thought he.

As everyone was waiting for Paul’s opinion when the presentations were over,
Paul only closed his laptop without any emotion on his face. Everyone cringed

After an awkwardly long silence, Paul straightened up as though with great
Keep the baby.’ He finally announced his decision if that was her choice.
His action only left everyone in the meeting room blinking blankly.

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