Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 988

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 988 –

Side Story 1: Paul VS Daryl (1)

You are playing with fire, woman.” Paul looked down at Daryl with a fond gaze, his long legs leaning against the wall and one hand in the trousers’
pocket. The flicker of flames rendered the contour of his face more handsome, and the flirtatious note in his low voice even more palpable.

Daryl, who was squatting near the bonfire, finally burst out while stirring the fuel, “No calls to be so dramatic when I’m only barbecuing the sweet

As the fire was flaring furiously and the fuel of resin was spluttering, the tantalizing aroma of burnt sweet potatoes wafted towards them. There would still be a while before August and Lucia arrived at this countryside villa, and Daryl just had a test with the sweet potatoes at the moment.

Paul intoned such a hilarious line because of the bad examples he had learnt from the romance fictions, which he mistakenly thought Daryl would be fond of. He even had dug into it just like doing an academic study and tried to apply it to every aspect of life, properly or improperly.

Daryl couldn’t even stop him from going with such assiduity, and stupidity actually. “Come over here, or you’ll miss out your sweet potato.” she only gave him a reproachful look. Okay.”

The significance of a man in deep thought immediately gave way to obedience, as Paul squatted beside Daryl just like a golden retriever, meekly
watching her using a branch to get the sweet potatoes out of the fire.

Ignorant of how piping-hot the food would be, Paul just stretched out his hand for the sweet potatoes eagerly before Daryl could stop him.
Sure enough, he swiftly took his hand back after a slight pause. “…Got burnt, huh?” teased Daryl.

Paul said after a second, “I’ll have another go now!” What a glutton that he would pay any price just for the food! When the sweet potatoes cooled a little, Paul could finally enjoy them with relish.

Despite the charring peel, the inside was so tender and moist that you just can’t have enough of it. As Daryl only prepared one sweet potato for each of them, Paul had to covet hers when he had finished his. Being amused by his pathetic look, she just broke the one in her hand and gave him one half.

No more left,” said she, “and we’ll still have main course later on.”
Paul took the half of the sweet potato like an obedient pupil.
But he suddenly paused when he was rubbing his hands after eating it.
Daryl regarded him in puzzlement.

Paul showed her the pink burns on the finger pulps of his index finger and
middle finger.
“It really hurts.” He finally cried out after taking a long gasp.

So this foolish foodie didn’t even sense the pain until he had finished the food!
August and Lucia finally arrived. There were actually few items of
entertainment in the countryside. What these urban dwellers needed was only
a different place to hold the party, or else they would just flood their chatting
group with tons of messages on the phone. As a geek like Paul who always
steered clear of such junk information, he would have kicked the relentless
speakers out of the group, but for Daryl’s passion of chatting with them.

‘It’s said Joshua’s wife is expecting a baby.’ Daryl must have got that
information from the chatting group.
Much sooner than I expected.” observed Lucia.
Probably an unexpected one.” someone answered.
Lucia then nudged Daryl solicitously, “Have you couple been considering
about the matter of children? You’ve married for so long.”

No, we haven’t…” Daryl took that matter as it came. During the past couple of
years, Paul just went with sudden caprices and moods. He would cozy her up
one moment, and beg her pardon the next after losing his temper. Daryl could
do nothing with such a man. Fortunately, they hadn’t got fed up with the life
which was generally sweet, and hadn’t planned to let a child spoil such

If Daryl really wanted a kid, she wouldn’t hope it to come until Paul was really
determined. Before that, she could only fill his heart with as much sense of
security as possible.

They then finished the meal joyfully before returning to their rooms. A good
rest was necessary as they would have to get up early for the strawberrypicking the next morning.
It was much colder in the countryside and Daryl got herself tucked up in a
nice warm bed after taking a bath. Paul burrowed into the heap of the covers
before long, holding Daryl in his arms.

Raising her chin up, Daryl pushed him away. ’Don’t you sleep by holding me
He had been doing that in the past days, and she just ended up getting a stiff
“You are weary of me now?” asked Paul.
“Come on! You are thinking too much.” replied Daryl.

Paul sighed sentimentally, “Women!”
In the end, Daryl was still sleeping in his arms that night. Paul soon began to
kiss her in the cheeks. Daryl patted his hand in a jocosely reproachful way.
Paul muttered, “Ouch!”
Daryl hurried to lift his hand up. “It really hurts? Wait a second. I’ll go asking
the host if they’ve got the medicine…”

“No calls for that.” He held her hand and turned over to lie above her body in
the darkness. “You are the very medicine.7
“I’ll kick you off the bed if you keep on acting like a lunatic!” warned Daryl.
Got it.” Paul resumed his usual tone instantly.

There were soon a couple of hickeys all over Daryl’s body, which just
appeared so tantalizing in Paul’s eyes along with her pink and cute face.
His face tucked in her neck, Paul narrowed his eyes and groped for
something in the drawer of the nightstand.
But he suddenly halted.
Daryl regarded him uncomprehendingly.

Pecking her on the white neck, Paul sighed, “…I forgot to bring the condoms.”
Daryl still remembered how he nipped downstairs for the condoms in the
midnight last time, which had actually been quite long ago. But now, they
were in the remote country. Paul sat up, leaning against the bed with one
arm, “I’ll go borrow some.”

Isn’t that too embarrassing?” Daryl blushed with shame.
Paul rubbed her chin with his face and implored pathetically, which really
made Daryl doubt whether she was too cold-hearted to refuse him.

In the end, she finally agreed in a low voice, “Okay…since I happen to be in
my safe period.”
She said that because she was actually ready for the outcome if the rhythm
method failed.

With a little hesitation, Paul eventually preferred Daryl upon her approval to
the slim chances of having a baby — though it was only “slim” in his eyes.
Holding his neck with both arms, Daryl approached to kiss his lips, pressing
against his body with hers while joking, You can reject my offer any minute,
and we just go on sleeping as though nothing has happened.” Paul only swallowed drily

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