Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 986

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 986 – Subvert the Lion Group

Just then, a security guard spotted them. “Kids, who brought you in?” he snorted and reached out his hand to drive them away. Timothy subconsciously shielded Janet. The girl looked at the outstretching hand and said anxiously, What should we do?”

Timothy frowned, not expecting to be found at such a point. It would be difficult to find Burton next time. While he was at a loss, the door to the box opened. Burton appeared in the doorway with a bottle of wine in his hand.

He indifferently glanced at the two kids and said, “They’re with me. Let them in.” The security guard was torn. “Mr. Harris, our club is not open to minors” His voice trailed off under Burton’s cold gaze. “Okay, Mr. Harris, I’ll leave right away.”

After the security guard left. Burton urged the two kids who were standing there in a daze.

“What are you waiting for? Didn’t you come to see me? Come in.” Timothy and Janet came to their senses before following Burton into the box.
The room had been cleaned. Except for several bottles on the table, the place was tidy.

Burton sat down on the sofa, had a sip of wine, and said nonchalantly, “Go
ahead with what you have to say.”
His indifferent attitude annoyed Timothy so much that he blushed and
growled, “Uncle Burton, why did you do that to Paula? Do you know how
much she suffered?”

Burton paused from drinking the wine. After a while, he put the glass down
and said blandly, “So, you came to ask about that. If you really want to know,
let’s talk at another place.”
Timothy and Janet nodded without hesitation. “Okay, that will do.”

Zoey saw everything through the miniature camera she had placed in the box.
She smiled triumphantly and murmured, Burton, you did it in the end. That’s
the right choice. As long as you join hands with me, we will subvert the Lion
In an elegant café, Daryl had a sip of coffee and looked outside from time to
time. Lucia told her that Eli came to Austos City. She let Lucia tell him her
phone number, and they got in touch. They agreed on meeting today.

“Mom, are you nervous?” Ryan asked.
Ryan had studied for some time and improved a lot. Although he was still a
little incoherent, he could clearly express himself.
Daryl stoked her head and smiled, “A little.”

She had complicated feelings for Eli. She was grateful for his help back when
she was in Cardiff. She felt guilty that she couldn’t respond to his affection.
Now Eli came all the way here to see her. It made her feel even more guilty.
Unsure of what would happen between them, she was a little anxious. Ryan
hugged her.

“Mom, it’s okay. I’m here with you.”
Daryl was touched and relaxed a little.
“Sorry, I’m late.”
Just then, Eli’s voice reached her ears.

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