Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 985

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 985 – Don’t Want to Take Revenge Anymore?

Burton frowned and fell silent. The two kids and he got along all these years. He quite liked them. He couldn’t believe Zoey wanted them dead.
He snapped, “Zoey, you’re heartless. They are just kids who have nothing to do with this.”

Zoey chuckled indifferently, “Just kids? Timothy is not a kid. He is the CEO of the Lion Group! If we take him out, the company will fall into chaos. Don’t you want to take revenge anymore?”

Burton clutched his phone and said after a while, “We don’t have to kill him. Besides, Janet has nothing to do with this. She is innocent.”
Zoey sneered, “Innocent? Wake up! Did any of them tell you when Paula hooked up with Hugh?

They helped her hide it from you. You came to this because of them. They are not innocent at all.” After a moment of silence, Burton said, “I see.”

Then he hung up the phone. Zoey deleted the call records and smiled maliciously. She envied Lucia for having a good family. Lucia had a loving
husband and excellent children. In contrast, she had nothing. And Lucia mocked her. A flicker of hostility flashed across her eyes.

“Lucia, you’ll taste the bitterness of losing your children.” “Brother, how is it going?” In the corner of a cafe, Janet was nibbling tiramisu. She turned to look at Timothy who was busy tapping on the keyboard. When he heard her question, a smile crossed his lips and his eyes glimmered with pride.

“It’s a piece of cake.” He turned the laptop around and showed her the screen. A red dot was flashing in the intricate green grid.
“I hacked into Uncle Burton’s phone and pinpointed his location.”

Delighted, Janet put down the fork and dragged Timothy to leave. “Since being the case, let’s go.”

Timothy said helplessly, “There is no rush. Burton won’t leave anytime soon.” He put down the lid of the laptop, brought it back to the receptionist, and smiled, “Thank you for your help. ’The receptionist’s heart melted with his smile. “You’re welcome.”

They hailed a taxi and headed to the place. It was a high-end bar guarded by
security personnel.
Janet frowned. “What should we do? They won’t let us in.”

No bars were open to minors. Although they were mature, they were kids at the
end of the day. Timothy thought for a moment and curled his lips.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got a plan.”

A few minutes later, two punks appeared at the entrance of the bar. They
quarreled, and the security guards came to stop them. Timothy and Janet took
their chance to sneak in.

In the afternoon, the bar was just open for business.
There were few customers inside. The place was dim. Timothy followed the
location given by the computer and found the box Burton was in.

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