Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 896

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 896 – Someone hit Lucia on the back of her head, and she felt slightly dizzy.

Fortunately, she didn’t faint away. She rubbed her head and got up from the ground. At that moment, a gust of wind whistled past his ear. The person who just hit her was obviously planning on repeating the same trick.

However, Lucia was already prepared. She slightly leaned to the side to dodge the attack and grabbed onto the attacker’s arm.

It was a thin, small arm. It felt like a tiny guy. That was Lucia’s first impression. It was a child. The child struggled in her hand and whimpered.

Seeing that she wouldn’t let go, he bit Lucia in the arm. The pain was sharp, and blood gushed out from Lucia’s arm. Lucia let out a muffled groan of pain, tried her best not to scream out and did not let go of the child.

She turned around and tried to see the child’s face under the dim moonlight.

The child had disheveled hair, and his clothes were desperately nasty. He got eyes of fierce, and when he saw Lucia turn around, he just struggled even more violently.

Lucia gasped for the pain, but she recognized at a glance that the child in front of her was the one mentioned by Daryl. It was lucky for her to find him here.

Suppressing the pain, Lucia tried her best to soften her voice and said, “Don’t be afraid, I’m not a bad person.”

But hearing her words, the child bit her even harder. The bread in his hand rolled down, and he struggled with both hands to get away from Lucia. Lucia noticed the bread and realized that he must be hungry.

Thinking of that, Lucia grabbed a handful of chocolate from her pocket and handed it to the little boy, “Take this.”

The chocolate was from Daryl, and Lucia happened to put some of them in her bags. The moment the boy saw the chocolate, he blanked out, then loosened Lucia’s arm. The woman had given him the same thing last time. It tasted sweet and a little bitter. It was delicious.

He grabbed the chocolate from Lucia’s hand and took the chance to shake off her arm. Then, he picked up the bread on the ground and ran away. Lucia was coming for the little boy this time. Now that she had finally found him, how could she let him escape? She ran after him.

Although the little boy was thin and small, he seemed to be very familiar with the internal structure of the manor.
He was flexible like a fox. There were several times that Lucia almost caught him, but he dodged and ran away.
Lucia gritted her teeth and refused to give up.
She chased after the boy and arrived at an extremely hidden location and the little boy suddenly disappeared.
Seeing that, Lucia increased her speed and checked the place where she lost the boy.

There was a tall wall that was hard to climb, even for an adult. Lucia looked around carefully and finally found a
hole in a hidden corner. She lay prone on the ground and looked through the hole. The sense inside it made Lucia shocked.
The environment inside was terrible. With the stench, Lucia could hear a few dogs barking.
How could Smith Manor have a place like that?
Just when Lucia intended to enter it to investigate and continue to search for the boy, she heard footsteps coming from afar.
Accompanying those footsteps, she could hear some men’s voices shouting.

“When did that woman run away?” “Quick, we have to find her.”
“I can’t find that little bastard! Dammit!” Lucia was about to be found.

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