Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 852

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 852 – Would August Really Marry Currer?

Lucia didn’t want to accept the gift from Reggio, but he had a tough attitude and forced her to wear the bracelet, and also bought several other precious jewels, which were forced into her hands.

Lucia was carrying a large bag of things, and as soon as she walked out of the jewelry store with Reggio, she felt a sharp gaze.
There was a hint of coldness in this gaze, which made Lucia feel chilly all over her body.

As soon as she raised her head, she suddenly saw August standing not far away. Beside him was Currer holding his arm. Looking at
each other, Lucia saw a trace of displeasure in August’s eyes. It was silent, and the atmosphere was very strange.

Reggio’s eyes flashed, and he said first, Mr. Adams August, it’s coincident to meet you here.’ “It’s really a
coincidence.” August replied calmly, and he stared at Lucia.
At this time, Currer rolled her eyes, tightly held August’s arm, to show their
relationship, covered her lips and chuckled, “Ms. Mitchell, yesterday I learnt from
August that you were kidnapped, and we are trying to save you…”

Lucia ignored Currer, just looked at August, and was about to explain, but August
suddenly said coldly, “It seems that Ms. Mitchell and Mr. Smith had a good time.
Seeing this, I can rest assured.”
Lucia was stunned, and looked at August in disbelief. She didn’t know what he
meant by this? Was he doubting her relationship with Mr. Smith?

Lucia took a deep breath, and was about to explain, but her eyes fell on August’s
arm which was held by Currer, so a nameless anger suddenly surged in her
heart, and a mocking arc curled up at the corner of her mouth, “I don’t think Mr.
Adams August should look for me in the mall.”

August coldly looked at the bracelet Lucia was wearing and the shopping bag
she was carrying, and said coldly, “If I don’t come over, I’m afraid I can’t see this
The atmosphere between the two was tense, and Currer was the one who was
the happiest. She laughed coquettishly, and said deliberately, “Ms. Mitchell, Mr.
Smith is handsome and wealthy. It is a great honor to be married into the Smith
family. How enviable it is. You can…”

Lucia interrupted her coldly, “If you are envious, why don’t you marry into the
Smith family and enjoy this supreme glory?”
Currer’s face was slightly stiff, and then she ruffled her hair, and leaned into August’s arms aggressively. She
looked at Lucia provocatively and said, It is impossible. August and I are going to marry soon.”

These words were a blockbuster to Lucia. She was completely stunned there, and was unable to speak for a
moment. What had August done during the period she was kidnapped? Could he really fall in love with Currer?
Thinking of it, Lucia was very sad, and the blood in her whole body became extremely cold.

It was silent, and after a few seconds, Reggio smiled and broke the silence, “Then I really want to congratulate
you two.”

Lucia’s rationality gradually came back, and her lips became pale due to lack of blood. She stared at August
firmly and asked, “Mr. Adams August, will you really marry Ms. Sullen?” When she said, her lips trembled a

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