Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 851

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 851 – August Was My Husband

“Do we need to tell Dad?” Timothy asked. Flynt frowned tightly, with a serious expression. This time it was originally a trap for Currer, but now the plan
changed. Lucia’s situation was unclear. If August knew it, he would definitely go to look for Lucia.

In that case, Currer would be aware of it, and their plan would fail. He was silent for a few seconds, and finally sent August a
message about Lucia. After breakfast, Reggio ordered someone to bring the medicine box, and wanted to change medicine for Lucia.

Lucia coldly refused, “Mr. Smith, I don’t need this now. I just want to know when I can leave here.” Reggio was suspicious by nature, and Lucia said this just to make him less vigilant, which was good for her search.

Hearing this, Reggio put down the medicine box, and sighed softly, “Lucia, I really want to apologize to you for doubting you before. I hope you can stay here for a few days, and let me show my sincerity.” The look in his eyes indicated he really wanted to apologize to Lucia.

Lucia showed the diamond ring in her hand, curled her lips, and said, “I’m sorry, Mr. Smith. I think you should know that just a few days ago, my husband August has come back to me.” Reggio handed the medicine box to the maid who had been waiting by his side.

His eyes flashed, “Lucia, I don’t want to make you disappointed, but as far as I know. August grew up with Currer since childhood. He is her fiancé, not your husband.” Lucia smiled lightly. Her eyes were gleaming and firm, “He is my husband.”

Reggio shrugged his shoulders, “That’s not necessarily true. Lucia, maybe he just wants to take advantage of you.” “I don’t think so.” Lucia raised her eyebrows and said in a firm tone.

At this time, Reggio didn’t argue with her anymore, and he took Lucia to a jewelry store in a high-end shopping mall in Austos City. All the goods sold here were luxury goods, among which were jewels worth tens of millions.

Reggio booked the place, and there were only two people left in the jewelry store except the
counter lady, and the bodyguards following them.

A dazzling array of jewelry was placed in a row, shining brightly under the light. The price of these jewels was
at least one million dollars. Reggio personally put a bracelet inlaid with precious gemstones on Lucia’s hand,
and said affectionately, “Lucia, this is my apology to you.

Of course, if you want, you can buy all the jewelry
here, which is not difficult.” He paused, and then said, Or, I bought all the things in the entire shopping mall and
gave them to you?”

Lucia glanced at these jewels casually, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, “Mr. Smith is really rich. It
seems that your business must have a good profit, but I don’t know if you are willing to teach me to do this

This was a luxury shopping mall, and there were many products worth tens of millions of dollars. If
you buy them all, it would naturally cost a lot of money. Reggio’s richness must be inseparable from the
transactions he made secretly.

Reggio’s eyes flashed, and he realized that he had made a slip of the tongue, and quickly said, “It’s just some
small business. It was nothing.” He was a little nervous, and was afraid that Lucia would notice something.
Fortunately, she didn’t get entangled in it, and refocused on the jewelry.

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