Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 847

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 847 – The Worm Turns

Currer was outraged, “Reggio, you don’t have the right to order me! Reggio’s cold voice came from the other end of the phone, “Just because I am your superior. Currer, you should immediately go back to Cardiff and don’t go back to Austos City, unless you don’t value your life.”

Reggio’s words seemed to strangle Currer’s throat, causing her stunned and speechless. After a while, she gritted her teeth and said, Reggio, although Cardiff Business Coalition let me work under your command, it doesn’t mean that you can threat me at will.

There is an old saying in our country that the worm turns.” Currer was able to cooperate with Cardiff Business Coalition, which meant she
was competent.

If Reggio really dares to do something excessive to her, all the illegal transactions made by Cardiff Business Coalition secretly would be exposed.
Reggio’s voice was furious, as if he wanted to strangle this woman to death over the phone, “Currer Sullen!”

Currer sneered, “Now we are grasshoppers on the same rope. If something bad happens to me, you won’t be safe!” After speaking, Currer quickly hung up the phone, and only a series of busy tones were heard.

After hanging up the phone, Currer recalled August at the reception, and unwillingness flashed in her eyes. She would never give August to Lucia just like
that. August was her man!

After thinking for a while, Currer sat next to the computer again, entered a string of account numbers on the keyboard with her fingers, and successfully logged into the deep web.

On the other side, Timothy stared at the computer, looked at the series of dazzling data on it, and said quickly, “She has logged on, and I have traced this IP.” August’s eyes were slightly cold, “She really couldn’t wait.” The previous reception was just acted for Currer.

Currer managed to get August, and before she learned that August hadn’t recovered his memory, she definitely wouldn’t just give up him. During the time August was with Currer, he naturally knew a lot about her.

For example, Currer used her position in Cardiff Business Coalition to secretly gang up and form her own forces. Currer was really capable, and she really got association with many people. However, the forces she had was still unable to compete with Reggio, so she always hide it and never used it.

Currer had
been deprived of some of her rights by Cardiff Business Coalition before, and she couldn’t use the
people of Cardiff Business Coalition. Since she wouldn’t let August go, she would definitely use her
own forces. This was the key.

Although they have obtained the list of Reggio’s subordinates, these people were hidden secretly, and
it was difficult to find them. As long as Currer gave the order, the people hiding in Cardiff Business
Coalition, would soon surface. If these people were caught, more or less useful information about
Reggio could be got from them. Lucia raised the corners of her lips and untied her hair, “Now, we just
need to wait quietly for the fish to take the bait.”

August’s return was a major event in Austos City. Although Timothy had been managing Lion Group in
full swing these years, in the eyes of all the upper-class people in Austos City, August had become a

During this time, Lucia accompanied August to attend several receptions one after another. On this
day, after attending the party, the two of them strolled in the deserted streets, August held Lucia’s
hand, enjoying the rare romance

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