Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 845

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 845 – Come Back

Lucia stood on the stage in a white dress, and the whole look made her so charming that no one could know her real age. Everyone was attracted by her. Currer felt so jealous of Lucia when looking at her.

Lucia had rarely showed up in public since she let Timothy take over the company, so a lot of media attended the party. Since Lucia hadn’t showed up for quite a long time, the media were so excited to hear the thing which Lucia was gonna announce, which would definitely be a big deal.

Standing on the stage, Lucia said with an intoxicating smile, “Everyone, what I wanna say is that my husband, August, has come back.” The short sentence was like a boulder into a lake, which set off a huge uproar.

The next second, numerous flashing lights shone on Lucia, as each of the media outlets was so eager to report this piece of sensational news. “Ms. Mitchell, are you sure you’re not kidding us?” “Ms. Mitchell, could you tell us where President Adams is?”

“Is it just your imagination? I mean, how could a dead person come back to life?” People were asking Lucia questions, however, Lucia answered none of them. Instead, she looked at a direction with a faint smile. Following her gaze, the media turned the cameras away.

They all could see August walk towards Lucia in a black tuxedo. He still looked so cool. Time had left no trace on his face after so
many years. His condescending look gave people a strong sense of oppression.

All the people at presence were so stunned to see August who had been announced dead in person. They didn’t start taking pictures of August until he stood on the stage. Currer was frozen and beads of sweat were covering her forehand when she saw the scene.

She was thinking to herself, ‘Has August remembered everything? Has he got to know the things she did earlier?’ Currer was so down to leave the place right this second, but she just couldn’t move a little bit as if there had been bracelets on her ankles.

Casting a defiant smile at Currer who was pulling a long face, Lucia approached August and then
held his hand. “Everyone, like what you see, my husband has come back. He lost his memories due
to an accident two years ago, and then we two lost contact with each other. So, all of us thought he
was dead.” At this point, Lucia took a deep breath and let out a sigh slowly as if she was spitting out
the depression that she had been suffering during the past two years. A few seconds later, she let out
a smile.

“Fortunately, we met each other again. Though he still can’t remember the past, I believe he will get
his memory back one day.” Lucia took a glance at Currer inadvertently as she was saying. Currer
finally got to feel a bit better as if the blood in her veins was running again, and her heart wasn’t
beating that fast. Now that August had yet to remember anything, how come he went back to Lucia?
Currer thought it must be Lucia who had done something to coax August. Thinking of it, she couldn’t
help but rush to Lucia. “Lucia, what a bi*ch you’re! How dare you hook up with my fiance?”

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