Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 844

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 844 – Their Plan

“Don’t worry about me.” August said while holding Lucia in his arms. Meanwhile, a cold light flashed in his eyes. “We hacked into Lawrence’s laptop and intercepted his message to Currer, so they shouldn’t know that Lawrence has been controlled by us.”

Lawrence got to know he had been exposed the moment his alarms sounded, and came up with the idea, to die with Lucia. Besides, he
also had a plan B, which was that he sent the information about Lucia to Currer when his alarms sounded.

If Currer really had got the file, Lucia would be in great trouble. Fortunately, they had known what Lawrence would do and intercepted the file.
Lucia finally got relieved, as the plan hadn’t been affected.

Suddenly coming up with something, Lucia tapped August on his chest and wrote on it with her finger, “I’ve yet to ask you how you found me on
the rooftop.” Letting out a smile, August said, “I went there with Janet.” Lucia widened her eyes and said, “You followed me? With Janet?”

August replied after a sigh and kissed Lucia on her forehead, “It was so dangerous at that time, so how would I leave you alone with Lawrence?” Lucia didn’t say anything, but she felt so sweet in her heart. At least, August still cared about her and was willing to risk his life to come to her rescue.

Lucia got a sore throat, but it wasn’t that serious. She could speak after a few days of rest. When she thought of the other enemies, she asked, “What’s your next plan?” “Well, we don’t need to talk about it now. I’ll take you to a place.” Lucia was pulled away by August, as well as Janet.

The three of them got on the car. Lucia didn’t get to know anything until she saw the driving route. “Are we going to Griffith Organization?” Seeing the hint of mockery in Lucia’s eyes, August said in a soft voice, “Hey, it’s been two years. Could you stop getting mad at Flynt?

He’s also in a difficult situation. What about forgiving him?” Their car stopped steadily at the entrance of Griffith Organization as they were talking. The three of them walked towards the hall side by side. Before they stepped into the hall, a young voice was being heard.

“Thanks to me, I moved out of the house in time. Or else I would have been there with you. If I hadn’t been here, the plan couldn’t have been completed so smoothly.” Timothy was whining. Lucia stepped forward quickly and grabbed the ear of Timothy, shouting, “Great.

You’ve also got involved in this whole thing and lied to me together with your dad. Right?” Timothy grimaced in pain, but he didn’t
do anything to stop Lucia because of knowing how angry she was being.

“Ouch…ouch, mom. We did this for the sake of you. Dad disappeared for two years, which is totally for terminating the plan soon.” Janet nodded heavily,
“Mom, all that dad wants is to terminate the plan as soon as possible, and that’s why he chose to hide the whole thing from you.”

Flynt, who was sitting next to the two kids, showed a black look and thought to
himself that the two kids betrayed him directly to defend their father. Hearing the
words, Lucia was even angrier after looking around all of them, “So, does it mean
all of you know the truth except me?” She turned to glare at August, “So, you
disappeared for two years. Is it your way to trick me into coming back?” Janet
interrupted in a hurry, “Mom, please don’t get mad at dad. It’s Uncle Flynt who
asked dad to pretend to lose all his memories and infiltrate into the enemies.”

Flynt’s face darkened and he thought he was also betrayed.
Lucia would like to say something after a sneer. However, before she could
actually say it, her waist was grabbed suddenly and her whole body was pressing
on the chest of August. And then she heard his magnetic voice which was full of
the strong sense of pampering. “I’m so wrong, Lucia. You can punish me as you
want. Okay?” Lucia’s face turning red, she raised her foot and stepped hard on
the clean leather shoe of August. She really didn’t feel that angry after listening to
his explanation and being hugged by him. Anyway, she could understand why
August had made that decision at that time.

Casting a glare at August, Lucia turned to look at Flynt and asked in a serious
tone, “What are you gonna do next?” Seeing that Lucia had forgiven August,
Flynt heaved a sigh of relief and said, “Currer doesn’t know that Lawrence has
been controlled by us for the time being. On the other hand, we’ve been using
Lawrence’s account to contact Currer, and told her you’re still in Cardiff.” Currer
didn’t suspect it at all, as it was impossible for her to fly to Cardiff and find
Lawrence in person.

“If we wanna uproot all the dealings under the counter of Cardiff Business
Coalition, we’ll need to start with Reggio. As long as we can nail Reggio, the
whole market of Cardiff will be in tatters.” “So, Currer is our only breach.” Raising
her eyebrows, Lucia said, “Do you mean my husband who has been
disappearing for two years and just tried so hard to come back still needs to
continue pretending to be Currer’s fiancé?”

Lucia’s jealous tone did please August, and then he hugged her gently after a chuckle. “Of course
not. I have a better idea.” “What’s that?” August continued after a pause, “We need to do some
preparations for the plan in advance…”
A few days later, Lucia held a cocktail party and invited Currer to it. A lot of people attended the party,
but Currer found she could know none of them after looking around.

Currer didn’t wanna attend the
party held by Lucia, but Lucia told her that she would show her some really important information
about August. That was why she attended the party anyway. Currer got a message that August was in
Lucia’s place earlier, but she was blocked by Lucia when she arrived at her place. What’s more, the
point was that Currer hadn’t been in touch with August for several days. As for herself, she had been
stripped some of the rights by Cardiff Business Coalition, so she didn’t dare to send persons to find
August. She was afraid that it would irritate the coalition.

Currer went across the heavy crowd and found Lucia in a white dress in the party. Lucia looked so
gorgeous in the white gown, and she was wearing a pearl necklace. She was even more charming
thanks to the baptism of time. Seeing Currer from a distant place, Lucia walked towards her after
picking up a glass of Champagne with a smile. “Miss Sullen.” Currer was being so angry when seeing
Lucia, “Lucia, what on earth are you gonna do?” She added angrily after looking around, “I knew it. I
came to your place to find August, which scared you. It’s you who hide my fiancée. Where is he?”

Lucia replied to her with a chuckle, “Don’t rush, Miss Sullen. You’ll get to see him very soon.” If there
hadn’t been so many people, Currer would have done the same thing as she did to Lucia last time.

“Lucia, hurry and…” Before Currer could finish her words, the lights on the stage were on suddenly.
Putting down her champagne glass, Lucia walked towards the stage slowly. “Everyone, that we
invited you here is to announce one thing.”

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