Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 843

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 843 – Punish Me As You Want

Looking at the traffic below the tall building, Lucia was dizzy. She was caught tightly by Edmund after a few struggles. He pulled her chin hard, and even his voice sounded so crazy. “Lucia, I really don’t mean to hurt you as I’m so into you. But you were challenging me over and over.”

Lucia’s delicate face was flushing as she struggled to say, “Lawrence, you shouldn’t just focus on me. You have families and should think for them…” “Shut up.” Lawrence growled at Lucia as his eyes were red, “They care about only Edmund who can benefit them.

They’ve never really cared about me. All of them should go to hell and so should you.” Lawrence was grabbing Lucia’s neck harder and harder, pressing her delicate body at the edge of the rooftop. “Joshua must have got that file, so I wouldn’t have a chance to survive this.

Now that I will die anyway, I’d better get more partners with me. Lucia, in our next life, or I mean, maybe we can be a ghost couple. That will be a good ending for me, and I can wait…” Before Lawrence could finish his words, he was badly hit by someone.

He lost his balance and fell to the ground after stumbling a few steps. He was knocked unconscious before he could have a chance to fight back.
“Stop” Quickly calming herself, Lucia took two steps forward and stopped August directly.

“I can’t explain to the judicial authorities if you badly hurt him. Do you also wanna go in jail?” August stopped and then wiped the blood stains on his hand with a handkerchief, “You would have died here if I hadn’t showed up.” “I’ve just survived.

Could you say something nice to me?” Lucia added after rolling her eyes, “I’m being nice to you though you secretly took Janet here without my permission. I could have called the police. Okay?”

In fact, Lucia had found that August and Janet were in Cardiff two days before. However, she didn’t talk to them as she was afraid that Edmund would suspect her. When they were in the downstairs earlier, she gave them a look, signaling them to protect Phillip.

She didn’t expect that August who was
acting like an idiot would leave the two kids downstairs. Lucia still felt kinda scared when thinking of
the talk between Edmund and her.
August had booked a flight back to his country that night as soon as the whole
case was solved. As for Lucia, she didn’t have the mood to go on a trip alone.

What’s more, Lucia had nothing else to do as the police of the two countries
would take care of the follow-up of Edmund’s case. So, she went back to Austos
City with the two kids the next day.
Sophie specially brought Daryl to pick them up, and asked Daryl to give the two
kids a ride. When Lucia was being surprised at it, Sophie dragged her into
another private car. Meeting the serious gaze of Sophie, Lucia felt uneasy and
then asked tentatively, “Where are we going?” “Griffith Organization.” Sophie
replied blandly as her eyes darkened, “Flynt has terminated the overseas plan
ahead of schedule.”

Lucia was shocked. She always pretended not to care about Griffith
Organization, but she actually couldn’t help showing her concern over it. Their
plan was still being prepared, so terminating it rashly would cost them a huge
price as well as a huge amount of resources. Sophie started slowly, “Edmund got
the information about you on their political intranet when you were in Cardiff.

Edmund got to know all the evil things he had done were exposed when the
alarms sounded. All that on his mind was that no one else could win the
affections from Lucia if he were to die. So, he had got a plan B that he would
send the information about Lucia to Currer directly. Then even if he himself failed
to kill Lucia, someone else would do the same thing for him. Currer had informed
Reggio of the information about Lucia as soon as she got it from Edmund, so the
overseas organization had already begun to take action when Griffith Organization could find something wrong.

To ensure the safety of Lucia, Flynt
could do nothing but terminate the plan ahead of schedule.
Luckily, the plan was going on well, so Reggio and Currer were detained at the
border. What’s more, the dealings under the counter of Cardiff Business Coalition
were also uprooted, leading to the whole market of Cardiff in tatters. “Well, what
about August?” Lucia asked immediately. “He’s a member of Cardiff Business
Coalition, but he has never been involved in their activities. So, Flynt did
something to keep him out of the whole thing when you went to Cardiff.” Sophie explained it to Lucia vaguely.

Lucia seemed to be immersed in her thought and let out a snort. Then she
sneered after getting the point of Sophie’s explanation, “So you want me to make
a compromise with Griffith Organization?” “Come on. It’s been two years. Could
you stop getting mad at Flynt? He’s also in a difficult situation. What about
forgiving him? One more thing, Flynt has a secret gift for you.” After Sophie
finished her words mysteriously, their car stopped steadily at the entrance of
Griffith Organization. The two of them entered the gate one after another. Before
they stepped into the hall, two young voices were being heard.

“I know you wouldn’t make it happen. Thanks to me, I moved out of the house in time. Or else I would
have been there with you. If I hadn’t been here, the plan couldn’t have been completed so smoothly.”
Timothy was whining. Then Janet’s gloating voice could be easily heard. “Humph. Mom will give you
hard time for sure when she arrives.” “If you two can’t stop mocking, don’t think of leaving here.” Lucia
stiffened all of a sudden when she heard the familiar indifferent tone. She felt as if the blood all over
her veins was running towards her atrium. She ran into the hall without hesitation and then saw the
broad and straight back of a man who she could easily recognize without seeing his face.

“August.” Stepping towards him hurriedly, Lucia shouted angrily, “You disappeared for two years. Is it
your way to trick me into coming back? I was crying for you over and over while you were here
chatting and talking happily. How dare you?” “Mom, please don’t blame Dad. It’s Uncle Flynt who
asked dad to pretend to lose all his memories and infiltrate into the enemies.” Janet explained to
Lucia immediately. Timothy nodded seriously, “Besides, the termination of the plan overseas was laid
out two years ago, and the missing of dad is also a link of the whole plan.”

Flynt, who was sitting next to the two kids, showed a black look and thought to himself that the two
kids betrayed him directly to defend their father. Hearing the words, Lucia was even angrier after
looking around all of them, “So, does it mean all of you know the truth except me?” Before Lucia
could finish her sentence, her waist was grabbed suddenly and her whole body was pressing on the
chest of August. He said with his magnetic voice which was full of the strong sense of pampering,
“You can punish me as you want. Okay?”

Lucia’s face turning red, she raised her foot and stepped hard on the clean leather shoe of August.
She replied in a coquettish tone, “Well, what about staying in Griffith Organization with Timothy and
Janet. They’re your sweethearts, and they always defend you.” How dare he deceive her together
with their children? “Well…” Looking at Lucia tenderly, August whispered in her ear, “What do you
think of having another baby who will defend you like always?” Lucia threw him a cold look at once
and grabbed his tie, saying angrily, “Having another baby? You wish!”

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