Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 841

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 841 – Currer?” August asked indifferently without raising his head. Lucia snorted, “It’s her. She’s your girlfriend now and came here to find you. I tried so hard to let her leave.”

Lucia shook her hand which was hurting due to hitting Currer earlier and was complaining in a miserable way. ” t should be Currer who suffered a lot because of you.” Hearing August, Lucia rolled her eyes and said a bit angrily, “What? Are you feeling sorry for her?

Go comfort her if you feel so.” Before August could actually say something, an abrupt ringtone sounded and interrupted the talk between them.
Looking at the caller on the screen, Lucia was darkened and then walked to the balcony with the phone after a gaze at August. “

What’s up?” “Lucia, Joshua got something new…” Sophie said seriously on the other end of the phone, “He’s not Edmund but his twin brother, Lawrence.”

Edmund came from a peasant family of four persons. Edmund dated the daughter of a political tycoon when he was in college and then married her. He
benefited the Shea family a lot after he got married, but he died of illness less than two years.

The Shea family had suffered so much to earn the good living they had, and they were so afraid that they would lose it due to
the death of Edmund. So, they pretended that the one who had died was Lawrence, while the real Lawrence lived with the identity of his twin brother, Edmund.

Lawrence wasn’t willing to live his life like his twin brother, so he killed his so-called wife who actually was his sister-in-law in person after the political tycoon died.

Lucia was so frightened when hearing the truth and was wet with cold sweat. She asked in a hurry, ‘Then Phillip…” “Phillip is the son of Edmund but not Lawrence’s.”

hat was why Lawrence would do those terrible things to Phillip over and over, which hurt him so much. After Sophie roughly explained the whole thing, her voice turned gloomier, “We found that the political tycoon left a list of those who took bribes before he died.

Once the list is exposed to the public, Edmund will no longer remain in office. And then we’ll be able to conduct an investigation of him without hindrance and bring him to justice.” “He has the list, so I need to figure out a way to get it.

Right?” Lucia got the point of Sophie immediately. There was a brief silence on the other end of the phone. After a while, Sophie
said hesitantly, “This is the last plan we’d like carry out.

In fact, we can give Joshua a bit more time, and he will get something more beneficial to us…” “We don’t have that much time.” Lucia interrupted Sophie coldly, “Griffith Organization is dealing with Cardiff Business Coalition, and Edmund is prone to be an obstacle to us.

We have to nail him first.” Lucia hung up the phone before Sophie could
say something more.
Something came up with Lucia when she walked towards the door with her
purse. Looking at August, she said sternly, “I’ll be dealing with something urgent
in the following days. Take good care of Janet for me.” August nodded towards
her without asking any questions.

After a few hours, Lucia held Phillip in her arms and appeared at the entrance of
a high-end residence, which greatly surprised Edmund. “How come you two
are…?” Lucia answered after a giggle, “We promised to have a trip with Phillip,
didn’t we? Sophie finally allowed me to do so today, so I brought Phillip back
immediately. We should set out right this second and we’ll be able to have fun
outside for more days.”

Hearing her words, Edmund put on a gentle smile and quickly let her come into
the living room. Why didn’t you tell me earlier? I could have picked you two up.”
Lucia smiled, “Because I can’t wait any longer.” Edmund didn’t suspect Lucia at
all. The only thought on his mind was that Lucia had finally accepted him, which
was a super surprise to him. “But I’ve made no preparation.” Shaking her hands,
Lucia said, “Neither have I. Well, what you have to do now is go pack thins while
I’ll book a flight.”

The great pleasure had overwhelmed Edmund, so he could do nothing else but
nod towards Lucia. Seeing the reaction of Edmund, Lucia felt a bit relieved and
then asked tentatively, “Could I use the computer in the study?” Lucia headed
towards to the study after getting the permission from Edmund. She opened the
computer and booked a flight to Cardiff. Then she started to search in the study.
The whole study was spacious and bright and there were only a clean desk and
a big shelf in it. The shelf was filled with some ornaments, and no safe could be
found. It could be said that nothing could be hidden here.

Except the things that were visible, Lucia was trying so hard to search something else in the study. She
checked the desk, walls and the floor carefully, and even stood on a chair to probe the ceiling several times. As
time went, Lucia still got nothing. She was wondering where the list could be hidden if it wasn’t in the study.

She came across something all of a sudden and walked quickly to the bedroom of Edmund after finishing
booking a flight. “I’ve got the tickets done.” Lucia said as she was folding the clothes and putting them into the
case. “Do I look like a good wife and mom?” Staring at Lucia’s serious and skillful look, Edmund couldn’t help
showing his affections for her, “Of course. You’re a good wife and mother.” “Well, could you go get some
toiletries as well as the necessities? I’ll take care of the other things.” Lucia said while she was pushing
Edmund out of the bedroom.

The smile on Lucia’s face disappeared at once and she looked so serious as Edmund left the room. Then she
started to search the bedroom thoroughly. “It’s…” Lucia knitted her eyebrows tight when she leaned over and
saw the strange crack under the bed. She hurriedly reached in and touched it. Soon she got a paper object
with her fingertips. With a little more force, she got the dusty brown paper bag out of the crack. And then she
found the thing Currer had mentioned on the phone earlier.

Before Lucia could take a picture of it and send the picture to Sophie, she heard the sound of footsteps getting
closer and closer to the bedroom. Lucia got nervous and put the paper bag back in place immediately. “Lucia,
I…” Edmund’s voice suddenly stopped when he saw Lucia crawling under the bed. A grim look flashed in the
eyes of Edmund and he asked harshly, “What are you doing?”

Moving her eyes, Lucia quickly took off her ring
on her ring finger and threw it under the bed. She looked up at Edmund and explained, “I’m looking for my ring
which means so much to me. Hurry and help me find it.” Edmund glanced at her suspiciously and then saw the
ring under the bed. Thinking that the ring might be her wedding ring, Edmund said in a cold voice, “I’ll buy you
a better one when we get in Cardiff.”

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