Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 840

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 840 – Looking for August

When she saw August comforting Janet softly, complex emotions flashed across her eyes. After her eyes full of scrutiny wandered over him, she suddenly made up her mind and said in a serious voice, “August, come with me!”

Then, she walked into the living room, followed by August with a stern look. After they stared at each other for a few seconds, she looked away first and let out a long sigh, saying, “Mr. Adams, you must know Janet likes you very much.’

He responded seriously, “Yes.” Lucia stared at him intensely and said word by word, “No matter what your purpose of approaching her is, I hope you won’t hurt her.

” Hearing this, August steadily stopped his steps in front of her and said with an extremely serious expression, ‘1 promise I will guarantee the safety of your children no matter what happens.”

Seeing his serious face, she somehow felt relieved, and an unexplained sense of security surged in her heart as if she trusted him unconditionally…
She was taken aback by her stupid thought.

And when she looked into August’s eyes again, she felt a little guilty, hurriedly looked away, and said in a muffled
voice, 1 need you to do me a favor.” August looked sideways at her. Janet needs someone to play the role of her father in her life.

I hope you can accompany her for the time being. And then, we will slowly let her accept the fact that you are not her father.” After finishing her hesitant speech, she didn’t dare to utter one more word for fear of hearing his refusal. Unexpectedly, the living room fell silent.

She then took a deep breath and continued, “I know this request is a bit impolite. So, it doesn’t matter if you refuse…” Before she could finish speaking, he said in a deep and steady voice, “I will try my best to act like a good father during this time.

Lucia’s eyes lit up when she looked at him in surprise. Seeing this, he teased with a half-smile, “Don’t you believe me? Do you think it’s my trick to make use of your daughter?” Lucia hurriedly shook her head as if she had not recovered from the shock just now

. After a long time, she finally smiled, “Mr. Adams, I am willing to sign the contract. But I can’t do it now…” No hurry.” He raised his eyebrows to pretend to be astonished. But Lucia could tell he was not surprised to hear her words because of the calm look in his eyes.

However, she should thank him for taking care of Janet no matter what. In a small two-story building halfway up the mountain, Currer tore up the documents she had just received and angrily threw them into the trash can. Today, she had received another notice from the Trade Association that completely deprived her of her remaining rights because she had not behaved well recently.

And the culprit who made her unable to behave herself was August whom she cared about the most. She had not seen him for a week, and her panic had intensified. So, she had secretly mobilized Reggio’s staff to investigate his whereabouts. But unexpectedly, Reggio had found it out. Moreover, she had found August who had disappeared for such a long time was living in Lucia’s villa!

She wasn’t sure if he had regained his memory and was afraid Lucia would recall to him their past after they had gotten along for such a long time. If he started to remember, everything she had done would be in vain! The more she thought about it, the more flustered she felt.

So, she immediately rushed to the Adams villa without a comprehensive plan. As soon as Lucia opened the door, the familiar man’s voice came out through the crack of the door and its frame, driving Currer mad. Lucia looked good and wasn’t surprised to see Currer. She even looked at her with a smile and said, “Miss Sullen, why are you visiting me personally? What’s the matter?

‘Stop playing the fool! You know why I’m here!’ she said while trying to squeeze in
through the crack of the door and its frame.
Seeing through her intentions, Lucia closed the door, isolating them both outside
the house.
Miss Sullen, there is little common ground for understanding between us. So, I
can’t figure out why you’re here.” Maintaining a calm smile on her face, Lucia
raised her eyebrows and explained, “I’m sorry, but I have an important guest at
home now, so I can’t let you in.”

Hearing her words, Currer thought she was arrogantly showing off, so she flew
into a rage, grabbed her wrist, and said in a sharp voice, “Why? You dare to steal
my boyfriend but dare not to admit it?”
Lucia looked at her, raised her eyebrows slightly, and said, “I will return these
words to you! Since you dare to seduce my husband, you should not be afraid
that I will snatch him back in the same way.”

While speaking, she vigorously shook off Currer’s hand and continued in a cold
voice, “You shouldn’t have come to swagger around here. August is in my
territory now. So, it is up to me whether to stop or not…”
‘You…’ Currer was at a loss for words. Hearing the naked threat in her words, she
got even more injurious.

She was at a disadvantage now, so she had long lost
her elegance and intelligence. Immediately, she rushed toward Lucia like a crazy
woman and shouted, “You have Edmund and Reggio! Why are you still pestering
my man? You shameless btch…” Slap!

Before Currer could finish cursing, Lucia raised her hand and slapped her in the face so hard that even her palm felt burning pain. But before the pain and numbness dissipated, she gave her the second and third slaps.

Currer’s cheek was highly swollen, and her angry face was in stark contrast to Lucia’s elegant and decent look. ‘The first slap is because you hit me in the company’s lavatory.

The second slap is because you snatch August away from me two years ago. And the third slap is because you deceived him with dirty tricks!” Seeing the raging hatred in her eyes, Currer subconsciously took two steps back, stuck her neck, and then growled in a faint voice unconfidently.

August chose to be with me by himself! You can’t force him to love you!” Hearing this, Lucia sneered, walked aside slightly to make way for her, looked at her mockingly as if watching something funny, and said, “He is behind this door. You can go in and take him home.”

Currer’s cheek was severely swollen, so her delicate face looked ugly now. She stroked her cheek, hesitated for a moment, and then slowly placed her fairskinned hand on the doorknob.

But before she opened the door, Lucia said in a faint voice, “Think carefully about why you are here before you go in. Don’t bring shame to yourself.” Hearing this, Currer paused, and the hesitation in her eyes grew stronger.

If August had wanted to go home, she wouldn’t have come to Lucia’s house to look for him in person. She didn’t want him to see her current embarrassed look and must not allow this btch to laugh at her.

Thinking of this, she slowly withdrew her hand, gave Lucia a hostile glare, and
said, Don’t be smug. I will teach you a good lesson soon: ’I’ll wait and see,” Lucia
said, went straight into the house, and slammed the door with a “bang”.

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