Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 836

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 836 – Scapegoat

Sorry, the subscriber you dialed is powered off…1 Hearing the mechanized female voice, Lucia released her grip on the phone, and it fell to the floor with a snap.

Since August had disappeared, the two children had never turned off their mobile phones and always carried power banks because they did not want Lucia to worry about them.

So, the two people in the office immediately thought something must have happened to Janet! Timothy soon tapped his fingers on the keyboard at high speed, and he did not let out a sigh of relief until seeing the flashing green light on the monitor.

Then, he said, ‘She is in a restaurant in the south of the city. Don’t worry. She must be OK.” ‘Why did she go to the south of the city?” Lucia’s voice become sharper when she said in fluster, “You keep an eye on her movements here. And I’ll go there in person!”

Seeing her so anxious, Timothy nodded heavily. But after she rushed out of the office, his eyes suddenly darkened. After he tapped his fingers on the keyboard for a while, another light spot appeared on the monitor, overlapping with Janet’s position.

Timothy showed an enigmatical smile on his immature face and thought to himself, ’I did not expect that person to lose his composure so soon.

It seems my previous worries are unnecessary/ In an unknown restaurant in the south of the city, while Janet was elegantly enjoying the delicious food, she looked at the man opposite from time to time.

August maintained an indifferent face all the time. But when he saw her cute face, there was occasionally a touch of gentleness in his eyes.
After finishing eating, Janet gently wiped her lips and reminded him loudly, saying, “My mother will come and fight you to death later.”

‘Maybe she will just accuse you of being obedient.’ Janet gave him a squinting look and couldn’t help snorting, “You must be fake.
You don’t know me or my mother well enough.” August raised his eyebrows and said, ‘1 know you are inclined to believe I am your father.

Otherwise, you wouldn’t have turned off your phone. She must be extremely worried now.’ Janet was at a loss for words, so she turned her head aside angrily and muttered, “It doesn’t matter if you’re fake. As long as you treat her well, I don’t mind treating you as my biological father.”

Hearing this, August carefully looked at the little girl but didn’t reply. Janet didn’t care but continued, “I can feel you value her very much. After all,
people’s eyes can’t lie. So, even if you are not my father, it doesn’t matter.”

Every time she looked into August’s eyes, she thought of her father. They were deep and unfathomable. When they looked at her mother, there was always tenderness inside… “So, you decided to help me? Aren’t you afraid that I’m making use of your love for your father?”

August asked with a half-smile. Janet shook her head slowly, “If you had wanted to get close to us by pretending to be my father, you would have adopted a more direct method. You could have broken into our life openly instead of using this roundabout tactic.

So, no matter what your purpose is, I am willing to cooperate.” While she was speaking, the glass door was suddenly pushed open. With a chilly
wind, Lucia rushed to their dining table. Seeing the man sitting across from her daughter, she suddenly froze.

After she looked between them for a while, anger gradually rose on her delicate face. Sensing the tension in the atmosphere, Janet exchanged glances with August and immediately handed Lucia a glass of warm water with a flattering smile.

She was afraid her mother would be angry with her, so she slowly said in a soft voice, Mom, why are you so late? Didn’t Uncle August call a long time ago?”

When Lucia looked at Janet suspiciously, the latter put on an innocent smile, pointed to the mobile phone on the table, and said. My power bank and phone are both out of power. Uncle August said he had helped me call you.”

Hearing her words, August immediately showed a gloomy face. When Janet gave him an asking-for-help look, she secretly thought, ‘In such a
situation, even if my biological father were present, I would have put all the blame on him. Not to mention you’re just a fake one.’

August glanced at her helplessly and then raised his eyes, intending to explain to Lucia. But before he could open his mouth, a glass of warm water splashed on his face. When the water flowed down his hair and sideburns, he stared at Lucia unblinkingly with strong coldness in his eyes.

And the atmosphere immediately
froze to freezing point.
Lucia held the glass tightly, raised her head high, and stared back at him angrily.
The silent war between them had reached the verge of breaking out.

When Janet peered at them, she couldn’t help swallowing. Then, she tried to
smooth things over, saying, “Mom, Uncle August doesn’t have any malicious
intentions, and he didn’t hurt me! There must be a misunderstanding.”
You’re not young! How could you leave with a stranger? Don’t you know it will
make me worry?” Lucia scolded her angrily.
Janet immediately shrank her neck and stopped talking.

August unhurriedly wiped the water off his face and said in a cold voice, “Even
Janet knows that this is a misunderstanding. She is just a kid! Ms. Mitchell, I think
you should apologize to me for overacting!”
Misunderstanding? You want me to apologize?” Lucia sneered and raised the
water glass in front of Janet. When she was about to splash water on August
again, the latter quickly grabbed her wrist to stop her.

After the water splashed onto the ground, he said in an angry voice, “Lucia, calm
Lucia suddenly froze. Two years had passed, but she suddenly heard the same
voice, the same tone, and the same content again. So, countless memories
flowed into her mind together.
Calm down? How could she calm down?

Immediately, she swiftly shook August’s hand off and said with pain and despair
in her eyes, “August, please straighten out your identity and position. You are
Currefs boyfriend! Please stay away from my daughter!
I found Janet quite congenial, so I asked her out to discuss with her the
endorsement for the trade union. This has nothing to do with whether I’m single,”
August responded coldly.

Lucia immediately sneered, “Do you think I’m a three-year-old child?”
August was always doing covert business for the trade union. Why was he
personally intervening in finding an endorser? Even if this task did have been
assigned to him, he should have talked with Elijah instead of asking Janet out
She could treat him as August who had disappeared for a long time and
accepted him making things difficult for her as her enemy. But Timothy and Janet
were her bottom line. Even if he was real August, she would not allow him to hurt
her children!

Mr. Adams, I don’t care about your plans. But please don’t involve innocent
people. Taking sides in the business circle is a matter between you and me.
Leave my children alone!”

Hearing her upright speech. August narrowed his eyes slightly to hide his real
thoughts and asked coldly, “What if I insist on signing a contract with Janet?”

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