Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 835

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 835 – He Doesn’t Love You Anymore

Lucia wondered whether August had ever thought that his words might expose her plan and even push her into a bottomless abyss. Although they were no longer a couple, they weren’t deadly enemies who hated each other. Why had he pushed her so hard as if intending to kill her?

Lucia couldn’t help clenching her fists and then responded sullenly, “Since you need to talk business, I’ll leave now.’
Currer observed all her subtle expressions. Seeing August’s aggressive attitude, she suddenly felt a burst of joy in her heart.

The depressed emotions she had suffered because of Lucia recently instantly disappeared. Seeing Lucia getting up to leave, Currer immediately stopped her with a sneer and said slowly, “We are Mr. Shea’s friends after all. Now that he is engaged to such a beautiful woman like you, we must celebrate it for him.“

Then, she waved to the waiter and took out a gold card from her purse. After she whispered a few words, the waiter left respectfully. Soon, the signature desserts and coffee of the cafe and many specialties from other restaurants were served on the table.

With a fake smile on her face, Currer explained loudly, “I guess you are tired and don’t want to go to another restaurant now. So, I let the waiter buy some decent food for us.” Before she finished speaking, August picked up a piece of beef with his fork and gracefully placed it on her plate.

This was the first time he had done such a thing, so Currer was a little flattered. She instantly blushed, got at a loss for what to say,
and then threw herself into his arms shyly. To her surprise, August didn’t avoid her as usual but reminded her in a deep voice, You’ve worked hard today.

Take care of yourself first.” August…” Currer whispered in a delicate voice, wishing she could hang herself on him. When Lucia heard their conversation, her hand suddenly shook, so the delicious food she was picking up fell to the table.

Her expression became even more embarrassed, and she wished she could bury her head in the plate. Edmund put a piece of fish on her plate and explained with a chuckle, It’s the first time Lucia has accompanied me to a dinner meeting, so she is not used to it.

I hope you don’t mind.”
We don’t mind at all!” Currer squinted at them sullenly and raised her hand to
send a piece of fish in front of August’s lips.
August turned aside slightly, picked up a napkin, and wiped his lips gently. Then,
he intentionally looked at Lucia.
Sensing his harsh gaze, Lucia lowered her head even more and felt increasingly
embarrassed. So, she intended to cover up her embarrassment by drinking

“Be careful! It’s hot.”
Before Edmund finished speaking, her exquisite facial features wrinkled together.
And then, she put down the cup and let out a cry in pain. Seeing this, Edmund
showed a helpless smile, and even his reprimanding tone sounded extremely

To Lucia, this dining table was like a battlefield without blood. The four of them
were all expressing their most primitive emotions, but she was incompatible.
The more she thought about it, the more depressed she felt. So, she put down
the fork, got up, and said in a cold voice, “Sorry, I don’t like such occasions. I will
leave now.”

Lucia!” Edmund hurried to chase her, and then, the two walked out of the coffee
shop one after the other.
Seeing Lucia escaping, Currer raised her head high with undisguised smugness
in her eyes and snorted, “I didn’t expect Lucia to choose Mr. Shea in the end. If
Reggio knows she used him as a tool, he would give the Lion Group a hard

While speaking, she intended to lean on August’s chest again. Unexpectedly, he
dodged her this time, so she raised her head to look at him in puzzlement.
Enjoy the food. I must leave because I have something important to do.” He
gracefully stood up and walked out of the cafe without sparing her one more

August!’ Watching him striding away, Currer felt that something was wrong but
couldn’t figure it out.
Lucia was going on a rampage on the crowded road now. What had happened in
the cafe kept flashing into her mind. She felt heartbroken as if someone were
squeezing her heart. And the strong soreness and pain made her have difficulty

It wasn’t until she ran out of the downtown area that her depression was relieved
a little. She then leaned against a wall in the corner and took a deep breath of the
fresh air.
Edmund quietly looked at her with a dim light flashing in his eyes. After thinking
for a moment, he slowly approached her with heavy steps, intending to stretch
out to hold her in his arms.

Sensing him approaching, she subconsciously waved her arms to resist him and
growled, “Don’t touch me!”
Lucia!” With a flash of impatience on his face, he stretched out to grab her arms
and said in a cold voice, “August has forgotten you! He is dating someone else
now! He will never fall in love with you again!”
Lucia suddenly raised her head with a wry smile on her exquisite face, struggled
to break free from his grip, and said, “It’s none of your business! I don’t need your
hypocritical reminder…”

“Lucia, didn’t you say we will take Phillip out for a tour together? Give me a
chance! And we can give Phillip a complete family. We are the people who need
you the most!”
Edmund’s face was no longer gentle or elegant. Now, he looked ferocious, but
there was still fake tenderness in his voice when he forcibly hugged her.
His words instantly brought Lucia back to her senses as if pouring a basin of cold
water over her head, so she gradually became quiet in his arms.

She had to
admit that August’s appearance had shattered all her sanity. But she could not
act on impulse now because she was doing something particularly important.
After she gradually calmed down, she gritted her teeth and forced herself not to
resist his embrace. Then, she said as gently as she could, “I’m sorry for
embarrassing you today. I just cannot accept the reality so soon. But I know he
no longer belongs to me now.” Lucia’s voice became increasingly light, and then,
she fell silent.

Seeing this, Edmund breathed a sigh of relief. When she insisted on going to the
company to pick up Timothy and Janet, he didn’t prevent her. After sending her to
the Lion Group, he reluctantly drove his car away.
Seeing Lucia’s sad face, Timothy immediately frowned and asked in a cold voice
that didn’t match his age, ‘Did Currer bully you again?”
Hearing his question, she shook her head weakly with a tired face. Obviously,
she didn’t want to talk about what had happened just now. Then, she changed
the subject and said, I came to pick up you and Janet.’

Timothy’s pupils suddenly constricted. Immediately, he stood up from the sofa
and said with restrained nervousness, ‘Didn’t you see her? She went to the cafe I
located for her to pick you up two hours ago…”
Two hours ago, she had just left the cafe!

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