Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 821

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 821 – Bad People Work Together

There was always bustle and hustle in Austos International at night, not excepting this one. The long red carpet stretched from the hotel entrance to the
crossing. A black Maybach stopped at the entrance. Seeing the familiar car number, the doorman immediately came up to them attentively.

This car number, which was well-known in Austos City in the past, was still eyecatching today. What had changed was the person, from August Adams to
Timothy Adams, but the same thing was their aura – they both made people admire and frightened.

The saying swept among people that, if you married Lucia, you would gain all the solid wealth and achievements from Lion Group, which can be considered as almost, forever. The melodious violin music was echoing through the hotel lobby.

The prominent ladies were all in luxurious ball gowns, whereas only Lucia was in a milky silk halter dress, which made her straight tender legs catch more eyes. Her gaze fell upon a man, who was blue-eyed with blond hair, step by step, she was getting closer to him, meanwhile with a frank sneer.

hen she almost approached him, she stopped suddenly. With hands picking up the juice beside the tower of wine, she took a sip.

From any point of view, it seemed to be impossible to imagine her as a widowed young mother, since she had an aura of elegance and intellectuality, with delicate skin even making her girlish. The men, most of them, their coveted gaze swept her in a hurry, not daring to stay any longer.

Only the blonde-haired, blue-eyed Cardiff man stared at her, scorchingly and aggressively. Feeling each other’s eyes, Lucia deliberately side-eyed, the two people’s eyes briefly met and then immediately misplaced.

In just one second, the man was already taking slow steps in her direction. “Ms. Mitchell, long time no see.” The man’s Chinese sounded quite fluent, and he raised his glass toward her. She fixed her eyes upon him, which were soon covered with confusion and doubts.

She grinned to apologize, “Sir, I don’t think we have met before, have we?” The man grinned lightly head shaking. With all the gentlemen things had been done, he reached out his right hand towards her and introduced himself, “Cardiff Business Coalition, Reggio Smith.”

“So you are Mrs. Smith?! I am sorry. Your outfit is very different from last time. Blame my eyes that I didn’t recognize you.” She faked a look of realization.
In fact, she had been keeping in touch with Flynt through Timothy for the past two years, to find out the truth about August’s disappearance.

She had always been denying August’s death. She did not see his body, but the reason was not that simple. She had faith, a kind of faith that could not be expressed by words. And her efforts were not all futile she tracked Reggio following clues from various offshore missions.

The Smiths seemed to handle export trade unions only, but in fact, there were many dirty businesses in this trade network. Besides, the offshore mission that August operated two years ago, was also found related to the Smiths, Several months ago, she “traveled” to Cardiff to get close to Reggio.

After days of waiting and watching, she cooperated with the organizations and saved Reggio who had been “hunted” by them. After she became clear about his affection for her, she returned at once to wait for pulling the net in.

Reggio didn’t seem to be bothered by her oblivion. Still, he smiled and responded politely, “I am just a pass-by to you, but, to me, you are the person I don’t dare to forget. You are my savior.”

No trouble at all, no need to keep it in mind. You can just treat me to dinner the next time, for returning the favor.” Even if he knew that it was just some polite words that she had always been playing with, still, there was a hint of surprise flashing across his face.

He answered with a serious look, “I don’t know whether you were joking, but I will.” “Whatever, but do not forget to make an appointment before you invite me for dinner.” She held up her juice to clink Reggio’s glass slightly. The glasses twinkled between them two.

When it was done, she straightened herself, with a cooler
tone and expression, “Sorry, I have to go now.”
“Please wait…”
Reggio shot out his hand to reach her wrist subconsciously, without covering the
possessiveness in his eyes. “Ms. Mitchell, may I have this dance with you?”

Not until she rejected, he already put their glasses aside. He made a standard
posture of inviting. At this time if Lucia kept rejecting him, then it will make him
look really bad here ahead of all.
With a slight smile, with her fair tender fingers into his hands, Lucia and Reggio,
who were immersed in melodious music, slid to the dance floor aside in

Suddenly, a chilling coldness occurred behind her. It seemed like a sharp knife
pierced through her chest from her back in a flash.
Her back stiffened at once, with all the moves frozen. She tried hard to turn her
head with this stiff neck, searching for the source of that feeling all around.
But, unfortunately, she found nothing…

The things surrounded her, were people having small talk in two and three, with
cheering sounds and polite words.
“Is there anything wrong?” Reggio’s voice raised beside her ears. Then she
gazed at him with startled eyes.
His smile always provided her with a sense of calculation, making her scalp
tingle. She tried to keep distance from him as possible, and she adjusted herself
to continue the dance steps.
“Are you afraid of me?” Even his joking tone seemed to be scheming.

“Are you sure?” She raised her eyes slowly to keep eye contact with him, and
she answered, putting up a false smile, “They all said that the Smiths are
ruthless, vicious. You guys will let the end justifies the means. So, should I be
afraid or not?”
Reggio’s expression changed a bit. Not until she observed that he was back to
his normal smile. The only thing she heard was his voice, which seemed like he
was half smiling.
“Don’t worry, Ms. Mitchell. I won’t lay hands on those I loved.”

While he was saying, he tightened his arms with a bit force to lead her into them.
But before he can hold her tight, Lucia had already got rid of him, with her hand
pinched on his waist accurately.
Reggio’s face fell at once, and he did not even want to hide it either. She acted
like his waist was a forbidden place.
Lucia’s eyes squinted slightly, seeming to test his limits through this. Her rosy lips
opened slowly, and she talked in a threatening freezing way as well.

“I am curious about how you define ‘those I loved’, after all, I have heard of things
about your big brother. He sent your sister-in-law to jail, by himself, for the
family’s interests. And, it cost her 30 years”
As the dance music came to the end, her lily hand already moved to his chest,
against it. As the soft touch was kitten-like, the coldness under her eyes could not
be sniffed at. “There is a saying… Bad people work together.”

As her words fell, she tightened her hand stuck at Reggio’s collar. If the sense of
oppression was not that forceful to remind him, he would even think that it was a
bit intimate.
“If you are trying to romance your savior, then it really needs more sincerity.”

After leaving the dance floor leisurely, she passed through the crowd and got to
the bathroom. Besides the nervous sweat in her palm, there was a button-sized
chip there.
This was the reason why Reggio’s face fell, the same as her true purpose to
attend this cocktail party.

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