Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 688

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 688 – The Resort

The next day, Elijah called early in the morning. Chapter 688 The Resort “Ms. Mitchell, the parent child reality show asked us to finalize the schedule today. Have you considered it?”

Lucia leisurely ate her breakfast, as cool as a cucumber, which was a sharp contrast with the anxious voice on the phone.
“Elijah, you should know I do not advocate for kids entering the entertainment industry.”

“Please, Ms. Mitchell, just this once, okay? My performance bonus is dependent on you now,” Elijah said pitifully. Only then did she reluctantly agree. She added, “Let’s make it clear in advance that everything in the agreement must be based on my requirements. Otherwise, I will not sign it.”

“Fine, fine, fine.” Elijah knew that she was not an unreasonable person and would not make things difficult for others on purpose. He
immediately agreed and said, “As long as you are willing to participate in the reality show, even if you want the moon in the sky, I will
give it to you.”

Lucia was amused by his words. After exchanging a few more words, she hung up the phone. She looked at August curiously. “Why did you agree to participate in the reality show? You don’t look like someone who likes being in the limelight however I look at it.”

“For the company and for the children, I’m willing,” August responded softly. The confusion in her eyes deepened. “It can help spur the company’s stock market. Once the stock market price increases, the company can expand further.” As he spoke, his gaze fell on Timothy and Janet.

“Haven’t you always been worried that their identities being exposed would cause you trouble? The best way to keep them safe is by
putting them in the public’s radar.” After August finished speaking, it finally dawned on Lucia. He was right! Why didn’t she think of it?

In a situation where Timothy and Janet were well known by the public, any small accident would be infinitely magnified by the public. The
faster the news spread, the greater her chances were of rescuing them.

After all, the higher the popularity of the two children, the greater the chance of them being recognized by the public. The public eye was
more efficient than a monitoring device. This way, nobody would target these two “time bombs” that could possibly go off at any moment!

“August Adams, you’re such a sly old fox!” she muttered softly after making the realization. Her voice was just loud enough for him to catch it. The corners of his lips lifted as he answered in a low voice, “Thanks for the praise.” “I wasn’t praising you!” Lucia was a little speechless.

After the two of them had breakfast, she visited the Thomas family mansion. She was anxious because she hadn’t heard from P ula in a
while. However, she didn’t manage to see Paula or Paul. She didn’t even manage to step foot inside the mansion.

A housekeeper had briefly answered a few of her questions, saying that Paul was working overtime and she wasn’t sure about Paula. That night, when Paul heard that Lucia had come over, he sent her a message to explain that Paula was preparing for a concert, so she had been inside her room all day.

It was only then that Lucia felt herself calming down.
The reality show was filmed and broadcasted live to the public. When the camera
crew arrived at the Adams family home, the cameras
were already rolling and broadcasting everything live.
August helped Lucia into the crew’s vehicle in a gentlemanly behavior. After that,
Timothy and Janet also appeared on camera.

The two little kids each had a cartoon backpack on their shoulders and they were
also wearing matching caps. They looked so similar to each other. The audience
comments on the live broadcast platform immediately grew tenfold.
“The kids look so much cuter in real life than on the promotional posters!”
“I know now why the kids are so cute. Their parents’ genes are too good! Glad to
know they weren’t wasted after all.”
“You’re making me want more kids!”

“I’m going to kidnap those two adorable babies…”
Lucia read the live comments on the camera crew’s iPad and smiled happily.
Even the driver couldn’t help praising Timothy and Janet. The atmosphere in the
car was very harmonious. Timothy and Janet occasionally looked at the camera
and started chatting with the
“Do you like me or Timothy more?”

“I’m not the same as Timothy! He doesn’t listen to Mom and keeps playing games
on his computer. I’m the best behaved at home.”
When Janet was done talking, the camera panned to Timothy. Sure enough, he
had August’s work laptop open and was looking at
The comment section exploded again. “Wow, he knows how to use technology at
such a young age! He must be reading a lot!” “I wish he was my kid! I’m so
jealous of them.”
“The kidnappers are here and heading toward their filming location now!”

Lucia was worried when she saw that people were paying so much attention to Timothy
and Janet. She didn’t know if she was doing the
right thing to expose them to the public.
Seeing that August was very calm about the whole thing, she forced herself to think
The driver saw that she was worried and said, “Don’t worry, Mrs. Thomas. Our filming
location is closed off to the public. We’re headed
for Clear River Bay Resort, which is famous for its top-notch security in the entire Austos

Lucia responded with a smile. Before she could respond, the car had already stopped at
the entrance of Clear River Bay Resort. The family of four got out of the car and gathered
with the program team. They also saw the other two families participating in the
parent-child reality show. One of them was the popular female celebrity, Yanny Miller, and
her husband, who was also her manager. The other family was from a popular family
channel whose videos went viral lately. The family of three often filmed their everyday lives
and they managed to secure the top rank of family influencers on the internet in just a few
short months because of their harmonious

When Lucia got out of the car, Yoyo, the Mommy influencer from the family, was promoting
the local souvenirs and specialties of Clear
River Bay Resort live on her social media.
Her eyes lit up when she caught sight of August.
She immediately pointed her camera at August and said, “Look, even the head of all the
industries in Austos City is here. I can therefore guarantee that this is a good place to be!”
August frowned deeply and avoided Yoyo’s camera. He walked next to Lucia and said, “I’ll
bring the kids to the room first. There might be other activities later at night.”

Lucia lifted her head and subconsciously looked in Yoyo’s direction only to find that Yoyo
was also looking at her. Their gazes met. Lucia felt rather uncomfortable.
“She’s just a little influencer with fewer than 100,000 followers on her social media. She
thinks she’s the best, but she knows she can’t
afford to mess with us. We don’t need to be wary of her.”

Lucia frowned when she heard the harsh voice beside her.
Yanny didn’t care about Lucia’s reaction. While speaking, she gestured for her husband to
help August with his luggage.

Lucia immediately stopped Mr. Child from getting the luggage and said rather awkwardly,
“It’s fine, you don’t need to bother with such trivial things.”
“We have two kids to look after. Your husband is going to be very busy. Let my husband
help. It’s not like he has anything to do, anyway.”

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