Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 687

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 687 – Breaking Through the Firewall

The wedding between Lucia and August became one of the hottest news in Austos City. The wedding remained the talk of the town for weeks after it was over. The news positively affected Lion group’s share price. JV International also quickly announced the launching of the Knight Town.

After Lucia had completed her tasks at work, she took a long vacation. She also got August, who didn’t have much to do, to stay at home.
with her. She wanted to make up for all the time she missed out with the children.

“Mom, you and Dad have been staying at home. Janet and I are worried for our future,” Timothy complained without looking away from
the computer. Janet was nestled in Lucia’s arms, looking through the latest season of kids’ fashion.

When she heard him say that, she pouted in dissatisfaction. “When Dad and Mom are old and frail, I will take care of them.” “If you are the one taking care of Dad and Mom, both of them will have starved to death long ago,” Timothy retorted rudely.

Seeing that chaos was ensuing, Lucia hurriedly interrupted the conversation between the kids and then rolled he eyes at August in
dissatisfaction. “Tell me, how can we stop this bad behavior of theirs?”

August ruffled Timothy’s hair. “You are the older brother. Your responsibility is to be humble and protect Janet.” Timothy nodded obediently and then asked curiously, “Dad, which department is responsible for Lion Group’s firewall?”

August’s curiosity was piqued. Logically speaking, Timothy should not be interested in the family business at this age. Why would he be
asking about it now? He turned to look at Timothy’s laptop and a trace of surprise flashed through his eyes.

Timothy was actually trying to break through Lion Group’s network firewall. His pudgy little fingers were lightning fast as he typed on the keyboard and strings of codes kept flashing on the monitor.

Timothy kept working adeptly on the laptop and suddenly two huge red letters “OK” appeared on the black and green screen!
“It’s done!” Timothy’s childish voice rang with excitement and the expression on August’s face was indecipherable.

He had never been this shocked before today because there was no one who could amaze him as much. But today, he, who had always
been at the top of the pyramid, was actually baffled by his own five-year-old son.

Lion Group’s business was not limited to only Austos City, it also included many subsidiaries within the country. Therefore, the
company’s firewall had many checkpoints to prevent important documents from being hacked.

It had only been a few days since Timothy was first introduced to computers, but
he had already learned how to crack the company’s
firewall. August gently massaged his temples and thought to himself, “Looks like I
have to revamp the IT team again.”

Lucia, who was sitting on the other side, did not know what had happened. When
she saw Timothy so excited, she gently urged, “Please
reduce your screen time. You haven’t used the telescope on the balcony for
some time now.”
Timothy was very satisfied and immediately put the laptop away. He took out the
new book on astronomy and sat down to read.

The phone on the table kept vibrating. Lucia tried to answer it several times, but
she gave up because Janet was unwilling to get up. In the
end, annoyed by the vibration, she simply turned on the loudspeaker and threw it
“Hey Lucia, how’s your vacation going?” A familiar voice came through the
speakers. It was Timothy and Janet’s agent, Elijah Reed.

When Lucia heard him greeting her politely, she was speechless. “Elijah, you
never think of me in good times. What bad idea are you
calling me about?”
When Elijah heard that, there was a long silence.
After a pause, he cleared his throat and broke the awkward tension. He
continued, “I don’t think you have any intentions of returning to
Amecan, so I wanted to ask if you would let Timothy and Janet make a

Lucia thought for a bit and replied in a low voice, “Timothy and Janet are already
of schooling age. I would like to prioritize their
She did not have to worry about money right now and she did not want her
children to work. She hoped that Timothy and Janet would
have a normal childhood, instead of working in the entertainment industry.
“Now that the public already knows about Timothy and Janet, and your marriage
to August Adams remains popular even till now, their fame has risen as well.

A very popular family reality show wants to cast your
children. This is a good opportunity for them to come
As he spoke, the two children had already moved towards the phone and looked
at Lucia expectantly.
“I know what you are worried about and I won’t force you to make a decision
now. I know you very well. I called you just to inform you of
this opportunity, so you get to choose as well.”

Chapter 687 Breaking Through the Firewall
“Thank you, Elijah. I will think about your suggestion.” Lucia pondered for a
moment and hung up the phone. “Mom, why don’t you agree with Uncle Elijah’s
suggestion?” Timothy and Janet looked at her curiously.
“Timothy and I both like doing this. Why don’t you like it, Mom?”
Lucia did not know how to respond to the children. She looked to August for help.

August heard the conversation and roughly understood the situation. He replied in a low
voice, “Since Timothy and Janet like it, let them
do it.”
“But…” She looked at him hesitantly, “The family reality show often involves the whole
family. Our company has just recently stabilized.
If you participate…”

Before she could finish speaking, August had already cast her a look to calm her down as
he dialed Burton’s number, “Set up an
independent team from one of our subsidiaries to focus on the entertainment industry.
We’ll start with the hottest family reality show.” Lucia looked at him in amazement as she
secretly admired his capability.
She suddenly remembered something. She poked August’s leg and started mouthing.
Paula Thomas!

August understood and turned on the loudspeaker. Lucia hurriedly asked, “Burton, have
you found out anything about Paula?” “Paula has never left the Thomas family mansion,
but for some reason, her phone has been turned off. She might be under Paul’s
control,” Burton replied quietly.
“Impossible!” She immediately dismissed this possibility.

Although Paul was very strict with Paula, he had always doted on her since young. The
bond between the siblings could not be easily
broken. Moreover, based on Paul’s personality, he would definitely not do something like
grounding Paula.

Seeing her reaction, August’s deep eyes gradually became dark and indecipherable, but
Lucia was only concerned about Paula at the
moment and did not notice his expression change.

“As long as you can confirm that Paula is still at home, she must be safe. There is likely a
problem with her phone and that’s why she’s
missing. You don’t have to worry too much. I will go over to visit her as soon as possible.”
Although Lucia said it firmly, she suddenly felt uneasy.

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