Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 686

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 686 – Timothy’s New Girlfriend

The Thomas family mansion was strangely silent. When they entered the house, the housekeeper immediately walked toward them. “Mr. Thomas, you are finally back. Miss Paula has not eaten today. If this goes on… This is…” The housekeeper’s gaze landed on Daryl.

“This is my fiancée. Tidy up a room for her.” Paul frowned, introducing her in an icy tone. He looked at the housekeeper and ordered, “If
Paula still refuses to eat, just feed her via the feeding tube.”

“Alright, understood,” the housekeeper responded hesitantly before continuing with her chores. Paul showed Daryl around the house. Having shown all the rooms to her, they walked to a room with the door tightly shut. There were two brutish-looking men standing guard outside the room.

Paul frigidly introduced, “This is my sister’s room. She has been having bouts of bad mood recently, so try not to provoke her.” “I heard that she is on a hunger strike?” Daryl asked curiously. “You just need to carry out your duties as my wife.

You don’t need to worry about these small things. There’s a housekeeper taking care of her, so she won’t starve to death.” Paul sounded like he was concerned about her and he didn’t want her to worry about trivial matters, but she still heard the disaffection and indifference in his tone.

Seeing the disappointment on her face, he added, “Although my parents are not from a scholarly family, they were very strict with our
upbringing, so Paula is a little rebellious. I’m asking you to interact with her less often to ensure that you won’t be hurt.”

Daryl nodded silently. Paul reminded her of a few more things before returning to the
study to do some work
It was not difficult to tell that the family was very strict from the way he had control over the
house staff.
The staff did things in an orderly manner and they never crossed the line. They were also
very respectful to her. Everyone had a serious
expression on their face, which was very different from her own happy family.

She felt extremely bored and she couldn’t stop thinking about Paula’s room.
After thinking about it, she made a cup of coffee and gently pushed open the
door to Paul’s study.
In his study, Paul was staring at the computer screen. Hearing the sound of
footsteps, he quickly opened a new window, but Daryl still
saw the photo of Lucia on the monitor.

She pretended she saw nothing and put the coffee on the table. Her gaze then
fell on the family photo of four in the photo frame next to
Following her gaze, Paul slammed the photo frame down on the table and said,
“In the future, you are not allowed to enter the study
without my permission. Also, remember to knock on the door.”

“I’m sorry.” Daryl tried her best to stop her trembling heart and explained softly,
“My father is a very laid-back person, that’s why I
don’t have the habit of knocking on the door before entering a room. I will
definitely knock in the future.”
“In the future, just let the staff handle small matters like making coffee.” Paul
Seeing that she had no intention of leaving, he asked, “Is there anything else?”

“I was worried about Paula, so I wanted to ask if I could go see her in her room,”
Daryl said meekly.
When Paul heard this, his kind attitude immediately withered.
Lucia was a well-behaved and sensible girl. She would never do anything against
his will. And the woman in front of him had just got
here. She had already made unreasonable demands time and time again.
She had to be exactly like Lucia, otherwise why would he marry her?

His expression became colder and colder as he thought about it, “I already told
you to stay out of her way. Do you not understand?” Daryl was shocked by his
reaction and was at a loss for words.
She did not understand. They were siblings, why did he have to treat Paula with
such hostility?

“Then I will let you get back to your work. I’m going home in the afternoon to pack
my clothes. I will come back at night.” Her voice was a little subdued. She
casually made up an excuse to leave the Thomas family mansion. The house
was so gloomy that she felt suffocated. She quickly left the study and saw the
housekeeper standing at the door of Paula’s room with a tray of food. She
immediately called the
helper and motioned for the housekeeper to hand the tray to her.

“Madam Daryl, Mr. Thomas said that we must personally deliver the tray to Miss
Paula’s room.” The housekeeper was feeling a little
Daryl’s eyebrows immediately furrowed together. She then used her status as the
mistress of the house and asked coldly, “So, if you have to listen to Paul’s
instructions, are you going to disobey me? If Miss Paula really doesn’t want to
eat, are you really going to tie her up and force-feed her?”

“Well…” The housekeeper was speechless for a moment, but she still showed no
intention of handing over the plate.
Chapter 686 Timothy’s New Girlfriend
“Don’t worry. As long as you keep this a secret between us, no one will know that
I was the one who delivered this meal to Paula.” While the housekeeper was
hesitating, she quickly snatched the plate from her and signaled the bodyguards
on both sides to open the

At this moment, Paula was so thin that she was only skin and bones.
Lying in her bed, she looked very pale. When she heard the sound of the door
opening, she did not even raise her eyelids. She spoke slowly
in a weak voice, “Take it away. I don’t want to eat.”

Daryl felt a little distressed when she saw Paula in such a destitute state. She
spoke gently, “It’s your body. If you keep starving yourself,
you will never have the chance to walk out of this room.”
When she heard an unfamiliar voice of a woman in the room, Paula raised her head with
difficulty and looked at the woman in front of
her. “Who are you?”
“I am your brother’s girlfriend. I came here just to see you.”

“Paul’s girlfriend?” she murmured in a low voice, her tone full of confusion.
Paul liked Lucia so much. Why would he suddenly bring a strange woman home?
Daryl put down the plate and sat opposite Paula. She explained everything that happened
the day before to Paula in detail. The smile on
her face became more bitter by the moment.

Only then did Paula know what she had missed recently.
Not only had Lucia clarified the recent rumors, she also held a wedding with August
Adams, finally becoming Mrs. Adams. Moreover, she
had even successfully won the bid for such a complicated project like the Imperial Dragon

After hearing Daryl’s story, she carefully observed the woman in front of her. From her
appearance and demeanor, this new
sister-in-law was indeed somewhat similar to Lucia from six years ago, but was she really
willing to become a substitute for Lucia? Daryl saw the suspicion in Paula’s eyes and

“Feelings can be cultivated with time. Paul will learn to see the difference
Daryl Davenport and Lucia Mitchell sooner or later. Moreover, it’s not my style to achieve
my goals by stepping on others.” Looking at her clear eyes, Paula felt unusually at ease.
Her cracked lips opened and closed, and after a long time, she said with difficulty,
“You are too good for Paul. He doesn’t deserve you.”

“A good girl like me also needs divine intervention. Lucia and I still need your help,” Daryl
quipped playfully as she took the bowl of soup
and tried to feed Paula. “How can you help us if you lie on the bed like this?”
Daryl’s words instantly inspired Paula. Her dim eyes gradually shone with hope. She
obediently drank some soup. Only then did Daryl
feel completely at ease.

“Actually, Paul won’t let me see you, so I can’t stay for too long. I want you to think about
how you will patch things up with your brother
in the future.” After she finished speaking, she left Paula’s room.

If she could help the Thomas siblings reconcile, she considered herself to have solved a
problem for Paul.

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