Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 685

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 685 – Make You My Wife

Daryl just wanted to buy a simple dress so that she could send Paul home in time. However, Paul was not happy with the options available even after going to several stores “Mr. Thomas, further ahead would be the luxury shops.

Why don’t we go to another shopping mall tomorrow? I will send you home first” As she spoke, Paul waved his hand and staggered into another store.

After walking around, he had his eyes set on a white dress This white dress was just right for her, just like Lucia With that sudden thought in his mind, he immediately pointed to the shop assistant and said, “Go get this dress in this young lady’s size.”

“I’m sorry, sir.” The shop assistant was a little embarrassed. “This is the only dress left, and it was worn by the model on the runway.
I’m sorry, but we do not have this dress in this young lady’s size. Why don’t you look at the other dresses instead?”

“Nonsense’ This is clearly Lucia’s size!” Paul thought The first time he saw Lucia, she wore a dress like this too. There was no mis ake.
He frowned impatiently. “Let her try it on. She can definitely fit into this one!”

Daryl helped him to the couch Only then did she have time to look at the dress he wanted her to try on. She had to admit that Paul had
good taste. The dress was simple, elegant, and fitted – it was in the style she liked.

She smiled gently at the shop assistant and explained somewhat embarrassedly, “Sorry, he’s kind of drunk. Let me try on the dress. I’ll
pay for it if it gets damaged.” “I’m sorry, but according to our store’s policy, we can’t allow anyone to try this dress on.

The only option is to purchase it directly,” the shop assistant said. “It that’s the case, then I’ll take a look at the other dresses…” “No! That’s the one! I’ll take it,” Paul said as he took out his card. When the shop assistant heard him say this, he quickly removed the skirt from the display window.

After carefully packing it up, he
handed it to Daryl. “This dress cannot be refunded nor exchanged for another
product. Thank you for shopping with us.”
The alcohol was really taking hold of Paul as he wobbled from side to side while
walking. In the end, he had to rely on Daryl for full
support. She called out his name softly, and Paul could only grunt lightly in
“Mr. Thomas, your address, please…”

“Please just get me a room at the hotel so I could rest, will you?” Paul leaned
against her and whispered in her ear, “Can you wear this
dress for me? I want to see your best side.”
He wanted to see the carefree and radiant side of her.
The rich fragrance of wine lingered in her nose, and beside her ears was the
man’s alluring voice. Daryl’s heart beat rapidly as she replied
softly, “Okay.”
Fortunately, Starlight Five-Star Hotel was on the top floor of Starlight Mall. It was
not difficult for her to bring Paul there. She felt like a
boulder had been lifted from her chest when she finally put him on the bed and
fed him some water.

“Mr. Thomas, thank you for buying me the dress today. Have a good rest. I will be
going home now.”
After that, she turned to leave, but Paul suddenly reached out and grabbed her
wrist. “Go and try the dress on. What if it doesn’t fit? I’ll
wait for you here.”
After a moment of hesitation, she went into the bathroom with the dress.

Soon, Daryl came out of the bathroom with her hands clasped together, and she
looked at Paul expectantly.
When Paul saw the woman, he couldn’t stop staring at her. He was very
surprised as he admired her beauty. At this moment, he could
only see Lucia’s smiling face in front of him.
He staggered to her and held her tightly in his arms, making it seem as though
he had obtained some priceless treasure. He muttered to
himself, “This dress suits you very well. Will you please accept the dress? Don’t
refuse it, please.”

This dress didn’t really fit her. It was a little tight around her waist and chest, but
when she saw how satisfied Paul seemed with the way
she looked in that dress, she nodded gently.
“Lucia, when I first met you, you looked like this as well…” He greedily inhaled
her unique bodily scent. As he whispered, he had already
lifted her chin and was about to kiss her.

“Lucia? Isn’t she the woman who just got married to August Adams today?”
Daryl’s thoughts began to race. Shocked, Daryl suddenly realized that Paul had
been treating her as his ex-wife.
The man she liked saw her as a substitute for his ex-wife. That was why he was
so gentle and good to her.
Make You My Wire
Before she could react, the man’s overwhelming kisses started landing on her
cheeks and lips. She hurriedly pushed him away and
shouted as she struggled, “Mr. Thomas, I am Daryl Davenport. Calm down.”

“Nonsense! You are Lucia, you are Lucia!” As he spoke, Paul’s hand reached into
her dress and pushed her onto the soft bed behind her. His sudden cold touch
made Daryl tremble. She used all her strength to push the man away, and her
voice was obviously breaking. “Mr. Thomas, please don’t do this.”
“Lucia, I am willing to give you anything. Why are you still refusing me?”

He reached out and wiped the tears from the corners of Daryl’s
eyes with his fingertips. “Don’t cry, Lucia. I will love you more than August Adams
is capable of.”
The smell of alcohol mixed with the unique manly scent gradually took hold of
Daryl. Her clear eyes gradually turned misty as the
temperature in the room rose sharply…

Daryl woke up at the break of dawn. Although she couldn’t find Paul in the room, the
sound of water coming from the bathroom proved
that he hadn’t left yet.
She looked down at the tiny purple bruises all over her body and frowned instinctively.
Then, she dragged her tired body out of bed and
dressed neatly.

She put on the dress that had been stained with red wine. Then, she folded the new, white
dress they bought yesterday and put it back into
the box.
Before she could leave, the bathroom door behind her suddenly opened. At the same
time, Paul said to her indifferently, “Where are you
going this early in the morning?”

“Home, of course.” Her hands paused mid-air as she took a deep breath. She looked
away and pretended to be calm before saying, “By
the way, I only tried the dress on once yesterday. You can do whatever you want with it
later. I am not interested in something that does
not belong to me.
“Since I bought it for you, it is yours,” Paul replied as he picked the dress up and walked
over to her. “Call your father and tell him we’ll
return to my house later.”

Daryl was stunned.
Paul continued softly, “Since you are already mine, then I should be responsible for you. I
should make you my wife.”
“Do you want to make me your wife, or do you want Lucia as your wife?” she asked while
looking up.
Paul pursed his lips and did not speak.

“If you’re doing all this to replace Lucia, then save it. I’m Daryl Davenport, not Lucia
Mitchell.” A bitter smile appeared on her face. “I’m
an adult, so I don’t need anyone to be responsible for me. You should save your sweet
nothings for those young and foolish girls.”

“Wait a minute, Daryl.” Paul held her wrist tightly and said with a very serious expression,
“Right now, I know that you are not Lucia.
You are my future wife.”

It didn’t matter who she was; as long as she resembled Lucia Mitchell, it was enough for
When Daryl heard this, her knitted eyebrows finally relaxed.

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