Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 684

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 684 – Lucia’s Replacement

+20 “In the future, I will have to call you Mrs. Adams. My heart is extremely sad, and I don’t think I can ever call you that.” After he finished speaking, he deliberately showed Lucia an expression full of hurt.

August extended his arm in front of Lucia to protect her and raised his wine glass to express his appreciation. “Thank you for gracing us with your presence, Jamie.” Jamie could not help but frown when he realized that August was still as aloof as ever. “

I didn’t expect you to still be this cold even after getting married. In the future, Lucia will have to look at this stinky face of yours every day. What a pity.”
August’s expression darkened further as he eyed Jamie’s flirtatious expression with his eagle eyes.

“Thank you for your concern, but that’s between Lucia and me.” “Who said I was concerned about such trifles? I’m a busy man, you know.” Jamie waved
his hand when he heard this. After speaking, he even lowered his head and kissed the woman in his arms, causing her to giggle non-stop.

Lucia promptly raised her wine glass between Jamie and August. She held onto August’s arm affectionately and changed the topic. “It
seems like Jamie is in high spirits and has something to say. I take it that there’s good news about the Knight Town.”

“Even if I don’t care for your husband, I would still like to see you.” The smile on Jamie’s face grew wider. “Don’t forget to come over and
sign the contract after the celebration. You have to come personally. Otherwise, I won’t sign it.”

“I will personally go to your office to discuss the details some other day,” August spoke up in a bitingly cold tone. Jamie couldn’t take it anymore and nudged Lucia into August’s arms. “Come on! August Adams, I’m not interested in married women.

Stop taking this the wrong way, alright?” In a corner of the venue, Paul looked at the pair of newlyweds on the stage with a painful expression. He raised his hand and downed the red wine in his glass. When he and Lucia had their wedding, she never smiled like this!

He could give her whatever August Adams could give her, so why did she still choose August in the end? The more he thought about it, the angrier he felt. His fingertips unconsciously gripped the neck of the wine glass. As the glass cracked, the wine glass shattered into two.

He immediately heard the young woman
beside him letting out a soft yelp.
“I’m sorry.” While he apologized, he glanced at the young woman beside him. He
couldn’t look away from her after the first glance. The young woman had
probably been drinking as well. Her clean and radiant face was flushed red.
Under her slightly knitted brows, her
eyes were pure and bright.

As he stared a little longer, her beautiful face overlapped with Lucia’s.
This girl looked exactly like Lucia from six years ago!
Since he was under the influence, he suddenly grabbed the young woman’s hand
and asked coldly, “Who the hell are you?”
“I…” The young woman retracted her hand fearfully when she saw the coldness
in his eyes. She trembled and replied, “My father is Dylan
Davenport of Howe Real Estate. My name is Daryl.”

Seeing her frightened look triggered the soft spot in Paul’s heart. Only then did
he let go of Daryl’s hand. His eyes fell on her dress as he
explained gently, “Don’t be afraid. I just want to buy you a new dress.”
He had spilled the red wine on her white dress, and the stain was very obvious.
She hurriedly took out a tissue to wipe it, but at the same
time, she did not forget to reassure Paul.

“It’s alright. My driver will pick me up soon. There’s no need to trouble you at all.”
“As a girl, you surely can’t be walking around like this, can you? Come with me.”
As he spoke, he had already taken off his jacket and
draped it over her. He held her shoulders and left the venue.
Feeling the warmth of his jacket, Daryl did not refuse any further and followed
him to the exit of Evergreen Park.
There were many luxury cars parked on the side of the road. Paul walked to one
of the vehicles and took out the car key from his pocket.

“Can you drive?”
“You don’t have a driver?” Daryl took the key and asked with concern, “Mr.
Thomas, let me send you home.”
“Do you know me?” Paul was stunned.
Daryl shrugged as she pointed to the wedding in the distance and said playfully,
“News about you and Lucia caused such a stir in Austos
City. There’s nothing strange about me knowing you, don’t you think?”

Hearing this, Paul laughed and felt that she was very similar to Lucia. “You are
also very smart.”
“Also very smart?” She smiled and shook her head. She thought that he was
talking nonsense because he had drunk too much. She opened
the car door and helped him into the passenger seat. Then, she fastened his seat
belt with care. “Please give me your home address, Mr.

“To the mall.” He looked at her gently and whispered, “I must buy you a new
The two of them went back and forth about the dress for a while as they sat in
the car. In the end, she could not refuse Paul and drove toa
nearby mall.
Daryl drove steadily, just like her gentle personality.

The journey wasn’t a bumpy
one, and Paul was getting cozy in the car. With the comfortable warmth in the car, the effect of alcohol was getting stronger and stronger. His
eyelids got droopier by the minute, and he
finally fell into a deep slumber.
Daryl drove slowly into the basement parking lot of Starlight Mall and parked the vehicle.
She tried to wake him, but there was no

She turned her head to look at Paul sleeping, and a smile gradually appeared on her face.
She had seen many gentle and elegant men, but most of them were born in scholarly
families. It was the first time she had seen a man like
Paul, who could still maintain his chivalry despite being a savage when it came to
This man had both the charm of a successful person and the sense of modesty that she
liked. She couldn’t help but lean over to take a
careful look at his delicate facial features. Without knowing it, her heart skipped a beat as
she observed him.

The unique scent of the young girl entered Paul’s nose. In his dreams, he was reliving the
first time he saw Lucia. At that time, Lucia also
had this unique scent that made him feel comfortable.
He slowly opened his eyelids and saw Daryl’s bright eyes. In his drowsiness, the face that
he had been thinking about day and night
appeared in front of him again.

He suddenly raised his arms and pulled the woman in front of him into his embrace. His
thin lips were getting closer and closer to her soft lips.
“Mr. Thomas!” Daryl exclaimed. Her delicate hands instinctively pushed his chest away.
She was blushing, and she looked uneasy and flustered.

Only then did Paul realize that he had just crossed the line, and the disappointment in his
eyes disappeared in an instant. When he looked at her again, there was only a deep,
vacant look in his eyes. “Looks like I am indeed drunk.”

When Daryl was at the wedding, she watched as he drank glass after glass of wine. It was
obvious to her that this man was very drunk, and he was feeling the effects of alcohol.
“Mr. Thomas, you are very drunk. I think I should send you home so you could rest, in

Before she could finish her sentence, Paul already had his arm around her slender waist
with his drunken stupor as an excuse, leading
her into the mall. “I will not go back on my promise. Today, I must get you a suitable

Daryl was relatively short. As she nestled in his arms, she could hear his strong heartbeat.
Paul’s somewhat domineering voice constantly echoed in her ears. The corners of her
mouth raised into a shy smile, and she reached out to support his slightly swaying body

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