Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 647

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 647 – Will Not Leave You Behind

August frowned with doubt in mind, he got up and walked to the balcony, and looked beyond. He wanted to stand for a while before heading back to his room. But the door of Lucia’sroom was pushed open, she tiptoed out of her room and closed the door behind her carefully.

Timothy and Janet played for a whole day and telt exhausted so as to fall deep into sleep. But Lucia couldn’t fall asleep at all, her mingled mind kept her awake and upset. Actually, she was very worried about Bill Mitchell and Mrs. Mitchell.

She tried a few times to call them on the way home, but she was afraid of crying over it, so she was restraining herself.
Her parents were still under surveillance, she had no idea what Bishop had done so far.

She also was afraid of being abnormal in front of her parents and arousing any suspicions. Therefore, she decided not to contact them. Watching all the short videos Mrs. Mitchell sent relieved her a bit knowing they were safe for the time being.

But what about the future? She must betray Bishop to secure their lives. It was more likely that even if she had done what Bishop ordered, he still would have not spared her and her parents, even threatened her further Lucia became more and more frightened, her mingled mind made her grit her teeth.

She saw August look back at her on the balcony just when she walked out of her room. She breathed in, went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of beer. August saw her taking the beer, a flicker of surprise flashed across his eyes.

Lucia was looking at him at the same time signaling to him for the beer, “Have some drink?” August was tempted, whispering “Yes, please.”
Lucia took one more and closed the refrigerator, walked straight to him.

There was a small round table and two lounges on the balcony. It’s very enjoyable to drink under the Moon on such cold wind night. Lucia handed him one, then they sat down by themselves and drank in silence.

August turned around to look at her, then took a sip, asking “Is there something bothering you?” Lascia kept silent for a while, then spoke, “August, don’t you think it’s a bit odd that I always feel my life had become complicated and dangerous since I met you?”

She sounded like she didn’t mean it and blame anyone, but August felt a little uncomfortable at it. That’s true, she had suffered a lot like never before and encountered many dangers because of him.

So he just wanted to offer her a peaceful and stable life, he would rather experience all the darkness himself, so Timothy, Janet and her could stay in the light.
Both of them kept silent. After a while, August turned around and looked at her,
whispering “Mr. Denko had been caught.”

Hearing this familiar but strange name, Lucia turned to him subconsciously,
asking “Had he been arrested?”
August nodded decisively, “That’s what I said.”
Lucia breathed a sigh of relief at his affirmative answer. The news turned out to
be a good news for her.
August saw Lucia relax a bit, then paused a second, whispering “Don’t worry, as
long as Timothy, Janet and you are still here, I will protect you.”

Lucia nodded thoughtfully, gulped down her beer, then turned to him, smiling “I’m
their mother, I will also protect them if danger really approaches, I can’t owe you
It seemed she’s joking, but when she smiled, two moon-like eyes were shining
like two sparkling lights in the night, very bright and impressive.
He tightened his grip on the bottle, whispering “It’s OK to owe me, you can repay
at any time.”

Lucia heard what he said, she smiled, adding jokingly “I can’t repay.”
They smiled at each other, Neither of them continued talking further.
Gazing upon the sky covered by a black curtain across which a few stars were
scattered, they kept silent. unwittingly, a whole bottle was consumed.
But one bottle was not enough for Lucia, she fetched two bottles and put them on
the table, resumed drinking one more.

August naturally knew she had something on her mind, but by judging of this,
even if he had asked, Lucia couldn’t have told him anything.
August breathed deep and took another beer consuming together with her,
ordering quietly “Mr. Denko has been arrested, you’d better not to go out. Things
are not going well
these days, including Bishop, he is messing up out there. The best way to avoid
risks is not to show up.”

Her mind settled down, Lucia thought of the agreement she had reached with
Bishop, she couldn’t help asking, “What if it is inevitable to go out?”
August looked at her, teasing softly “Then take me with you.”
Lucia thought it’s funny, adding “You have to sit in a wheelchair when you go out
now. If we are in danger, are you sure you can care about me?”

August became more serious, the smile on his face faded away, “From today on, if you
want to go out, you’d better take Zane with you. Timothy and Janet are strictly forbidden to
out these days, I will arrange someone to protect in secret near the apartment….”
He was taking his arrangement serious, and going on and on about it. When he turned
around, he found that Lucia was reclining into sleep on the lounge.

August felt very awkward, it turned out that she’s not listening to anything he said.
August felt cold for a moment, he got up and went to her, picked her up from the lounge
straightaway and headed for her room.
He carried her back to the room gently and put her on the bed. August looked down at her
demure looks under the dim light, his heart was like surging in the wind. He wriggled lips,
whispering “No matter what danger we are in, I will not leave you behind.”

His voice was very soft, soon did it seemingly fade away into the air. At last, he took a
deep look at her, then got up and walked out.
Lucia’s eyelashes fluttered lightly at the moment when he closed the door…

August returned to his room and thought too much unwittingly. He had been thinking that
Bishop will make some troubles recently out of either instinct or bad feelings.

Mr. Denko had been arrested, and Eliot who was deliberately hidden by him had also
been found and taken away. As desperate as everyone, plus his characters, Bishop
should not be
so calm.

As he thought, he immediately took out his mobile phone and gave orders to several
subordinates to make urgent deployment.

Finally, he had a showdown against Bishop. Now he was not alone, he had someone in
his protection, so nothing could go wrong!

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