Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 695

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 695 – Disingenuous Apologies

Disingenuous Apologies “Come on! The so-called good husband didn’t make my pregnancy easier!” Lucia rolled her eyes. “It was awful, to be frank.” Recalling that poignant experience, Lucia determined to get August to account for it after the live stream show!

Thinking of that, she glared at August involuntarily. Conscious of her hostility, August felt a drumming in his temples with an ominous hunch.
He was puzzled as he really couldn’t remember doing anything that annoyed her.

But generally, the atmosphere in the room was good-humored and peaceful. Since Yanny couldn’t get off the bed and Lucia hadn’t had anything yet, they took their supper in the room, while Timothy and Janet stayed with them, disassembling the spaceship models quietly.

The door was suddenly pushed open without any knock, which had everyone in the room stop to gaze at the two visitors at the door in astonishment. They were Yoyo and Jacob.

Holding Jacob by the collar with one hand and a portable live stream equipment provided by the crew in the other, Yoyo strode into the room ingratiatingly without being invited. “Yanny, I came to apologize with Jacob. It’s my fault that I didn’t discipline him well.

Could you forgive us?” Yoyo pleaded. Although in front of the camera, Yanny was no willing to act magnanimously. Instead, she snorted, “Isn’t your intention too obvious to make apologies with a camera? Are you doing that for the sake of apologies or as a showcase?”

Her trick being nailed, Yoyo had to maintain the stiff smile on her face though she was gnashing her teeth. Criticism against her and Jacob flooded in after the accident.

Some viewers even made use the opportunity to report the inferior products she sold, whith caused her business partners to terminate their
contracts and left her a huge amount of unsold stock.

What was worse, the number of followers of her short video account plummeted by one third within the period of only two hours. She would be done if the trend went on.

She had to regain her reputation with whatever means and price. Making apologies was a wise move she had to take, though to her surprise, Yanny just wouldn’t cooperate.

“Yanny, could you be a little merciful? I have given the naughty kid a
lesson and I promise I’ll be stricter to him from now on. Such accident will never
take place again!” Yoyo sounded quite sincere.

Yet Yanny still wouldn’t give her a damn. “A lesson to discipline him? Or a lesson
that’s designed for the show?” “You…” Yoyo almost lost control of her temper. As
she cooled down a little after taking a deep breath, an idea occurred to her as a
vicious flicker showed in her eyes. She then suddenly knelt down and began
weeping, “Yanny, I beg your pardon for my mistake in the education of my son.

Please beat me if that make you feel better, but could you let go of my kid?” The
unexpected move just got Yanny more sulky. She even felt her belly aching
again. Lucia hastened to relieve Yanny’s pain with her own method while
snapping to Yoyo grimly, “Please leave here with your son. Yanny needs some
rest.” Yoyo retorted sharply with a malicious glare to Lucia, “Do you have to
pretend to be righteous here only because viewers
love your kids? How hypocritical!”

“Being hypocritical is at least better than being malicious.” Lucia sneered. “Some
kids are loved by the viewers and could bring good luck to their parents, while
others only ruin the fake image their parents tried to build.”
Yoyo’s face was purple with rage. Kneeling on the cold floor was already

Now her trick was exposed, Yoyo grew
more resentful at Lucia. “This matter is only between Yanny and me, could you
leave us alone?” Yoyo then turned the camera to her face and put on a bitter look
swiftly, “Yanny, I will quit the show if you wouldn’t accept my ingenuous

Yoyo’s plea rendered Yanny even meaner in the eyes of the viewers, especially
when Yanny per se had been notorious for her harsh words and unkind image.
Yoyo’s fans took advantage of that by hurling negative comments at Yanny. They
even got the serious Lucia involved
[As if she is the only pregnant woman in this planet.

That’s affected!]
(So what does she want when Yanny has knelt down for her pardon? She really
wants Yanny to quit? What a vicious
woman! No wonder there’s so much criticism against her.]
(No better is that Lucia! She only fawns on the popular star and looks down upon
the common people like Yoyo.] 【What a snobbish mother Lucia is! I’m no fan of
Timothy and Janet from today on.]

Despite other comments on the side of Lucia and Yanny, Lucia now just couldn’t
overcome the impact brought by the
deliberate criticism. With a scowl on her face, she cursed in her heart: like idol,
like fans!

Yoyo was of course glad to see that. Her mouth curved in a complacent smile as
she was contemplating a perfect plan–
When Jacob made the apology as being told, she would edit the raw material
and post the edited edition on the net.

would help to maintain the remaining fans and keep her image as a graceful and
fond mother when the whole program
eventually winded down in the memory of the public.

“Jacob, say sorry to Auntie Yanny.” Yoyo turned the camera to her son, who was playing
with the other two kids

“What’s that?” Holding one piece of the model, Jacob asked with a smile which could
never been called friendly. “Can I
borrow it?”
“Sure.” Janet answered innocently. But when she tried to get it back later, Jacob didn’t
seem to be willing to return it.
Instead, he deliberately disassembled some parts from it.
“Jacob, that’s not the way to play with it…” Janet was anxious.

“That’s just my way to play!” Jacob lifted the model and tossed it to the table.
Timothy stretched out his little arm and held Jacob’s wrist. “Give it back to Janet. Thank

The grimness on his face
rendered him more mature than his actual age. That really resembled his father, which
triggered the fear of Jacob

As anger and terror got the better of Jacob, this rude boy picked up the
model and hit Timothy on the face
with it.

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