Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 614

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 614 – The Checkup

Bishop was sitting in the empty room on the second floor. His brows were furrowed. “All eight of them are our men?”

“Yes, they were all our men. August even said that he’s going to sue them for scandalling him. He even wanted them to tell him the person behind all of this. He said that it was unfair means of business competition,” Bob lowered his head and replied.

After hearing this, Bishop’s face darkened even more. He then shouted coldly. “Useless garbage!”. “What should we do now? I’m afraid that the people who weren’t caught wouldn’t dare show themselves anymore recently.”

Bishop remained silent. He felt his temples throbbing. He had never expected that the people he had paid off would be caught so quickly. Their combat effectiveness was far weaker than he had expected After a pause, Bishop calmed down a little and said, “Let’s wait it out first.

I want to see what else he can do” Bob was still a little worried and continued to report, “They’re still investigating the financial
director of Twilight at the moment.

I’m afraid they’re going to see the account soon” Bishop raised his head, looked out the window and said, “That’s fine. The financial director will
take the blame.

There are no direct evidence that leads to me Then, he stood up, stretched himself out and continued, “It’s perfect as well. It can redirect
his attention. By the time he’s done, my matters here will be finished as well. I
Bob nodded but didn’t say anything
Bishop took back his hand, lowered his head and looked at the time on his watch. There
were still two hours left before he would leave the house. He raised his chin a little and
said to Bob, “Alright, you can go get some rest. We’ll set off in one and a half hour”

Bob nodded in acknowledgement. “Yes, sir.”
With that, Bob lett the room quietly and closed the door on his way out.
Bishop had nothing to do, so he walked to his desk and turn on his computer. He
opened the surveillance screens and checked them one by one.
Finally, he locked onto one of the footage and saw a familiar figure.

At the moment, Mandy had been authorized by him to not wearing the hand and
leg cuffs. She was allowed to move freely in the house. The only things she
couldn’t do was to leave the house and to have contact with the outside world. This was his last request
and he wouldn’t back down anymore.
Meanwhile, Mandy was sitting on a chair on the balcony in a daze. Her face
looked serious. No one knew what she was thinking about.

Bishop scrolled the progress bar of the surveillance and looked at the footage
from the morning. At noon, Mandy was eating lunch in her own bedroom. As
soon as the servant placed
the tray down and turned around to clean the room, Mandy suddenly began
placing the duck into pieces of paper, wrapping them up and throwing them into
the bin. She kept on repeating the same action time after time.

Mandy only stopped when all the meat in the plates were in the bin. The whole
process was done when the servant wasn’t looking
Bishop frowned. He couldn’t understand why she was doing such a thing. He
kept on scrolling the progress bar to look at the footage one more time.
This time, be patiently continued to watch the footage. That was when he saw
Mandy only began eating when all the meat were in the bin. In the end, she didn’t
even finish all the
rice given. She only ate some vegetables and took a few sips of the soup and
was done.

This was definitely very unusual.
Mandy had been by Bishop’s side for quite a long time. He was very familiar with
her habits. Mandy wasn’t a vegetarian. She was quite thin, but there was no way
that her appetite was
this small. Could it be that she had lost a lot of appetite due to not eating for a

Bishop shook his head. This thought couldn’t answer the question he had. He
paused and looked at the footage from the day before and continued to watch.
After watching the footage of the past two days, he realized that Mandy had been
doing the same thing every meal. She wouldn’t touch any of the meat, especially
the greasy dishes. Bishop took a deep breath and used the cursor to drag the
progress bar. Suddenly, the woman in the video got up from the bed, covered her
mouth and rushed into the toilet.

were taint soundings of vomiting from inside the toilet. A while later, when no
sound was heard did Mandy slowly walk out of the toilet.
Bishop furrowed his brows. Something seemed to have flashed in his mind.

Suddenly, his hand on the mouse suddenly tightened. He quickly stood up and
rushed out of the room. He went straight to the servant who had been looking
after Mandy recently and asked, “Is there anything unusual about Mandy

The servant saw that Bishop had a serious face, she thought something serious
had happened. She panicked and broke into a cold sweat. She then shook her
head and said, “Nothing
unusual Miss Lu had been eating regularly and her daily routine was in a set
pattern as well.”
This answer caused Bishop to furrow his brows even more. “What about her

The servant paused and then shook her head. “Nothing unusual either.”
“Really?” Bishop sneered and his gazes seemed to have penetrated the servant.
With that, he headed towards Mandy’s bedroom with big strides. When he
reached the door, he
pushed the door openi
The door opened and collided with the wall with a loud bang. The bang echoed
throughout the whole house.

Mandy trembled at the loud noise. After that, she quickly stood up from the chair
and looked at the direction of the door with a confused look on her face.
Bishop was walking towards her whilst emitting a domineering aura. His face was
colder than ever.

Instantly, Mandy felt all the heat in her body was drained out of her. A chill was sent down
her back
She took a step back subconsciously “What’s wrong?”
Bishop didn’t say anything He quickly walked up to her and pushed her backwards. Then,
he pinned Mandy onto the wall of the balcony and looked down on her from above with a
domineering aure. He then asked, “Are you pregnant?”
This question caused Mandy’s rufid to instantly go blank.

She had never thought things would end up like this. Bishop asked such a question as
soon as he came into her room. This was something she couldn’t accept
Quickly, Mandy calmed down and denied with a frown. “What nonsense are you talking
about hi
Seeing that Mandy had denied, Bishop didn’t panic at all. Instead, he actually felt more at
ease. He curved his lips. “Alright then, I’ll take you to the hospital for a check up.”

After hearing that Bishop wanted to take her to the hospital, Mandy instantly panicked.
“Why do we need to go to the hospital? I’m not sick!
Bishop squinted his eyes a little, stared at Mandy and said, “Going to do a check up just in
The man’s words were like ice and gave Mandy the chills. She shook her head and
wanted to refuse, but she was afraid that her actions would give herself away
She didn’t know which step had gone wrong and made Bishop suddenly suspect that she
was pregnant.

Mandy took a deep breath, shook her head and tried her best to make herself seem as
calm as possible. “Bishop, I don’t want to go to the hospital. You know me, I’ve always
that place. I’m perfect well and I’m not sick.”

“Really Bishop didn’t give Mandy any chance to lie. He grabbed her shoulder and pinched
her hard. Then, he asked coldly. “Since you’re not sick then why aren’t you eating any
megt? If you’re not sick, then why would you vomit early in the morning? Let’s go do a
check up and allow me to feel at ease.”

Bishop’s words made Mandy’s face turn completely pale. She opened her mouth, but no
words came out. She felt like she was a fish out of the water
“Come on, I’ll take you to the hospital.”

Seelog Mandy’s face, Bishop grabbed her wrist and dragged her towards the door. “I’ll
accompany you with the check up today personally.”
He wanted to see for himself whether Mandy was lying or not.

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