Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 613

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 613 – Whose Idea Is It?

Lucia was moved upon hearing that. She took a deep breath, walked forward, and said, “Master Jeff, I know a comfortable place, suitable for “
“Never mind.” Jeff shook his head, “I plan to go back to Evergreen Meditation Yard with Garnett and other followers.”

Lucia was shocked and lost her words. Evergreen Meditation Yard was a sad place for them. They would feel bad if they went back. So she preferred that they changed their place to start a new life. It hit her that Jeff was so determined.

Noticing Lucia’s hesitation, Jeff said softly, “Actually, nothing is settled. After I meet Jim, we’ll discuss it. We may go back to Evergreen Mountain and revive our temple, or we may come to Valendale to seek help from old friends of our keeper. Anyway, you don’t have to worry about us”

Lucia felt relieved till this moment. She nodded, and replied softly, “I can rest easy since you have made your decision. If you need help, please call me and Zane. Where will you guys go now? We can send people to drive you.”

As she said, she fixed her eyes on Garnett. Now, he stood next to Jeff and stared at Lucia. She was somewhat moved. She and Garnett had lived together for so long. It’s impossible to say that they have no affection for each other. Lucia didn’t expect that they would separate so soon.

She thought that it would take Jeff a while to make the decision. She opened her mouth and wanted to say more. Zane stopped her, “Lucia, don’t worry. I’ll arrange everything properly. I get them.” In a flash, all her words were swallowed back. She looked at Garnett.

She became more emotional. All of a sudden, Garnett got rid of Jeff’s hand, walked towards her, and stretched his arms.
Lucia felt a brief surge of warmth and crunched up to hug this little boy. Warmth embraced them at this moment.

Garnett whispered in her ears, “See you, auntie.”
As the boy said goodbye to her in a serious and mature tone, Lucia’s nose
twitched and she burst into tears. She hugged him tightly for a long time till she
asked, “Jeff, would you like to say goodbye to Timothy and Janet?”

Garnett shook his head and said earnestly, “As our keeper once put it, the right
people will meet again. I know I’ll meet them in the future.”
This made her cry even more. Lucia took a deep breath, hugged this little guy
once again, and let him go in the end. She said gently, “Okay, I agree with you.”
Garnett nodded and waved to Lucia. Then, he went back to Jeff
Lucia walked behind them the entire journey, watching them get into the car.
Then, she stopped and stood stiffly to see them off as their car ran away.

A mixed feeling of affection and reluctance grew in her heart. She had no choice
but to grit her teeth and wipe out the tears from the comer of her eyes.
The voice came behind her. Zane came and whispered, “Lucia, you can rest
assured. President Bishop told me to protect them. Their last choice differs from
ours. What we can do is
help them as much as we can. They should move on by themselves.”

Lucia has kept silent for quite a long time because of Zane’s words.
She had to admit that Zane was wiser than her sometimes. Actually, they had
made the best decision.
All of the pressure had vanished. What a relief for Lucia. She smoothed his hair
and nodded, “Yes. Ok. I should go.”
She smiled at Zane and went into her car to leave.

When he saw the disappearance of Lucia’s car, Zane smiled and drove to the
Lion Group.
Upon arriving at the CEO’s office, he immediately reported everything to Bishop,
“That’s all. Then Lucia drives away after she sees off jeff.”
Bishop frowned his brows lightly. Shortly, he nodded and asked in a low voice,
“Do you send people to follow Jetf?”

Zane nodded quickly and said, “Yes. They’ll keep them safe along the way.”
Bishop nodded back to his positive answer. He then took his attention back and
focused on the documents on the desk.
In this situation, Zane hesitated and opened his mouth all of a sudden, “Bishop,
there are many disturbing people in the company. I think of a good way to punish
them…” He detailed Lucia’s way to Elshop..

The listener became happier and smiled an insignificant smile. Then, he
recovered himself and said nothing.
The speaker was unsure based on Bishop’s unfathomable expression. He asked
tentatively, “What do you think, Bishop?”

Bishop raised eyebrows at Zane and asked, “Whose idea is it?”
Zane was shocked and failed to give out his reply, “Well…”
Bishop laughed at Zane’s expression and asked, “Lucia?”

Zane shivered and had no clue where he had made a mistake, leaving Bishop to see
through his trick.
He said with little confidence, “Is it not good?”

Bishop chuckled, “No. Do that right now.”
Zane was confused and stunned. The boss’s stare caused chills to run down his spine.
Then, he nodded and said, “No problem. I’ll arrange it now.”

After Zane left his office, the grin on Bishop’s face grew wider. There was no one except
Lucia who could come up with this solution. Because this person must be familiar with the
company’s staff. As he knew the communication manners and habits of others, he could
precisely circle the possible places to set a trap.

Zane had just met her. She also met all these requirements. It’s very likely that Lucia came
up with this idea. Admittedly, her idea was brilliant. Even I couldn’t think of that. Out of
surprise, she worked out something good.
Bishop hoped her way could bear fruit.

His wish was granted in the span of an afternoon. Fighters who had never shown up in the
company before arrived that afternoon, thanks to Zane’s arrangement.

Various fighters
strolled through the main palaces, catching eight troublemakers and mind-blowers.
The news spread like fire in the company: eight people were taken to the CEO’s office.
Bishop’s brother was told of this.

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