Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 612

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 612 – The Man Who Stirred Things Up

After an hour of rushing. Lucia and Garnett finally arrived at their destination Jeff and the others had already moved away from the previous place.

Now, they were in one of the houses in a dilapidated community Jett was locked in one of the bedrooms, with two bodyguards guarding outside. When Lucia arrived at the gate, Zane was already waiting there “Lucia, I’ve been waiting for you forever.”

Zane smiled at her and tried to strike up a conversation. Lucia wasn’t in the mood. She smiled at him and asked softly, “Where is Jeff right now?”
“In the bedroom inside,” Zane said, slowly glancing at Garnett. Then, he said calmly, “Do you plan to take him with you?

Lucia was stunned for a moment, then quickly understood what he meant. She squatted down and comforted, “Garnett, I’m going to take a look at the situation. Wait here for me, I’ll be out soon.” Garnett nodded obediently and said softly, “All right. I’ll wait for you here.”

As he spoke, Zane walked over and took Garnett aside. Then Lucia breathed a sigh of relief and walked to the bedroom door. The bodyguards opened the door and she slowly walked in.

In the bedroom, Jeff was sitting by the window. His back appeared trailer. He was as thin as a matchstick. Hearing someone enter the door, he did not move. Lucia stood still and looked at him for a long time before saying, “Jett.”

Hearing her voice, the man moved slightly but did not turn around on speak. Lucia took two steps forward, looked at him, and said, “I came here to talk to you.” Jett still didn’t move, so Lucia waited for a while. In the end, she simply walked to the chair on the other side and sat down.

As if she was talking to herself, she said softly, “In life,
there must be something we
will lose. In the face of hatred, some people choose to risk their lives to take revenge,
while others choose to live a new life.”

As she spoke, she turned to look at Jeff and asked softly, “Master Jeff, you know
better than I do about the principles of forgiveness and redemption. Instead of
living in hatred and revenge, why don’t you choose to start a new life with the
people around you who should be cherished?

Jeff finally turned his head around, his greyish-white pupils moving slightly. Lucia
let out a sigh of relief, stood up, and said softly, “That’s all I want to say. I think
you also miss Garnett. 1 brought him here.” This time, Jett’s expression changed
and his eyes shone.
Walking to the door, Lucia opened it and said to the boy outside the door,
“Garnett, come here.”

Hearing that, Garnett stood up excitedly and trotted over. Rubbing his head,
Lucia gently said, “Go on in.”
Garment nodded and walked in. Then, she heard Garnett call out excitedly.
“Master Jeff…”

She gently closed the door and the corners of her eyes warmed. She walked
quietly to the sofa and sat down, feeling a little complicated. At this time, Zane
walked over. Seeing that she was in a low mood, he found a topic to chat about
with her. “Lucia, how are you these days?

All of a sudden, Lucia seemed to have thought of something. She raised her
head, looked at him, and replied softly, “I’m doing good.”
After a pause, she asked. “How’s the situation in the company lately? At the
mention of the company, the relaxed expression on Zane’s face immediately
turned serious. He shook his head and answered
tally. “Not very optimistic.”
“What do you mean?” Lucia asked.

Zane besitated for a moment and said, “Many people in the company have
resigned recently. There are also some bad comments about the company that
spread in the staff, which has made everyone anxious.”
Lucia instantly frowned when she heard this, and the scene from yesterday that
she’d unintentionally encountered appeared in her mind. At that time, that woman
was persuading another woman to quit as soon as possible. It turned out that
these were not examples. Rather, they were common occurrences. Lucia took a
deep breath and asked, “Didn’t someone check out what was going on?”

Zane shook his head and said, “There’s no way to find out. The group has indeed
been a little turbulent recently. Several major industries, including the shares,
have been affected. In addition, someone is maliciously spreading rumors.
Things are just a little out of control.”

Lucia frowned and was out of ideas for a moment. If things went on like that, it
would slowly be a vicious cycle, and there would be more people resigning from
the company. In addition, someone was deliberately tanning the flames. The Lion
group would soon be in trouble again.

Aner thinking for a while, Lucia said, “I think it was Bishop who sent someone to
do this. He hasn’t shown up yet and has been hiding all the time. He must be
preparing something important…” Zane said with some distress. “The problem is
that we have no evidence, and we can’t keep our staff. This matter cannot be

Luria was silent. After a long while, she said with a firm tone, “Why don’t we just
change the staff?”
Lucia nodded and said firmly, “Yes, find those people who are spreading rumors
and replace them. Then find some newcomers to join the company. On the one
hand, we can clean up the mess, exclude traitors, and bring new people into the

Zane shook his head and said, “Mr. Adams has thought of it too, but it’s not easy
to know who the traitor is. They can’t be captured in surveillance, and we don’t
know what people talk in private” Lucia smiled, “I know how to catch them.”
As she spoke, she took out a piece of paper and a pen from the side. She wrote on it and
marked out the location. Zane watched from the side and was very puzzled.
*Rest area, balcony, break room, staff canteen…”

Sewing Lucia write down a bunch of addresses, he couldn’t help but ask, “Sis, what does
this mean?
*Generally, those who stir up troubles will brainwash some employees in these places,
especially in blind spots where there is no monitoring, so it’s not difficult to catch those
people. As long as you find the night place and wait for the right time You can send some
strangers, telling them not to wear work clothes and you catch them easily.”
Zane looked at her in a daze “Lucia, how could you know that?”

company’s situation.
Lucia smiled but didn’t answer him. She had worked in the Lion group for more than two
years, so she had a rough understanding of the Usually, if her colleagues had something
to say to each other, they would say it in those places where there was no monitoring. And
some of these places were the center of gossip. But now, those people who tanned the
flames would definitely go to those places. There was no doubt about that.

The high
ponytail woman she met yesterday who did brainwashing her colleagues should have
been one of the traitors. Thus, she was roughly able to guess the methods of those

“This is just my guess. You can go back and talk to August, but remember, don’t say I said
Zane smiled mysteriously and nodded. “All right, F’ll keep it a secret”

While they were talking, the door of Jeff’s room was suddenly pushed open from the
inside. Lucia looked up and saw Jeff and Garnett standing at the door Garnett’s big eyes
were still filled with tears. Obviously, he had just finished crying.

Lucia took a deep breath and slowly stood up. Before she could ask, she heard Jeff say,
“I’ve already thought about it. You’re right. Rather than living in hatred, it’s better to live a
good lite for people I care

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