Married at First Sight Novel

Married at First Sight Novel Chapter 3255

Married at First Sight Novel Chapter 3255 – Abby said, “Don’t we hit it off right away with Sister Seren and Sister Jasmine?

Do we have to flatter each other?” Evan paused and said, “Since you’re back and we’re in trouble again, why don’t I accompany you for a walk outside to eat and talk about our affairs, by the way? I won’t come over tomorrow. Yes, I’m also very busy at work.”

After thinking about it, Abby also felt that it would be better to negotiate tonight. In fact, there was no need to talk about it; she already knew Evan’s answer. Evan had made it clear to her last night, but she didn’t say she was giving up on him at that time, so he had to talk to her as a last resort.

“Okay, then accompany me for a walk to eat. What if I come back from the walk and I’m hungry again? If I exercise and use up my energy, I will be hungry.” Evan: “I finally understand why you can hit it off with my sister-in-law and Jasmine.”

They were all foodies! Why didn’t he know she loved eating so much? All he knew was that she was not very picky about food, and she was much
better than Tatum’s partner, Elora, anyway. He heard that Tatum’s partner, Elora, had a particularly picky mouth.

Because of her picky mouth, she often changed chefs, so Tatum went to work as a cook for his future wife. He didn’t know if Tatum’s pursuit of his wife went smoothly. Evan quickly pulled back his thoughts and laughed at himself. His affairs were making him feel overwhelmed.

How could he be in the mood to care about whether Tatum’s pursuit of his wife went smoothly? Tatum still had plenty of time, but he only had a few months, unlike Tatum, who had just started and had a full year. A boy from the York family would never lose.

He believed that, after a year, Tatum could come back with his partner. Evan said, “If you get hungry later, I’ll treat you to a midnight snack. Okay, I won’t
let you go hungry. When I come to Wiltspoon, I will always do my best to treat you as a landlord and treat you to a meal.”

Abby pretended to take two steps forward to hold his arm, which scared Evan, who jumped away quickly. Evan said, “Abby, we are not that good.” Abby smiled playfully. Evan was stunned for a moment. Why did he feel that Abby’s playful smile looked a bit familiar?

Maybe he had seen her smile like this when he deliberately approached her in Hiribaty. Evan: “I just don’t want people to misunderstand.”
Evan opened his mouth, but no words came out. Abby’s shamelessness left him speechless.

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