Married at First Sight Novel

Married at First Sight Novel Chapter 3228

Married at First Sight Novel Chapter 3228 – Abby didn’t even know that Evan bought the things.

After thinking about it, Evan decided to do as his grandma said. If he tells Abby that he bought all the things, the girl may think that he is still
interested in her, and she may think that she still has hope and refuses to give up, which will be troublesome.

“Grandma, aren’t you going home for dinner?” Evan looked at the time; it was almost dinner time. Grandma May said, “I’ve eaten so much barbecue, and I’m full.”I’ll just go to their house later and have a bowl of plain porridge.”

If she eats too much big fish or meat, eat a bowl of white porridge with pickles. Grandma May: “You go back and have a meal with your parents.” Evan: “Um.” Seeing that Grandma May didn’t want to go home, Evan didn’t force her.

Grandma liked to play with those old people, and he didn’t make her hungry. He didn’t have to worry about Grandma’s having nothing to eat.
“I called them to come over and enjoy the flowers together.” Grandma May took out her mobile phone and made a call.

Evan didn’t walk out of the pavilion until those old ladies came this way. Soon, he walked back to the car, got in, and drove up the mountain.
She didn’t realize it at all. After he left, Grandma May smiled and whispered to his retreating back:

“Boy, you can’t play with me. You’ll beg me sometime in the future.” This way, the play would be exciting and add some fun to her old life. She was
old and had nothing to do; her grandchildren wouldn’t let her work, so she would tease them for fun.

Rosella was waiting at the villa’s entrance. When she saw Evan’s car before her son got out of the car, she had a smile on her face.
After their sons grow up, they go home less often. Parents look forward to their sons coming back and having a meal at home.

If they can stay at home for a few days, they will be even happier. However, knowing that their sons were busy with work, the two elders would not
ask them to come back often.

Grandma May was still alive, and these boys were all filial to her and would come back once or twice a month, or even more. “mom.”
Evan stopped the car in front of his house. When he got out of the car, he held a brocade box, which was a gift he prepared for his mother.

A bouquet of flowers for grandma; of course, the mother also needed a gift. Grandma was the richest one in their family, so any gift was fine. If she prepared something expensive, she would be scolded, so he only bought a bouquet of flowers.

His mother was scolding him, but he was actually very happy. “Your grandma didn’t follow you back?”

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