Gap Pink Theory Novel

Gap Pink Theory Novel Chapter 54

Gap Pink Theory Novel Chapter 54 – Backstage [Khun Sam] (Part 6)

And the day I’ve been waiting for the most has arrived… The day Mon and I intended to own each other.

I pay maximum attention to learning about it. I tried so hard, why didn’t I succeed? The next day, I followed what the professional told me.

Mae Khong…

But I couldn’t find it anywhere. In the end, I got a bottle of another brand. What a sadness. But my Doraemon surprised me. She bought it and took it to our house. I could see the golden horizon again.

“You prepared well… better than I did.”

“N…don’t talk like that. I didn’t prepare anything too much…” She shakes her head a little and changes the subject. “Yes, I am ready.”

We started drinking and let nature guide us. I don’t do well with drinks, because when I was younger I rarely drank alcohol, my grandmother didn’t like that. But after I grew up, I had to drink socially or because of business.

Can believe. I never had excuses to drink.

Unbelievable. Mae Khong made the music play softly. It was surprising in every step we took. Mon couldn’t resist me, and I let my emotions guide me. It was so much better and I didn’t know why.

I enjoyed that…

I liked that…

And what I shouldn’t have done… I did…

Everything ended, it happened for two hours. Slow, sweet and smooth. I wondered how I managed to do all that so easily. Probably, I fell in love with this girl. And I’m falling more and more in love with her.

I know more about her now… every millimeter of her body.

We had our first time… then our second, third, and so on. I became obsessed and wanted to do more and more. It was so much that I had an idea, I needed to see a psychologist. Of course, I never talked about it with her.

From love… to obsession.

From obsession… to love.

And when we love something, jealousy comes in the same package… I was so jealous of her and I got mad at anyone who got close. That’s why we had a fight, which turned into a big misunderstanding.

But love must be like that.

Kirk: I want to explain what happened today. It was nothing like what you’re thinking. Mon and I are practically brothers.

Sam Sib Sam: I don’t want to hear it.

I looked at my cell phone in disgust. I wanted to knock on the door of the neighbor, who has a Siberian Husky, and ask for the dog shit to throw in Kirk’s face.

Where could I buy it?… If I could, I would definitely buy it.

Kirk: You can blame me… for everything, but please listen to me.

Sam Sib Sam: I hear you confessed your love to Mon.

Kirk: It was a bad time.

Sam SIb Sam: Blergh!

Bad timing? It is not a soap opera where the beautiful lead actress unexpectedly hears her beloved confess his love to another. I won’t believe it.

I’m going to throw shit at him. What hate!

Kirk: I accept that I was wrong. I called her to ask her to keep it a secret that I…

Sam Sib Sam: What?

Kirk: Promise you won’t get mad.

Sam Sib Sam: I couldn’t stay any longer.

I take a slow breath and look at my phone. What would make me madder than the confession scene?

But… would have…

Kirk: I’m Ronaldo

Kirk: a nice guy

Sam Sib Sam: …

And my grandmother’s favorite song flashed through my head.

‘Love is like an angry bull’

Oh no! I couldn’t explain how irritated I was. That word ‘nosy’ kept running through my mind. Everything was about to explode.


Kirk: I didn’t know it was you.

Kirk: Until you called me a piece of shit.

Sam Sib Sam: You are Ronaldo.

Sam Sib Sam: And Mon knew for a long time.

Kirk: Yes. And I asked her to keep it a secret from you. It was a bad idea.

all flashbacks of me blaming Mon and her shocked face are running through my head.



Kirk: Someone saw us when I was begging her and I touched her hand.

Kirk: Then the rumors started that she was my mistress.

Sam Sib Sam: You are Ronaldo.

Sam SIb Sam: You’re the reason Mon is rumored to be your mistress.

I place my hand over my chest to hold back the pain I’m feeling. So I answer you:

Sam Sib Sam: You made me mad and made me call you a hooker!

Kirk: It was heavy on her.

Kirk: Is she crying?

Sam Sib Sam: I don’t know. But I’m crying for calling her a catcher.

I didn’t know how to apologize. I barely slept all night as I was worried about what she might be feeling. In Kirk’s case, I banished him from my life. I don’t even want you to be my friend anymore.


Until 6 am… I woke up early today because I keep thinking about how to apologize to her. And when I get to the office, I see that she has taken the day off.

My little Doraemon has never taken a day off before.

Knowing this, I became anxious. I didn’t pay attention to anything at work and canceled meetings. Finally, I leave in the middle of the day and drive to Mon’s house…

It was the first time I was looking forward to going to his house. I was never afraid before, because of my age and position, both high. But this time, it was different.

It was enough. And I could only accept.

“Who… Whoops, ML Sam? Why are you here?”

“Good afternoon, Aunt Pom. I came to visit Mon. I didn’t see her in the office today.”

“Oh. She was a little sick. You look tired. Did she work late last night?”


“Why are you so quiet? Like my daughter. I don’t know if she’s sick or sad… Did you two fight?”


“Clear. You came here to reconcile, right?”

I keep looking down and don’t answer. The aunt smiles at me and lets me wait on the poor sofa.

But Mon didn’t want to come down. She must be very angry with me.

Since I didn’t have much to do, I found a way to reconcile with her over the phone. Ah… I found a song. It will help reconcile me with her. But it’s hard to sing.

“Why are you sitting there spying? Get down here.”

I look in the same direction as her father and see that Mon is sitting on the stairs on the second floor. I hurry to put my phone away and prepare to apologize. It’s my chance.

But… in every sentence she said, she threw it in my face that I called her a hooker. It was painful. I almost gave up and got down on my knees to beg for forgiveness. But finally, she forgives me and comes home with me.

“Good. Now I know what I want.”

At first it was difficult to reconcile with her, but when we got home the opposite of what I had in mind happened. She pushed me on the couch.

“If you don’t let me do it, I’m going home.”

What could I do? My time has come to reciprocate.

I’m screwed…

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