Gap Pink Theory Novel

Gap Pink Theory Novel Chapter 53

Gap Pink Theory Novel Chapter 53 – Backstage [Khun Sam] (Part 5)

When I said that, I had no idea what her reaction would be. She cried like she was going to die.


I keep calling her name but she disappeared. My tears flowed as I sat up slowly in shock.

That’s what I was afraid of. Her running away from me in the end.

‘You don’t think the same as me.’

I did not know what to do. I just let the day pass. There were lots of group notifications, but I skimmed them without interest.

Tee: What are you doing? We’re at a Japanese restaurant. Want some Uni?

Sam Sib Sam: I don’t want to eat anything.

Tee: But Mon is here.

When I saw her name on the screen, I stretched my back excitedly, but then I remembered that she turned me down… I’m back to square one.

Sam Sib Sam: Um.

Tee: What? Why are you sad? Come see us and talk to her.

Sam Sib Sam: I don’t know what to say.

Tee: Mon is getting you wrong. She thinks you hate her.

Sam Sib Sam: Mon hates me.

I close my brown eyes and look confusedly at the phone. So Tee tells me the whole truth. I hurried out of the office towards the Japanese restaurant.

Tee: No. Mon loves you.

I went to the restaurant to see her. At first, we were awkward and I said I wouldn’t accept her resignation.

“I was feeling uncomfortable a few days ago. You are very mean.”

“But today, I approved your work and passed you through the training program. Why would you resign?… It was because I said I liked you, right?”

I look at her confused. Even though I say I like her, she doesn’t believe me. Should I kneel for her to believe?

“Because when you say you like it, you really hate it.”

“How am I supposed to tell you to believe me? … I hate you.”


“I hate you so much!!!!” 

I need to do anything to keep her here. I won’t let her resign. But the more I tried, the more complicated the situation.

“You hate me…” She was crying. I get upset and try to calm her down.

“Then I like you!”


“Oh! So, I hate you, I like you, I hate you, I like you, I hate, I like… God! Please realize that now I like you very much and hate you very much… Whatever, please don’t resign.”

“Do you want to be my girlfriend?”

“I want.”

I wasn’t sure if she asked me to date her, but my heart was so racing. I just saw the golden horizon when she asked me. And at that moment, I cried a lot with her.

We thought the same way…

I was disappointed all afternoon, stuck in my office, how ridiculous.

“Are we in a relationship?”

“Now you can’t cancel.”

Finally, I have a girlfriend…

But what’s the difference between a girlfriend, a friend and a sister? As I drove to my house, we were silent the whole way. I had no idea what she was thinking about. But I was very thoughtful.

What can’t a friend do?


Palpitation, palpitation…

I felt so excited thinking about it. I coughed awkwardly and hurried to reach my car radio. I was afraid she would hear my heart beating. I never thought about it before, while dating Kirk, I didn’t see anything different. It must be because I didn’t feel anything and didn’t even have a passion for him, but Mon…

I want to approach her.

I want to touch you all the time.

That was passion… that I’ve never felt with Kirk before.

Doing something like that for me was weird.

But how do I know? Never done this before. If I had listened to Jim more, I would have known how to be a pro.

“What are you doing, Khun Sam?”

I would climb on you…

Of course, I didn’t say that out loud. Instead, I pretend to go to sleep. However, it was hard to fall asleep, why does she keep asking? What should I answer?

“You said you would tell me everything.”

What should I do? Say ‘let’s get laid’? Sometimes we can’t get straight to the point. And my newbie girlfriend, she got pissed and went downstairs. I, who couldn’t sleep, followed her downstairs and we watched television together. We kept changing channels until we stopped at a scene where lions were mating.

“I want to do that… with you.”

See?… I tried. I hope she understands what I mean.

“Do you want to lick my hair?”

Oh my God! She is so innocent.

Jim: She knew, but she wanted to tease you.

Was the answer I got from the professional.

Jim: You tried, you know what you want to do.

 Sam Sib Sam: Disgusting… I didn’t think about it.

Jim: I know, I know. You told me privately about this. It means you’re obsessed. Otherwise, I would be speaking in the group.

It was hard to accept. I kept thinking about it all day and felt like she affected my feelings as she couldn’t work.

Why am I so obsessed with this?

Sam Sib Sam: Okay, I won’t ask any more.

Jim: Husband, please don’t leave me. I’ll be here to give you advice.

Jim: If you want it so bad, go for the basic plan. Always works.

Sam Sib Sam: Which one?

Jim: See? Do you want to know.

Sam Sib Sam: I better go to sleep.

Jim: God, I’m kidding.

Jim: Mae Khong, do you know? Drink, everything will be easy.

Sam Sib Sam: Are you referring to the river?

Jim: Don’t be silly, it’s about the liquor.

I accept the suggestion.

Sam Sib Sam: Where can I buy?

Jim: Any brand, let it be liquor. All work. Want to train with me? I can go to your house.

Sam Sib Sam: No, I know what to do.

Jim: How do you know?

Sam Sib Sam: Tee sent me some videos.

Jim: It’s theory, you don’t know the practice.

Sam Sib Sam: Bye.

If I keep talking more, she will hold me in the chat. But what she said is interesting. I saw several videos that Tee sent me from the internet and read the article that Mon wrote.

I learned about sexual relations between men and women. I know how things can end when we sleep with a man, but with a girl, making love just for fun… happiness and not for reproductive purposes.


I read in articles that in sex between girls various toys are used. I’m too shy to go out and buy them, so I have to use what I have.

Finger… I feel heat on my face. Why is the weather so hot?

What can a finger do? And how do we know which finger to use? And in which hole?

Should I use the longer one? Oh, help. It’s very difficult to learn. Again, calm down, I can’t hesitate when I’m going to do it.

Not just her fingers… her mouth can do everything on her body.

Suck and lick.


Lick in that place?… That we normally use to pee?

I’ll leave that for last.

“You can hit?”

“Can what?”



I forgot I had to eat with Kirk and answered everything without thinking. Then I was shocked.

“Oh. My sister’s friend was involved in an accident.” I defend myself.

“Oh, thank God. I was shocked. You said that like you were watching porn. But you’re not that kind of girl, are you?” Kirk smiled at me.

‘The old Sam is gone…’

“Have you ever seen a porn video?”

Kirk nearly spilled his drink all over me.

“Why did you ask me this?”

“Just asking.”

“I’m a man… so sometimes…”

“Have you ever had sex?” I ask and he is petrified to the point where I have to kick him under the table.

“What’s it? Just asked.”

“Sam, I…”

“Probably not. You’ve been with me for a long time. And we didn’t have sex.”


“One more question.”


Kirk continued to fear that I would ask more. Now his face was white. He drinks some water to calm down.

“You saw a porn video…”


“Why did you research sister with sister?”


The water from his mouth spreads…

All the people in this world have already spit what they had in their mouths all over me…

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