Gap Pink Theory Novel

Gap Pink Theory Novel Chapter 32

Gap Pink Theory Novel Chapter 32 – Reconciliation

I’m so mad at her that my tears flowed without a single hiccup. Khun Sam looks at me guiltily, but she tries to look away. I do not hesitate in the decision to go back to my house with Nop without giving an explanation.

Nop, it’s ignored by me. I didn’t say anything to him on the way home, because I still think he was the reason, as he started to piss off Khun Sam. And my best friend seems to feel guilty, but I still haven’t forgiven him.

This is our first serious fight since we started our relationship. I didn’t think it could be this intense. What she said affected me so much that I couldn’t eat or sleep. I cried all night and missed a whole day of work because I’m too tired to do that. And the rumors spread to the PP gossip group. Everyone tried to contact me, but I didn’t respond. I’m not ready yet.

Until now, I haven’t wanted to talk to anyone, not even her friends, but… someone else is calling me.

[Mon… I already confessed everything to Sam.]

Mr. Kirk calls me in a muffled voice, as if he’s been scolded by Khun Sam. I don’t even want to talk to him, because he’s the cause of all these problems. But he’s my boss… it’s hard to avoid him.

[I confessed that I am Ronaldo, a nice guy and explained to her about the rumor that was going around the office. I was afraid Sam was going to misunderstand you. But when I confessed, she got even angrier and yelled at me… ‘Bastard’.]

“It’s not a hurtful word. It’s better than catchy, unfaithful, treacherous.”

I said this with a forced laugh when I remembered what Khun Sam had called me.

[I just wanted to tell you not to worry. I clarified everything for you. I’m so happy to see Khun Sam jealous of me. But I don’t want Khun Sam to hate you. To me, you are like a beautiful little sister. I don’t want to disturb you because of me.]

What he said makes me feel guilty because he’s so good to me. After the anger, I now calm down and sit slowly on the bed while talking on my cell phone.

“I’m glad she understands you now.”

[You didn’t go to work because you’re scared to face her, right? Don’t worry, she knows everything now. I told her it was my fault. You can relax and go back to work normally.]

“Thank you very much, Mr. Kirk.”

After hanging up the phone, I don’t feel any better. I’m still lying in bed doing nothing until there’s a knock on the door. My mother has her arms crossed at my door.

“It’s already late. You haven’t showered yet. Why didn’t you go to work today?

“I said I’m sick.”

“You’re pretending to be sick, aren’t you? Any problems at work? Or did you fall out with ML Sam?”

I look at my mother, who speaks fondly of Khun Sam. If she knows what Khun Sam called me, will my mother still adore her like this?


“My God! Are you that close to her to the point of fighting? Oh, you must be, since you stayed several days at her place.”

My mom saying that embarrasses me. If Khun Sam was a boy, it would mean that we were living as a couple.

But it’s not different. With men or women.

“Fighting for what?”

“It was not a big deal.”

“It must have been. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be waiting for you downstairs.”

I jump out of bed when I hear this. I confess that I am happy to know that my love is waiting for me down there. But this feeling is mixed with anger.

“It is so rude of you, an ordinary girl, to keep the king’s great-great-great-granddaughter waiting.”

Is my mother discriminating against me?

“If it takes too long and she can’t wait, let her go.”

“Please do not do that. I have consideration for her.”

“Then go there yourself and receive it. I am going to sleep.”

I lie down on the bed and turn my back to my mother, pretending to ignore her. Finally she leaves and leaves me alone. I’ll confess the truth, even though I try my best to ignore it, I’m still worried that she’ll get tired of me.

And? If she gets tired of me, then let her come home.

My house does not have air conditioning. She must be hot since the weather is hot. It’s late, night hasn’t come yet. Her pressure will rise because of the temperature. Her nose might bleed again…

But that’s her problem, why do I have to worry about her?

I’ve been rolling around in bed for over twenty minutes trying to sleep, but I can’t. Finally, I get up and go to the stairs to spy on Khun Sam, who is sitting waiting for me in the living room. She is watching a music video on her cell phone while dancing with her hands.

Is this stressful?

“I’ve been looking at it for a long time trying to identify what this shade is. Why are you sitting there spying? Get down here.”

My dad was standing at the bottom of the stairs for a while, but I didn’t see him. Now he’s telling everyone where I am and what I’m doing, which embarrasses me.

“I wasn’t spying.”

“So, I was looking for a lizard on the ground, huh? Why don’t you come down?

Khun Sam looks at my dad and I talking before looking at me. So I stretch my body up and come down easily.

“Your mother told me that you had a fight with Khun Sam.”

“Does anyone else know?” I scold my mother a little. But my dad ignores it and keeps saying.

“Such a good boss like that, who comes to the employee’s house to make peace. But the employee acts dismissively. Maybe the company doesn’t have someone else to work with, so they had to come and reconcile with you.”

“We didn’t even fight.” I hasten to say before my father continues talking. “Then I will take care of her. If you want to go water the plants, please feel free.”

Finally, I’m alone face to face with Khun Sam. When I make sure no one else will hear us, I start talking.

“Come to scold me for what now?”

“Do not you went to work. Is sick?”


“How it is?”

“I’m a pretty catcher.”

Khun Sam looks at me stunned after my answer. The guilt is clearly written on her face.

“Yesterday, I didn’t finish talking to you.”

“What else are you going to call me?”

“I said ‘taker’, it’s true, but I wish I had said more.”

“But what?”

“Taker… You better come with me, Taker. For tonight the tables will turn.” She sings and dances. It’s a song by Tinashe (a female singer).


“Don’t you know her?”

“I don’t think I’m from that era. It must be the age difference.”

“Hey. It is very popular. You must have heard it by now.”

“Bullshit. I don’t know exactly what you meant, but you said that ‘when I was a student many men chased after me. And it wasn’t because I was pretty or anything, but because I hit on everybody’, even you, a woman, I got it.”


“Not only a catcher, but I can be a bitch too. I looked for other synonyms myself.”

“I’m sorry.”

She looks at me with her head down, which makes me feel guilty. All my anger has gone and now I’m mad at myself.

Do not. I can’t cry. I cried all night. I won’t make amends that easy just because she apologized to me. It’s not right.

“If everything was resolved with an apology, why would we need respect?”

“Ahhh. What can I do to make you feel better?”

“I don’t know. You better go home. I realized that I am happy living alone.”

“But I am not happy living alone.”


“I cried all night when I thought you were having an affair with Kirk. And you left with Nop. Am I wrong to be jealous of you?”


Did you hear my anger bubble burst? I almost smiled when I heard the word ‘jealousy’.

I hate to do this, but I need to keep pretending I’m mad.

“Give me more time.”

“No, I can’t give you more time. She is hurting me. Let’s go back home.”

“This is my house.”

“Not ours.”

“You can’t drag someone into your house whenever you want.”

“Our home means you and me… we…”

The way she makes up is so cute. I want to pinch her cheek and bite. But all I can do right now is keep quiet and keep my composure.

“What if I don’t come back?”

“I will wait here until you go.”

“My parents will be curious.”

“Then, come back with me.”

“You must try to please others.”

“Other is you.”

How nice.


“What should I do to make you feel better? I’ll do anything. I top everything.” She shows me her palm like she’s giving me all her money on this deal. “I never do that with anyone.”



“Good. Now I know what I want.” I turn towards the stairs, but she immediately grabs me by the shirt.

“Where are you going?”

“Get my clothes. You asked me to come home, didn’t you?”

Khun Sam is smiling like a child. This smile enchants me. So I turn my face away because I’m afraid she’ll figure out I was pretending to be mad. The woman in front of me knows how to make me lose control.

God, why am I so obsessed with her? Even though she called me a ‘taker’, I can forgive her easily.

I give my father an excuse that we have urgent work at the office. My parents say nothing and understand the situation. But who knows? The truth is, their daughter is spending the night at her girlfriend’s house. I’m a really spoiled girl.

My boss, who is beside me, is now happy because she managed to take me home with her. When we arrive, she hurries to take care of me. It sounds like she’s feeling guilty.

“You don’t have to take care of me that much. You are not like that.”

Khun Sam is stunned and ashamed that he doesn’t know what to do for me.

“I don’t know what to do to make up for what I did to you. The image of you crying yesterday can’t get out of my head.”

“Do you care that much about me?”

“I worry a lot about you.”

I look into her beautiful brown eyes as I sigh. When she says what she’s really thinking, it hits me in a way. But when she says the opposite, it’s so hard to know what’s on her mind. Where is the meeting point?

When Khun Sam notices my silence, she leans in to kiss me, but I know what she’s going to do, so I turn my face and she ends up kissing the pillow on the bed.

“What are you doing?”

“Just a little fainting.”

So lovely.

Khun Sam still has her face buried in the pillow, I, who realize that something is wrong, decide to shake her body.

“Khun Sam.”


“Why are you quiet?”

“There is…”



“Is crying?”

I sit up hurriedly in shock. Khun Sam is still sunk and sobbing into the pillow.

“Talk to me first. Why are you crying?”

“I don’t know what to do to make you feel better. I don’t know how to make it up to you.”

I must have teased her too much, I’m feeling guilty now. I pull her off the pillow because I’m afraid she won’t be able to breathe properly.

“No, don’t cry, dear.”

She continues to cry even when I pull her into a hug. She rests her face in my neck as she sobs like a baby and says something in a broken voice.

“I felt so bad.”

“I know I know.”

“Why are you still mad at me?”

“I’m not. If I still was, I wouldn’t have come with you.”

“You were despising me. Hmm…”

“I can’t last long. Two minutes is too much for me. When you told me back home that you were jealous of me, my anger went away. I’m better now. I was just teasing you. I wanted to see more of you trying to make it up to me.”

Khun Sam walks away from me with tears in his eyes.


“Yes it’s true. So stop crying. You don’t look pretty crying.”

Khun Sam laughs.

“When you were a kid, you told me that.”

“We met ten years ago, kind of surprising we’re a couple now. Don’t cry, dear. I don’t want to see you crying.”

I lean down to kiss her. The taste is a little salty due to the tears. She looks weird as we kiss. I’m the first to act and start pushing her to lay her down on the couch again.

“It’s not right.” Khun Sam tries to take control and put me underneath, but I resist by gripping her shoulders and staring deeply into her eyes.

“That’s right.”


“You told me you would do anything.”

“But I never…”

“There is a first time for everything.” I reach out my hand to unbutton it and use my tongue to gently touch her face. “This is also my first time. I will do my best.”


“If you don’t let me do it, I’m going home.”

Said with such a serious tone of voice that I left her stunned, but suddenly she closes her eyes slowly. When I see her reaction, I know exactly what will happen.

Today… Khun Sam will be mine.

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