Gap Pink Theory Novel

Gap Pink Theory Novel Chapter 31

Gap Pink Theory Novel Chapter 31 – Catcher

I finally solved the puzzle of what she wanted. And the more I call her my love, the more I am provoked.

But I don’t feel bad. When Khun Sam gets moody and raises her eyebrow, to make her smile again I just need to call her ‘Darling’, then things go back to my way. Now I know how to control it.

Our love remains a secret and yes, Khun Sam still has a fiance. I don’t feel good about it at all, but I don’t want to push her too hard because I know it won’t be easy breaking up with him. In addition to fiancé, he has been her friend since they were young.

Looks like… there’s a catalyst, remember the war on my Facebook?

Ronaldo, a nice guy: put angry emoji in all my posts, so come on, let’s fight @I’m your boss.

I don’t know why getting angry emojis would make a man like Mr. Kirk angry. But Khun Sam also responds by fighting back.

I’m your boss: If you want, I’ll do it. You shit, shit, shit.

And all I found out is that Mr. Kirk didn’t answer anything. Khun Sam thinks she’s won the war, she throws her hands up like a kid who got straight A’s.

“Really worked, just call it shit he’s gone. Haha ha.”

On the same day, Khun Sam is forced by Facebook to show her real name on her profile, uploading a photo of her document. Everything is discovered the next day, Khun Sam returns to the platform with her real name, but her profile picture is still Conan with a black shadow.

How are things? Everyone now knows that the person who used to comment on my posts was Khun Sam, including Mr. Kirk. And shortly after, he sends me a private message on my Facebook, even though it’s just a message, I can imagine what he’s feeling.

Ronaldo, a nice guy: Mon, why didn’t you tell me that I was fighting with Khun Sam?

Kornkamon: You two were keeping a secret, I wouldn’t dare reveal it.

Ronaldo, a nice guy: Come on, meet me in the parking lot. I won’t move, it’s too cold right now.

Even though it’s weird that he wants to see me hiding, I decide to go to him because I know the situation is getting worse. It seemed like a joke, but not for Khun Sam. So when Mr. Kirk sees me, he starts crying like a baby.

“How could you do this to me? I will die.” He rubs his hair as he talks to me. “I’ve been in shock ever since ‘you shit’, even more so when her name was changed to her real name. Tell me the truth, how mad is she at me?”

“Ahh… a lot. She sent an email to Mark Zuckerberg asking for her information.”

“Did she make it?”

“If not even our prime minister can do that, why would Khun Sam?”

“I will respect Mark like a god, if Khun Sam finds out, he will definitely kill me. There.” Mr. Kirk is begging. “You promise me? It will be a secret between you and me. Don’t let Sam know.”

I look embarrassed when Mr. Kirk takes my hand as he pleads. But before I pull my hand back, someone is unfortunately watching us.

Chin, who went to the parking lot to smoke, looks surprised at what we are doing, he bows to Mr. Kirk and hurries out. Of course, a misunderstanding occurred. Mr. Kirk doesn’t know anything because he keeps thinking about him and Khun Sam.

“Mr. Kirk, Chin just saw us…”

“Sam is going to hit me, what do I do?”

I hope Chin isn’t the gossip type.

Will be?

Of course, the rumor spreads far and wide. Now, I’ve become Mr. Kirk. Everyone looks at me differently. Only Yah is still on my side.

“Whether or not you are Mr. Kirk, I will remain your friend.”

It’s a little strange that she supports me as a lover.

“Yah, I’m not. Really.”

“You don’t have to hide it from me. If I were Mr. Kirk, I would pick you easy. Boss ML has no emotions. You would make him happy.”

“This is going too far.”

I do not know what to do. If Yah, who is close to me, is thinking like this, how am I going to explain myself to others? But what if Khun Sam hears these rumours?

Do not. Khun Sam doesn’t easily believe rumors. I must hurry to explain this to her first.

Boss: What the hell is going on?

Boss: Sent a picture.

Khun Sam sent me a picture of a letter of complaint. It’s an anonymous letter. I zoom in to read the message. It’s about an adultery between Mr. Kirk and me. This sucks for me, now it’s too late for me to explain.

Too late to speak.

Doraemon: Just a rumor.

Boss: Where there’s smoke there’s fire…

Doraemon: Why are you believing this rumour?

Boss: But lately you’ve been hanging out with Kirk a lot. What happened?

Doraemon: I’ve been with you all day, why are you asking that?

Doraemon: I’m mad.

Khun Sam is silent when he sees that I am the first to get angry.

Boss: I just want to know. I want to hear from you.

Doraemon: It’s about trust.

Boss: Right. Defeated.

Khun Sam was defeated, I take a deep breath. Nobody believed me, but I don’t care. I just need her support.

By the way, who left that complaint letter? It could be from Chin the gossip!


Mr. Kirk, who returns to the office, calls to me so intimately. Everyone is staring at us.

“Come over here, please. Need to talk to you.”

I’m confused now. Should I go or not? But if I don’t go, it will be awkward for us. He owns the company and I’m just an employee. I dare not ignore it.

Finally I go to him and he guides me to the elevator. He paces around worriedly and talks to me seriously.

“Should I tell her? I think it will be better.”

“Still worried about Facebook? Now you have something new to worry about.”

“Nothing is worse than her calling me shit, and I being rude to my fiancée.” Mr. Kirk looks up at the ceiling as if he’s waiting for God to take him to heaven. “I will die.”

“Someone reported to Khun Sam that we have an affair. I have already become your mistress.”

“Heavens! There’s nothing so bad it can’t get worse!”

“Yes of course. Facebook is second to none right now.”

“What she said?”

“She doesn’t believe one hundred percent and doesn’t dare to doubt it.”

Because she’s afraid I’ll be mad at her…

“So what should I do? What should I worry about?”

“You must worry about us. Everyone is looking at me indignantly. They are creating rumors on top of rumours. And often, you have called me to talk privately.”

“Can’t a boss be close to an employee? I’m close to you. So is Sam.”

“Nobody understand. You two weren’t close with anyone before.”

“It’s because I like you…”

As he finishes speaking, something rides through the wind and hits him hard in the face.


A shoe hits him in the eye before we turn and see an angry Khun Sam behind us.

“Well, Mon, you said there was nothing. Kirk, did you just say you like Mon?!”


“You are a bastard!”

Khun Sam slaps his fiance. Mr. Kirk turns away numbly. I’m in shock.


I’m still shocked by what happened. Khun Sam faces his fiance and me.

“Don’t you dare say there’s nothing here.”

“K… Khun Sam.”

And she leaves the office. Many people saw what happened. When Mr. Kirk looks at them, they all go back to work as if nothing happened.

While I’m still in shock, Mr. Kirk runs a hand over his face and smiles at the same time. I’m looking at him without reaction. I don’t understand why he’s smiling with everything that just happened.

“Sam is jealous of me.”

“It is?”

This time I’m the one stunned. Mr. Kirk turns to me and grins from ear to ear, like a kid.

“This is the first time she has expressed this clearly. I am shocked and happy at the same time.” Mr. Kirk carelessly touches my hand. “Thank you very much Mon. Thank you very much. Today, I found out that Sam loves me.”


“Wonderful… very good!”

It grew too big!

The situation between Khun Sam and me is getting worse. I had never seen Khun Sam be violent with Mr. Kirk like that. It’s good Mr. Kirk understood that he was slapped because Khun Sam was jealous of him. If he knows we’re in a relationship, how can I face him?

Khun Sam didn’t look at me or speak to me, I didn’t like her being violent with Mr. Kirk and to make matters worse, she doesn’t trust me. She believed the complaint letter more than me. So, I decide to go back to my house, due to all these incidents.


Nop, who has been missing for so long, is standing in front of the office with a Chinese cake he bought for me. For a moment, I’m afraid Khun Sam will see me with him and get mad. But I keep saying that Nop and I are just friends.

There is nothing to fear.

“Why are you here?”

“I just decided to stop by after visiting a client nearby. We haven’t seen each other in a while, so I thought I’d visit you. We do not talk anymore.”


“Your mother told me that you stayed at Khun Sam’s for two weeks.”

I start to get hot before I answer him.


“Want to tell me something?”

“I…” I’m torn on whether or not to tell him. “Is nothing. Everything is alright.”

“You and Khun Sam are in a relationship, aren’t you?”

I’m stunned and let silence be the answer. When he looks at me, I smile like I understand everything.


“I said nothing.”

“Didn’t say, but it’s obvious.”

“I’m not.”

“Yes it’s true.”

I’m shocked when someone behind me interrupts us, I turn slowly towards the voice. I remember well whose voice this is. Khun Sam looks at me with a cold smile. His anger is evident.

Nop looks at Khun Sam, who interrupts us and asks again.

“What is she to you?”

“She is my girlfriend.”

This is the first time that Khun Sam has revealed our status to others. I, who am in the middle of it all, am happy and feeling weird at the same time. Now I’m trying my hardest to strain the muscles in my face to say something, but I can’t. All I can do now is be quiet.

“This is your debut as a fan, right?” Nop looks at me and Khun Sam non stop before saying something annoying. “I don’t worry about it, it’s just a relationship. It’s not like they’re married.”


Khun Sam, who is easily angered when it comes to something about me, exclaimed in surprise. I look at him and frown, warning him to stop. But it looks like Nop is enjoying pissing her off.

“Also, a girl with another girl. She is a piece of cake.”

Khun Sam walks towards Nop, but I try to stop her.

“We better go home, Khun Sam.”


“I will make soup for you.”

Since I don’t know how to calm her down, I offer to cook for her. When she hears this, she gets more irritated. She takes my hand away and looks me in the eyes. Her face no longer has a smile, she took off her mask to fight me.

“Do you think I’m a child? Offering food to calm me down.”

“Be quiet, please.”

“Today, you were not a good girl. It was not kind.”

“You also do not. Today you acted like a bully.” I’m trying to say it calmly, but I’m irritated. “The Khun Sam I adore is not like that.”

“You are not as kind to me as the day we met either.”

We are both furious. I try to end this situation by asking Nop to come home with me.

“Well, if you don’t come home with me, I’ll go with Nop.”

I turn my back on her. Khun Sam grips my shoulders tightly and turns me around to face her.

“That’s all you want, isn’t it?”


“You told me that when you were a student, a lot of men chased after you, but I don’t think it was because you were pretty or anything, but because you hit on everyone! Even my fiancé did not escape! You flirted with him!

“Khun Sam!”

This time I’m the one who yells at her. And when we looked into each other’s eyes, she said something to me that wasn’t rude, but almost made me break down.

“You are a beautiful catcher.”

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