Gap Pink Theory Novel

Gap Pink Theory Novel Chapter 20

Gap Pink Theory Novel Chapter 20 – Whatever

Since that day… she’s been stressed and fights almost every day with ‘Ronaldo, a nice guy’. I feel like crying I tried so hard to get Khun Sam to stop, but I failed. I was surprised when I found out that she sent an email to Mark Zuckerberg asking for information on Ronaldo, a nice guy. Of course, even the Thai government doesn’t get such information, how could she? Who is she?

She’s just ML Sam.

While she is stressed, Mr. Kirk, who fought her, is loving this social media war.

“Saw? So nosy, I gave her a reason and then she was gone.”

“Mr. Kirk, you shouldn’t fight her.”

“Next time, she won’t meddle again.”

Mr. Kirk is talking to me as I’m standing in front of the elevator. He invites me to lunch among my colleagues… Of course, I will definitely be the talk of the office.

Calm down, calm down. He has lunch with Khun Sam… That’s right! She will come! PP with her straight face, now she’s grinning from ear to ear, it must be because she’s been so stressed.

Maybe she wants to see the enemy who’s called her a busybody all day… Him, her fiancé, who’s right here.

“You have a big smile on your face. Are you stressed?”

“Why is Mon here?”

“I invited her to have lunch with us.”

“Are you close with her?” she asks him back. Then she looks at me. “You are the boss, but you invite subordinates to lunch with you. They can create rumors about it.”

“Who would dare to create rumors about me? I am the owner… elder and besides, you are with me. But you’re well? Looks moody. Saw? He’s even smiling.”

Mr. Kirk talks to Khun Sam as he places his hand intimately on her shoulder. I feel uncomfortable seeing this, so I decide to walk away from them.

I do not like it…

“Hands off.” Khun Sam pushes his hands away as usual. “I’m just smiling. Why would I be grumpy? I’m just happy.”

“You always do the opposite of what you think.”

“Even you say that.”

“Did anyone else say that?”

She looks at me for a second and shrugs.

“My friends said so too.”

“So what’s bothering you?”

“Damn it, someone pissed me off on social media.” Even though Khun Sam is smiling, I can’t feel it. “Because we don’t know each other’s true identity. So we talk the way we want.”

“Are you using social media? Which?”


“I didn’t know.”

“I am a novice user.”

“Then add me.”

Khun Sam stops for a moment and then shakes his head in denial.

“I don’t use it much, I just catch up with the news. Do you use it often?”

“Sometimes I am also a beginner.” He smiles at me like only the two of us know. “We’re supposed to be friends on Facebook, Sam. I will put that I am in a relationship with you.”

“It’s going a long way. Why do we need to announce this?”

“This is how Facebook works.”

“Said the same thing.” Khun Sam looks at me. “For now, Facebook is making me depressed. The more I use it, the more annoying it gets. Lots of talkers.”

“Don’t call them. All they can do is type. What goes around comes around.”

“Cool, I don’t want to fight with them in a rude way, like they’re kids.”

“Truth. It is true.”

“Did their parents not educate them?”

“Their parents must have taught well, but they didn’t listen. If you see them, you need to scold them.”

“I’m not rude, you know. But this is the first time I want to respond in a violent way. Do you know a way to respond without violence? I want to scold, but with good arguments.”

“Tell him to fuck off.”

“As? We are on a social network.”

“She types him ‘go shit, ‘go shit, several times.’

“It’s as if what he said several times actually happened. So if you say he’s gay, he’s gay, he’s gay, then he’s really gay, right?”

“Being gay is nothing to make fun of, Sam.”

I’m looking at this whole thread and I feel like I shouldn’t be here.

Suddenly, disappointment hits me.

They continue arguing from the elevator to the car. Khun Sam, who is normally not a talkative person, won’t stop talking. Looking at the way she talks to him, they seem so close…

More… More than me?

Yes, definitely closer than me.

“Mon. He is well? Why are you so quiet?” Mr. Kirk asks me carefully. He looks at me in the rearview mirror. I’m a little surprised and smile at him.

“Not. I am well. I’m just sitting and enjoying your conversation. You two get along well.”

“What a beautiful speech.” She said as he placed his hand over her head. Khun Sam pushes his hand away again. “Why? I’m showing all my love, but you keep pushing my hand away.”

“Do not touch me.” Khun Sam looks at me for a second and says, “Mon is here, don’t do this in front of others.”


I’m stunned and look out the window in silence… That’s right… I’m the other one.

“Mon, you should try this. It’s delicious, it’s the restaurant’s most recommended dish.”

Mr. Kirk takes good care of me while we’re having lunch. In my case, inside I’m still disappointed, but I try to smile. I must confess the truth, I have not enjoyed today and I am in an uncomfortable and stressful position.


Why am I so weak?

I shake my head to compose myself and am noticed by her eyes.

“Are you so quiet today, bunny? What’s it?”

“I am not well.” I reply to Khun Sam normally. So I smile at Mr. Kirk. “Don’t ask me for anything else, please. I am satisfied. Thanks.”

“And what’s wrong with you, Kirk? He’s also being kind to Mon like never before. There’s something there.”

What she said leaves Mr. Kirk in shock. Now, he’s laughing to change the subject.

“Not. There is nothing. I just wanted to buy her some good food. That’s why I brought you here.”

“Why did you suddenly invite her? You don’t usually do that.”

She’s too smart to accept that answer. I remain quiet and enjoy the food. “Mon, is there something you want to tell me?”

“No, nothing.”

“Why are you avoiding eye contact with me today?”

“Serious. Is nothing.” I lift my chin and look at her for a couple of seconds, then look back at my food. “Let’s eat. Do not worry about me.”

Now, we’re all quiet and focused on our plates. While we are enjoying our meal, Khun Sam texts me instead of speaking in person. She might be afraid of Mr. Kirk finds out we’re intimate.

Boss: Are you okay? It’s so quiet.

Doraemon: No. I am well.

Boss: Are you menstruating?

Doraemon: No, I’m not.

Boss: Is that your only answer?

Doraemon: Yes.


She slaps the table while we’re eating. This shocks us and everyone else in the restaurant. I look in surprise at Khun Sam. His eyes are fierce and he’s not laughing anymore. This is the first time I’ve seen her express what she’s really feeling.

“Sam, what’s your problem?”

She clenches her fists and closes her eyes.

“I am satisfied.”

“Why are you so mad?”

She hastily gets up and leaves the restaurant.

“I’ll wait in the car.”

Now, it’s just me and Mr. Kirk. It’s so hard to smile and hold back the tears. Mr. Kirk looks at me quite sympathetically.

“You’re shocked, aren’t you? Me too.” He looks more serious. “Or she found out I cheated on her. Did you tell her?”

“No, I didn’t tell her. I did not say anything.”

“So why was she so mad? She was fine when we were in the car.”

“I don’t know.”

“I won’t be able to eat anymore.”

“Me either.”

“We better go.”

Mr. Kirk asks the waiter for the check and we head to the office. Khun Sam and I didn’t exchange a word. We just looked at each other and… This was our first fight.

Um… Our relationship has progressed to the fighting stage.

Of course… the news about our situation spread on PP’s gossip group Kate is the first to know, even though I didn’t say anything to her.

If you didn’t hear it from me, you heard it from Khun Sam.

Kate: Mon, what’s the problem with you and PP? She’s been avoiding the subject for almost two hours, I can’t get work done.

Tee: Finally, she told you what happened, huh?

Kate: She told me. Mon didn’t speak to her.

Jim: Making a storm out of a teacup. It was just a little thing, nothing much compared to what I felt. I got slapped. Comparing that to that bullshit… It’s not fair.

Tee: But your boobs grew.

Kate: Of course, she’s going to be a mother. Her nipples are the size of my thumb.

Jim: You cheated on me with my husband? You said the same as him… exactly.

Kate: I’ll ask every time. Why did you change your name from Martha to Jim?

Jim: Because my husband called me ‘Mama’ instead of ‘Martha’ and I didn’t like it so I changed my name again.

Kate: Neither Martha nor Jim are good.

Tee: Let’s get back to the point.

Tee: There, little girl, tell us more.

Doraemon: Nothing.

Kate: It can’t be. There must be something. I heard that you and PP had a fight.

Doraemon: It wasn’t like that.

Kate: Don’t lie. Can’t wait too long.

Tee: But you waited for PP to speak for two hours.

And everyone is quiet waiting for my answer. I dare not say much about it, because I think it was stupid. But they are waiting for the answer, so I need to tell them…

Doraemon: She said… that… I am others.

I summarize the story. Then all of them are silent, as if they were in another group talking to Khun Sam.

And the PP gossip group was silent for a whole day.

Today, I didn’t say anything to Khun Sam and now she finishes her work early and goes straight home, without waiting for me, as usual. I am so depressed and upset. When I see her so impassive, it depresses me more and now I am not able to hold back my tears.

Every time on the bus, I keep trying to wipe my tears with my hands until someone next to me notices and hands me a tissue. If they ask me what’s wrong with me, I give an innocent answer like…

A Korean actor has announced that he is getting married.

No… I’m crying because of Khun Sam.

But I’m surprised when I get home. The yellow Mustang is parked in front of my house.

Khun Sam’s car.

I walk into my house and hear someone laughing and talking. When my father and mother see me, they greet me excitedly.

“Mon, what took you so long? Khun Sam has been waiting for you for a long time.”

“Why would you…” and I see all my files of pictures I’ve cut out of magazines. So I run to take it from her hands.

Too fast. It happened so fast that all they could do was blink their eyes. Now, I have recovered my files. But Khun Sam’s thumb is bleeding. We are shocked.

“Mon, what are you doing? Can’t you see? Khun Sam’s finger is bleeding.”

‘K… Khun Sam.”

“Fast! Take the first-aid box.” My mother said. “Her blood is oozing.”

“I am fine.”

“Not. Your blood cannot be spilled.”

My mother can’t imagine that Khun Sam is an ordinary person like us. But, I don’t want to break her beliefs.

I find the first-aid box and hand it to my mother. My mother said that Khun Sam is walking all over the house and heading towards my room. I am shocked and embarrassed and run to my room to stop her. But it’s too late.

“Why didn’t you stop? It’s bleeding.”

“Just a scratch.”

“But you shouldn’t walk around other people’s houses like that.”

She silently looks me in the eye.

“It really hurts.”

“Saw? It’s just a scratch, but it hurts.”

“No… I’m referring to your words. Really hurts.”

“What words?”


I didn’t want to speak sarcastically so as not to hurt her.

No… It could have been Kate. She must have told her what I said.

Now I understand why they disappeared from the group.

“That’s why you didn’t talk to me. I didn’t mean it like you were somebody else.”

“I think about it a lot, really. I’m just an intern at your company. If you want to say that I’m just someone else, you won’t be wrong.” I try with all my might to manage a smile. “I was so into it that I spent the night at his place, I just misinterpreted the idea of ​​us being close. I’m no different than the others. So that hurts me a little bit.”

“To me, you are not like the others.”

“So what am I to you? Khun Sam… You never answer me. I already asked that once and you didn’t give me an answer.”


“Being sisters is weird. We just met and we are not related by blood. We are not friends… because we have an age difference of 8 years. There is no title for me more appropriate than ‘another’. I’ts right.”

“As for me?”


“What am I to you, Mon?”

I was not prepared for this question. So I’m stunned and respond clearly by snapping back.

“You could also be an ‘other’.”

“Why do we have to label this? Nobody is like us.”

“True, we are strangers.”


“Why do we want to label ourselves so badly?”

Silence hangs over us again and it’s weird because we never feel uncomfortable with each other.

“Let’s bandage your finger. I don’t even know what we’re talking about anymore.”


She uses both hands to cup my face, forcing me to look her in the eyes.


What???? She wasn’t prepared for this.



“I can be anything you want.”

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