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Even After Death Novel Chapter 769

Even After Death Novel Chapter 769 – Keith heaved a sigh, relleved by Olivia’s current condition. “I thought it would pain you to know his situation and you’d regret your decision. I’m glad that you’ve gotten over him.”

“Dr. Rogers, the past Olivia has died in that sea. I made this choice myself, and I won’t regret it.”

He suddenly recalled the moment he asked her if she regretted marrying Ethan, and she had calmly answered that she did not.

This time, the determination settled in her eyes steadily. She showed pertinence as though she had been. given a new lease of life.

“Before I finish what I should do, I’ll never give up on my life.” She had made up her mind. Other than escaping from Ethan, there were so many things Olivia had yet to do.

She had to find out who the mastermind was and one more person. After regaining her memories, she thought of the person she met when she was suffering from amnesia-Jack.

He had been carrying twins in his arms. The kids looked familiar to her. Most importantly, they weighed the same as newborn babies. She knew that because she had carried one of them.

However, Jack carried them horizontally. That was because babies’ spines weren’t fully developed before they were three months old.

Thus, there was only one possibility. They were premature babies, hence the smaller phue than their peers.

When Olivia was pregnant, Jack had warned her that he was with those people and that he simply wanted to protect himself.

After calculating the days, those babies might have been her children. Unfortunately, she had amnesia and didn’t hold their promise. She let the chance slip through her fingers.

The thought of her babies being alive spurred her to live on. The conversation continued for a while before Keith asked, “Olivia, what’s your next plan?”

“Keith, I want to go for a second round of chemotherapy.” “But your condition… Olivia explained honestly, “Two years ago, I underwent chemotherapy and it went well. I’ve been taking medicines thereafter. And I haven’t suffered from gastric pain for a long time.

“My condition deteriorated because of the drug given by Ethan. He wanted us to get back together at that time. That’s why it rendered the chemotherapy useless.

Then, I was able to regain my memories because he gave me the antidote. I think it was that memory loss drug that worsened my condition. Now that it has slowly lost its effect, my body is recovering. This is the time to accept chemotherapy.”

“Although you’ve recovered a little, the second round of chemotherapy will cause more serious side. effects than the previous one.”

“Death doesn’t fear me. Dr. Rogers, please.” “Okay. As long as you’re confident about it.” There was only one goal in Olivia’s head-she had to live at all costs!

After 21 days, Keith asked someone to prepare the medicines and medical instruments so that he could perform the treatment tonight.

“Olivia, you have to tell me if you feel uncomfortable.” “Okay. Go ahead.” Now, she no longer cared about her body as long as she could live.

Unbeknownst to Olivia, there was a figure standing at the top of the mountain opposite the mansion.

Resting his hands behind him, Ethan let the breeze ruffle his hair. The moonlight shone expression icy “It is confirmed that Mrs. Miller is right here.”

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