By Fate I Conquer Cora Reilly

Chapter 26 – By Fate I Conquer Cora Reilly Read Online Free

Chapter 26 – By Fate I Conquer Cora Reilly Read Online Free

I got up, the shirt falling to my knees once more, hiding my nudity. But my legs were sticky and my core still throbbing from my release.

Maddox sat up slowly. “Won’t you return the favor?”

I cocked an eyebrow. “Why don’t you ask one of the pass-arounds to do it for you?” Despite the harsh note of my words, the idea that Maddox could get it on with another woman didn’t sit well with me. He pushed into a sitting position, his jeans tented.

Remembering the piercings and his sinfully s#xy body I felt compelled to get on my knees and do what he asked, but my pride kept me in place. He took a cigarette out of his packet and pushed to his feet, looking as if he didn’t care. He shrugged and sauntered over to the door. “Suit yourself. I know just the right girl to s*ck my d!ck.”

A hot ball of fury built in my chest. “If you do this—” I seethed, not sure what I was going to threaten him with. We weren’t a couple so I couldn’t break up with him. We were nothing except captive and captor, which made the situation all the more ridiculous. I didn’t have anything I could blackmail him with.

“Then what?” Maddox asked, turning with a satisfied grin, as if my reaction had been his plan. Had he tricked me into an emotional outburst?

I couldn’t believe him. I shook my head in disgust. “I don’t care. Do what you must. For all I care you can let all the old ladies…” I wanted to say something crude to match him but the words stuck in my mouth. “…have their way with you.” I finished lamely, and my face heated.

Maddox’s smile broadened, becoming so smug I wanted to strangle him with the gold chain around his neck. “Have their way with me?” he echoed, all teeth and smugness. “S*ck my d!ck is what they would do. Can’t you say the words, Snow White?”

“Unlike the women you choose to do your bidding, I have some style.”

“Oh, you got style and plenty of arrogance to match it. Don’t you feel hypocritical bashing those girls when your p**ssy’s still wet from my magic tongue.”

He had a point but I couldn’t admit it. “They chose this lifestyle. I got kidnapped. Nothing is my choice.”

“Riding my mouth with your p**ssy like a f*cking rodeo rider was your choice, princess. Your cream on my tongue’s proof of that.”

As often as his crudeness turned me on, just as often it annoyed me.

“That’s what experts call Stockholm Syndrome,” I muttered, hating my cheeks for heating further because I felt caught. Even if I was telling myself that this was part of the plan to get Maddox on my side, so he’d help me escape, I enjoyed our physical encounters too much to blame it on strategy. I felt wanton, s*xy, and naughty in a way Giovanni had never allowed. I felt freed from shackles that had weighed me down more than I’d realized.

“Bullshit, Snow White. Don’t insult my intelligence and definitely not your own goddamn backbone. You’d never let some shitty syndrome determine your actions. I doubt anyone or anything could ever force you to do anything you don’t want.”

He paused. “And you want me. In your prim society life, you’d never be allowed to get nasty with someone like me, but now you got the chance and you took it greedily with your perfectly manicured fingernails.”

He was right. I wanted him. I felt freed of the rules of the Famiglia for once. This was a lawless zone. Whatever happened while I was being held here, I would never be blamed for it.

This was cowardice, not wanting to risk living the life you desire.

His eyes trailed the length of me, making me feel hot all over again. “You don’t even have to say it. I know you want nothing more than to get even nastier with me, to really unleash the s*xy vamp you hide behind that Snow White face.”

His grin became even dirtier. “Aren’t you curious?”

“About your genitals?” I said sarcastically.

Maddox laughed, a deep bark I began to like way too much. “Not quite the words I would have chosen, but yes.”

“No, thank you. Curiosity killed the cat.”

His smile widened. God, a smile had never made me feel as if my insides were being lit on fire.

He reached into his jeans and freed his length. I couldn’t look away even though I wanted to do it. But the piercing in his tip captured my attention and didn’t let it go. He flicked his thumb over the shiny piece of metal repeatedly as he rubbed his tip.

I stepped closer. “You’re really going to do this in front of me. Don’t you have any shame?”

“No shame whatsoever, Snow White. But if you’re so concerned about my dignity, give me a hand.”

I shook my head. “You’re impossible, and crude and absolutely shameless.”

“Guilty as charged. But you are a coward, a hypocrite, and a liar.”

I narrowed my eyes. “I’m not.” But I was. Maddox cupped my neck and pulled me down until I had to support myself with one knee on the mattress. “You are,” he murmured before he kissed me. He kept rubbing himself and when I finally freed myself from his kiss, my gaze darted down to watch his hand work his length.

My mouth watered seeing his abs flex with every move.


“Shut up. You can’t taunt me in to touching you. If I touch you, then I do it because I want to.”

“Of course,” he said. The sarcastic note in his voice barely registered because I simply couldn’t pay attention to anything but the rhythmic up and down movement of his hand. A droplet of milky liquid had gathered on his tip.

“You’re impossible,” I seethed, kissed him angrily and finally reached for his length. My fingers closed around his firm, but smooth cock. He blew out a breath before he said, “Finally brave.”

I silenced him with another kiss and began to move my hand up and down, effectively shoving his hand away. My thumb explored the piercing in his tip, thrilled at the sharp intake of breath followed by a low moan.

I trailed my fingertips lower, to the other piercing at the base, like a decoration for his balls, and was again rewarded by a hiss from Maddox.

“Get naked,” he growled.

My eyebrows skyrocketed. I hadn’t yet made up my mind if I wanted to go all the way with Maddox. In the last thirty minutes, the scale had definitely tipped in Maddox’s favor. I just couldn’t stop wondering if s*x would be a revelation like oral had been.

Why should I wait for another Made Man, a future husband, who’d banged countless girls before our wedding night? Why couldn’t I enjoy myself a little?

And more than that, a little voice, one I used to call my instinct, told me that Maddox was the guy I should lose it to.

Maddox chuckled as if he could read at least part of my thoughts. “I want to cum all over your perfect body.”

“I’m not sure if I want to get whatever s*x*al diseases you have.”

“If I had any diseases, you would have gotten them through the p**ssy-tonguing you just had.”

He had a point, and I hated feeling stupid.

“But don’t worry, I usually use condoms and if I forgot, I got tested. I’m clean.”

I stopped rubbing him and pulled my shirt over my head. Maddox’s gaze caressed my curves. My nipples pebbled even though it wasn’t cold in the room. I started rubbing him again. Maddox reached for my breast, capturing one hard nipple between his fingers and twirling it between them.

His other hand stroked my ass before it snaked between my legs from behind. His thumb parted me, brushing up against my clit, which was already throbbing with eagerness again. One flick of his pad and I was alight with desire, ready to let loose.

“I thought it was your turn,” I said in a hushed voice as his thumb worked me up again. I had to admit, getting Maddox off at the same time was a huge turn-on, driving me toward the edge so much faster than expected.

“Watching you cream will make me cum so much harder, Snow White.”

For once, I didn’t have a clever comment. I was too lost in the sensations, in the heat radiating off Maddox’s skin, in the surprising hardness of his cock, and in the pulsating need between my legs. Soon my hips began to shift, chasing Maddox’s thumb.

When my second orgasm took hold of me, he, too, came all over his abs. After a deep sigh, he grabbed my neck and pulled me down for a kiss. “I’ll really loathe letting you go.”

Something was different today. The bikers who arrived after Maddox and Gray left for a run, seemed agitated as they buzzed around the porch. When Earl White peered up to the window, catching my gaze with a superior gleam in his eyes, my stomach plummeted. I doubted I’d be released today. He had more in store for me.

Earl nodded at Cody who grinned.

My eyes darted to the locked door. A few moments later, I heard steps thundering up. I hopped off the windowsill, then rushed toward the bathroom just when the lock sounded. “You can’t run anywhere, cunt.”

Cody grabbed me by the hair and jerked me backward. I cried out from the sharp pain that shot through my skull. I clutched his wrists, digging my nails in, but he kept dragging me out of the room and down the stairs. My knees bumped against several steps, making me cry out in pain again.

He didn’t stop until we reached the common area downstairs. My already churning stomach turned when the stench of spilled alcohol and old smoke filled my nose. What was happening? Would they exchange me for my dad? The atmosphere was way too tense for that.

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