Gap Pink Theory Novel

Gap Pink Theory Novel Chapter 30

Gap Pink Theory Novel Chapter 30 – Everyone

Newlyweds… This is the first time I’ve experienced something like this. Now Khun Sam and I, we’re together all the time and it’s hard for us to be apart. I can’t tell if I’m obsessed with her or her with me.

But we still maintain the status of boss and subordinate. When we are at the office, we treat each other normally. Sometimes Khun Sam can’t wait and sets the walls to light mode so she can see me from her living room. But this act terrifies everyone else in the office.

Today, we have a meeting. I’m a real employee now, even if there are people who don’t approve of my content. But for Khun Sam, it doesn’t matter anymore. If I post content about lesbians or whatever, it’s no big deal, she won’t fire me.

“I think we should post light content to maintain our company image.”

One of us in the meeting brings up this issue, while Khun Sam keeps looking at me and of course I know what she’s thinking.

“And what do you think, Mon? Do you want to undo?”

“Whatever you think is best.”

“You have to choose, edit or not…” Khun Sam puts his hand on the table and moves his finger to tease me. When I see her move her finger like that, I pretend to look at something else in embarrassment. “What is your opinion?”

“The company’s image is important. If we need to undo, we will undo.”

“Both ‘undo’ and ‘do’ please me.”

‘Des…’ this word makes my heart race. For others it means nothing, but for me who is busy with Khun Sam every day and night, especially on holidays, we know the true meaning.

“Khun Sam, you can do whatever you want. Des… or not, fine.”

Everyone in the meeting looks curiously at me and Khun Sam, as if we’re saying the same thing. When they start to stare at me seriously, I stretch and stop looking at Khun Sam’s beautiful brown eyes, which attract me so much.

“Then, it is better to undo.” Khun Sam shrugs, leans back in his chair and looks at me. “I like it bright, nothing blocks my view.”

“Is something blocking your view of the content?”


“How does a lesbian article relate to clothing?”

Khun Sam is staring at a guy who is full of questions and smiles, like when he’s not in a good mood.

“What a good question, my boy. If you want to undo, I’ll leave that job to you. Show me a new article… this afternoon. Meeting adjourned.”

Unexpectedly, Khun Sam was furious with the boy who asked the question. I should be the one furious with him. But the boss is the boss, if you don’t like it, you better ask to leave.

However, I am not comfortable. Finally, I decide to go to him and ask for the job back for me.

“But boss ML left it with me, if I give it to you I will be…”

“Everything is fine. I’ll explain to her. Anyway, it’s my job. Please don’t try to hold on for me.”

“Is everything really going to be okay?”

“He is going yes. I guarantee that Boss ML will not blame you for anything.”

Because Khun Sam will never blame me. We can call it a privilege, because we are in a relationship I don’t see her mad at me anymore. Sometimes when I keep quiet she tries to please me because she thinks I’m in a bad mood with her.

Am I that moody?

“Mon. Relief!”

She said when she got home. I run to her, who is now nervous.

“What happened?”

“No more Mae-Kong.”


“There is only Black Label here. What do we do?”

“Is that what turns you on?” I take a long breath and start laughing. “We don’t need to drink every time we go…”

I stop talking because I’m too shy to complete the sentence. Khun Sam never lets me sleep, she comes snuggling up to me and in the end she ruins me.

Oh… And she always gets me drunk… Every time.

“But Jim said Mae-Khong makes you feel good.”

“Any brand, it’s all liquor.” I decide to speak. “Other couples don’t drink anything before…”

“If we don’t drink, we’ll be shy.”

“Sounds like you love doing it.”

“Not so much anymore… but there’s one thing…” Khun Sam rolls his eyes and is silent for a moment. “Nothing.”

“What’s it?”


“You were saying something, why nothing? Why? You promised to tell me everything you honestly think.”

“It’s nothing at all.”

I’m getting mad at her now, but she’s distracted now because she’s still worried about Mae-Khong.

“Where I can buy?”

“Even if you buy Mae-Khong, I won’t drink it. We will not do that today.”


“If you don’t tell me what you’re hiding, I won’t go easy on you. I’m going to be in a bad mood.”

I’m mad at her, so I go back into the bedroom, crawl under the blanket, and turn my back on her. When Khun Sam realizes that the situation has taken a turn for the worse, she tries to make amends like a kindergarten child.

“You don’t have to be mad at me. It’s no big deal.”

“I said you need to tell me things honestly.”

“No big deal.”

“And yes. I am your only exception and I expect you to tell me everything.”

“I told the truth, it’s nothing. I just want to take a chance.” She clenches her fist. “If I succeed, it will be my pride.”

“Get what?”

“It feels. When I did it for the first time, you showed me.”

“Show you what?”

“I’m not telling.”

“I’m mad with you!” I get moody and don’t pay attention to her anymore, even if she’s trying to get my attention, I ignore it. I grab my phone and scroll through the feed.

“Are you ignoring me?”



Khun Sam said briefly. But the silence makes me drop the phone in my face because of a spasm.

“K… Khun Sam…”


“You are cheating.”

She does better, tucks herself under the blanket and starts doing something I can’t resist. In the end, I’m the loser.

This time, there is no Mae-Khong here.

My curiosity needs to be addressed in the PP gossip group, but I’m too shy to ask there. So I need to choose one of them. And the chosen one was Kate, who finished her recordings. We arranged to have lunch together at a department store.

But to my surprise, she didn’t come alone. What? What’s the difference between talking to her privately or in the group? Our.

“I’m pregnant, my husband is rich. So I’m always free.” Jim said that to make it clear that he was free. “My husband owns a few companies and my only duty is to spend money. Next time you have a problem, you can call me anytime. Emphasizes anytime.”

“No need to underestimate yourself. A woman who has never worked is useless.” Kate said sarcastically, but Jim doesn’t care.

“It’s a poor thing to work. If you’re jealous, just tell me. I promise I won’t be mad.”

“So we gather to hear you’re unemployed, huh? I want to know about Mon.” Tee interrupts her, so now everyone is focused on me.

“Tell us. We are prepared to give advice.”

But I’m not ready. I thought you’d talk to Kate alone. Anyway, I have no choice.

“Ah… Lately, Khun Sam and I, we do… one thing… everyday.”

Kate laughs and looks at Jim.

“It’s normal. You two have never done it before, so it’s exciting. And you’re enjoying it, I can feel it.”

My face, body and hands feel hot after Kate says that. That was why I only wanted to talk to Kate. If she had known they would all be here, she would have spoken up in the group, it would have been better than facing them.

“But Khun Sam said he didn’t like it so much.”

“Hm? Huh? Hm?”

I can really get their attention now.

“I’m curious. What does she want from what we did?”

Jim looks at me bored and rolls his eyes.

“It’s called sexual desire. Easy.”

“You answered it very instinctively. There must be something else, that’s why Mon wanted to talk to us.” Tee interrupts Jim and she takes a long breath.

“So what does she want? Huh? Or while you were doing that something happened.”

Jim said. I look at her, which raises a doubt… And I remember something.

“Khun Sam said he wants every time to be like our first time. I don’t know what I did to make her want the same thing.”

“There must be something.” Kate says as she touches her chin. “Mon, try to remember what you did, I mean what you don’t usually do?”

“Hum true. I remember one thing.” Awkwardness and shame are covering me. It’s hard to say out loud. “I tried, but I couldn’t resist.”


“I…” I look both ways, afraid someone will hear.

“I made a strange sound.”

“Type?” Jim and Tee are stunned staring at me. It makes me ashamed and dying to run out of here.

“I said something like…”







Everyone is silent and looking at each other. Especially Jim, who has had his eyes closed and biting his lip for quite some time.

“Just ‘Ahhh’? Nothing strange?”

“There was more when my breath hitched. But most were ‘Ahh’.”

“What was weird?”

“Because normally I don’t make sounds like that.” I look down at my sweaty hands. “I’ve never made a noise like that before. Sometimes when I’m panicking I say ‘Oops’, when I get hurt I say ‘Ow’… You asked me if there was something, so I…”

“My God, Mon! Everyone does that sound, I do it, Kate does it and Tee does it too. Is not strange.”

Jim said irritably. Tee looks at her to try to fix the situation.

“I never.”

But nobody cares about Tee, they’re all paying attention to me.

“I thought you were a weirdo and sang the opening song for Hamtaro . If it was just an ‘Ahhh’ it’s normal.”

Kate tries to smooth things over and explains carefully. Jim is calmer now and hurries to play professional.

“In my case, sometimes I sing a southern song. In your case, it’s normal. Sam won’t think the noise you made is weird.”

“She must like it. She told me not to stop, keep making that noise.”

“You’ve come a long way, huh? Good work.”

“You really sing a Southern song, really?” Tee looks at Jim strangely. “Was your husband shocked or laughed?”

“No, he sings with me.”

“Your husband seems strange. How does he know the song? You are a perfect couple.”

“Kate knows that song too.”

“But I don’t sing when I’m having sex.” Kate returns to the point. “Then there must be something else. Try to remember.”

“I can not.”

I speak the truth because I was drunk, even though a lot of things happened.

“Wait, my husband is calling me. Be quiet.” She raises her hand to signal us to be quiet and talks in the sweetest voice on the cell phone. “Hello darling, miss you already?”


When Jim answered the call it reminded me of something.

Do not. It could be this thing…

“Excuse me, can I go home?”

“Aaaa, why?”

“I want to make sure of one thing, I’ll let you know later.”

I hurry back to Khun Sam’s house and when I arrive, she is waiting for me frowning.

“Where have you been? This afternoon.”

“I went to meet some friends. I warned you.”

“Yes, he warned me, but he didn’t say he would be so late. This is not good.” She gets up from the couch and walks over to sniff me. “Did you drink alcohol?”

“I didn’t drink. You’re going to get me drunk anyway.”

“I won’t get you drunk anymore. I do not need this. You are mine.” She smiles happily before remembering that she’s pissed at me. Then she comes back with a frown. “What were you doing?”

“I did not do nothing.”


“I do not lie.”

“You told me to be honest, but you’re not. Why do you expect others to be?”

She is serious as she talks to me. She doesn’t look me in the eye as she speaks. So about the stairs. I stare at her from the back and decide to say what I’ve been thinking. That’s it. It’s the right thing to do.

At least I think that’s right…


And that word leaves her stunned. She turns to me before her face turns all red. I see a natural smile on her face.


“Don’t be mad at me, my love.”



“Right. I’m not mad anymore.”

It worked… This is what she wanted to hear from me.

If I had said it before, I wouldn’t have complicated things like that!

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