Gap Pink Theory Novel

Gap Pink Theory Novel Chapter 19

Gap Pink Theory Novel Chapter 19 – Mr. Kirk & Khun Sam

I’m not a naive girl to the point of not understanding what Nop and Khun Sam’s friend asked. But I never thought I would have this kind of feeling for her. She’s too much sand for my little truck. I don’t deserve her for several reasons. Furthermore, she is engaged to Mr. Kirk.

So much drama… Do we really need to get married these days?

When I think about it, I get moody. That’s the truth. A man should stay with a woman. I need to accept this.

However, Khun Sam, she is so good that no one in this world can match her. She should be single, at least that’s what I’d like.

Um… That would be nice.

Now, she always meets with her friends because Jim’s wedding is coming up. I heard from Khun Sam that Jim didn’t want to get married, probably she’s in depression. So they talk to her often to cheer her up. And my boss, she always reports to me what she’s doing. Where is… and I do the same too.

Doraemon: Now, Yah is paying the bill. I’m with her.

Boss: Go home soon. Who will arrive first?

Doraemon: What is the reward for the winner?

Boss: The winner will receive the title ‘the winner’ as… ML Sam, the winner. Something like.

Doraemon: And the loser?

Boss: The title will be ‘the loser’ like Miss Kornkamon, the loser.

So creative.

While I’m focused on my phone chatting, Yah nudges me into panic.

“Mon, please stay still and don’t look back.”

“What’s it?”

“Mr. Kirk.”

“And? Why…” Even though Yah said not to turn around, it’s hard to control curiosity. I look back and see Mr. Kirk hugging a little miss. Now I know why Yah didn’t want me to look back. “Who is she? The woman with Mr. Kirk.”

“Of course I don’t know. I’m not feeling well right now. I shouldn’t have seen something like that… It’s so hard to keep a secret. We must hurry and get out of here. If he sees us, it won’t do us any good. We will be marked.”


“Because we found out his secret, he will force us to resign. I’ve seen this before in soap operas. I’m too old to look for a new job. We will.

I’m pushed out by Yah, now I’m feeling sad for someone and I don’t know why.

No… I can’t ignore that.

“Yah, you can go ahead.”

“Why?… Hey, what are you going to do?”

I turn and walk towards Mr. Kirk. Yah has already disappeared, because she doesn’t want to be part of this situation and be forced to resign. Mr. Kirk is happy with the lady beside him, they are busy talking sweetly about the latest version of a cell phone.

“Hello Mr. Kirk.”

That’s it.


The sweet mood disappears, as if blown away by the wind and dried by sunlight. He hurries on to say, still with his hand around her waist. What a surprise for him.

“Mr. Kirk, good to see you. I don’t want to get in the way, I just thought I’d say hello.”

Even though I have a lot of things in mind to say, I don’t say anything. None of my business. Whatever he did, it’s between Khun Sam and him, but I’m very close to her and I accidentally stumbled across this.

Finally, I am now sitting in Mr. Kirk and that short woman magically disappeared. I feel a lot of pressure around me and I’m starting to regret not listening to Yah.

Khun Sam keeps texting me to ask where I am and what I’m doing. I should be in Khun Sam’s room watching a Korean drama with her, but I don’t seem to have a choice since I’m in his car going to my own house.

Doraemon: I’m sorry. Today I can’t be with you.

Doraemon: My mother is not well.

Boss: What does she have?

Doraemon: I’m not sure, but I’ll let you know when I find out.

I feel guilty for lying to her, but if I tell her the truth, I’ll have to explain my real reason.

“Mr. Kirk, won’t you talk to me?”

“You haven’t told Sam yet, have you?”


“I messed up. It was my fault.”

I’m having a great time hearing the owner of the company I work for pleading with me like a child. Why are you telling me this? I should tell Khun Sam, that’s what.

“Mr. Kirk, you don’t have to beg me like that.” I give him an awkward smile. He pities me.

“I want you to feel sorry for me.”


“I know you’re not the snitch type, but it’s best that no one knows.”

“I won’t tell anyone, but you really messed up.” I don’t know where I got the courage to say that. “Mr. Kirk, you’re dating Khun Sam. I shouldn’t do that.”

“I was feeling lonely.”


“She usually has no interest in things. But lately, she doesn’t have time for me. It’s like she… has someone else.”

I freeze as if the words ‘someone else’ are me.

“Don’t take it seriously. Khun Sam… is difficult to reach.”

“But now someone has managed to reach her. I’m feeling it.”

“You are worrying too much, sir.” I respond immediately. “Khun Sam is a difficult person, but you were the only one, excluding her friends, to get close.”



The handsome man looks at me in wonder.

“Do you know her gang?”

“Ah… ah.” I look around trying to find an answer to how I met her friends. “I’ll tell you the truth. I have known Khun Sam for a long time.”


“I’ve known her since fourth grade…”

And I tell her a long story and a false one about how I met her and her friends around the same time. He looks at me in surprise and starts talking more.

“Serious? You’ve known her for a long time. This is a surprise to me.”

“Yes. So I also know her gang.”

What a liar…

Why did I lie? There’s nothing wrong with meeting her friends. Today I lied twice in less than 10 minutes and lied to two people about their issues.


“I have known Khun Sam since I was young, children. Our families are close. You might find it pretentious, but I fell in love with her at first sight.”

Now, it’s time for him to tell his own story. I look at him with envy. This man has been with Khun Sam since he was a child, when her legs were short, her hands small and her voice so sweet that not even her friends in the PP gossip group could hear it.

“Sam was a charming, difficult and cute girl. I was lucky our families were close. She didn’t have many friends, so I was lucky to be her friend.”

“Were they forced to get engaged, like in dramas?”

“Of course not, this is the real world. It’s not like the Jutatape series.” Oh, Mr. Kirk knows this drama. Does he like actress Mew Nittha? “But we got engaged because I rushed things.”

“Hmmm?” I’ve had this ‘hmmm’ stuck in my throat for so long, I let it out when I heard the ‘I rushed things’, it sounded like he had violated it. Mr. Kirk looks at me like he can read my mind. He hurries to explain himself.

“I asked her to date me and said that if she didn’t have anyone, we should get married, if not, her grandmother would find someone else… And guess what? She said yes… It’s a deal. Being with me is better than being with someone else.”

“I understood.”

I feel a little upset after hearing that. Mr. Kirk smiles, but it’s a sad smile.

“Saw? I can’t imagine what Sam would do if she found out I was seeing another girl. What would she show in that cold face?”

“What you mean?”

“I mean… Will she be jealous of me? … I would really like to know…”


“But let’s not pay to see, I don’t want to take any chances. You already promised me you won’t tell anyone.”

Time goes by so fast. Now I’m standing in front of my house, watching his car drive away.

Really won’t tell anyone?

I decided not to tell… because I promised, Mr. Kirk was grateful and treated me very well. Later, he sent me a friend request on Facebook, with a name as different as Khun Sam’s.

‘Ronaldo, a nice guy.’

What happens to the owners of this company?

“I need to hide. If your colleagues find out it’s me, they’ll be uncomfortable. Also, I want to be your friend on Facebook to find out what people gossip about me… Ah! I almost forgot, don’t be weird. Act naturally.”

These were the reasons he gave me. Frankly, I feel uncomfortable and awkward. It seems that my parents are watching my profile and I can’t post what I want.

He liked all my Facebook posts. Everything I posted, even posts talking bad or good about him, he liked everything. Of course… not only do I find it strange.

“Who is Ronaldo?”

Finally Khun Sam asks me after seeing that Mr. Kirk likes everything I post and doesn’t know that… Ronaldo is her fiancé.

Should I tell her or not?… But how should I explain to her why we became friends on Facebook? If I say why, I’ll have to explain it from the beginning and in the end I would break the promise. And the secret that he had betrayed her would be revealed.


No, no, no… I won’t tell her.

“A friend on Facebook.”

“He comments on his posts all the time.”

“Just comment.”

“But it’s all the time, are you close with him?”

“You also comment on my posts all the time.”

“Because we are intimate.”


She looks at me for a few seconds and taps me lightly on the forehead.

“Giving change.” She raises her eyebrow. “I think… Ronaldo, a nice guy, is commenting too much on his posts, I’ll have to give him a reason to stop.”

“Khun Sam, these are just comments.”

Khun Sam is so fearless that I feel insecure. Finally, a social media war breaks out in the middle of the night. Khun Sam responds to Mr. Kirk as if he wanted to start a fight.

I’m your boss: Stay away if you’re not close to her.

I look at her. Khun Sam is now laughing in her bed like a kid who just stole his older sister’s cell phone to post her number on an adult website.

We didn’t wait long… Mr. Kirk responds fiercely.

Ronaldo, a nice guy: It’s none of your business.

Khun Sam is quiet for a second. Now, I’m feeling like the situation is going to get worse because I see Khun Sam looking at her cell phone and typing insanely.

I’m your boss: Your parents didn’t give you an education?

Ronaldo, a nice guy: And yours? Saying something without knowing… What was it? Nosy!

“Who is he?” She bites her lip as she looks at me. “I know him?”

“Khun Sam.”

“Who is he?!”

“Um…a Facebook friend. Just that.”

“Unfriend him now, how did you meet a scumbag guy like that? I have never seen such a rude person in my entire life. So wild! No one has ever called me ‘nosy’ before.

But what do your friends call you, PP? … Clear. I just think out loud. I don’t say that.


“If I find out who he is, I will teach him a lesson.”

Sometimes I feel guilty for teaching her how to use Facebook. I didn’t think I could be irritated with an unknown person.

This is the first time I’ve seen Khun Sam this angry… What should I do? How do I say he’s her fiancé?


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