Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 842

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 842 – Don’t Pretend Anymore

Lucia deliberately made a reluctant expression, and finally nodded as a compromise. “Have you packed everything?” Tm here to tell you that I need to figure something out, which will take me about a couple of minutes. You and Phillip can wait for me at the airport.

” Edmund’s attitude was obviously cold. Lucia replied to him at once, “Phillip and I can wait for you here.” Lucia was trying to buy herself
more time to exchange the file and send the real one to Sophie.

“No way.” Edmund refused coldly without hesitation, “It’ll be convenient for me to go to the airport directly, so Phillip and you should wait for me there.” Sensing Edmund’s reaction, Lucia thought he might have been suspected of her.

So, she didn’t say anything more but talk nicely to Phillip after letting out a smile. Edmund had bent down to look under the bed as soon as Lucia and Phillip left.

His eyes were filled with great anger as well as a strong killing intent when he saw the dust falling from the file and the fingerprints on the floor. There was no warmth in his eyes anymore. Currer sneered when she saw
Edmund entering the café with a vicious aura, “I heard you’ll have a vacation with Lucia. Won’t that
make you happy?” Giving Currer a cold glance, Edmund said, “You’re so well informed.”

“I know more than you think. And I’ve something more to tell you.” Thinking of what happened outside
the place of August, Currer gritted her teeth, “Lucia has been living with August. What’s more, Reggio
is chasing her. You know what? You’re like a backup to her.” Edmund replied after smashing the glass
on the table with a loud sound, “I’ve changed my mind.” It stunned Currer a lot.

“Feel free to do whatever you want to Lucia. If you don’t dare to do that, then
allow me.” Edmund’s chill voice kinda scared Currer all of a sudden. In the eyes
of Currer, Edmund who was sitting opposite her was like a demon from hell.
Taking a deep breath, Currer tried so hard to calm herself and then said in a low
voice, “I’m a nobody, and don’t wanna do a horrible thing like killing a person. I
can overwhelm her for sure as long as I’m able to get one thing.” Looking up at
Currer, Edmund gestured for her to continue.

“What I want is quite simple. I need the proof of Lucia’s cooperation with Griffith
Organization.” A dim light flashed in her eyes. “I’m toasting to our successful
cooperation in advance.” Edmund raised his glass and touched it with hers as he
was saying. And then he left the café after finishing his drink.
Three days later, Edmund and Lucia were enjoying the meal with Phillip in the
shared restaurant of the International Holiday Hotel. Lucia suddenly got a
message from Sophie when she was happily flipping through the short videos
with chuckles from time to time. [The file isn’t in the place you told me.

Judging from the fingerprints, it has been swapped. Lawrence may have found
your purpose, so you must be extremely careful.] Casting a careful glimpse at
Edmund, Lucia texted quickly. [I was with him the whole day, so he didn’t have
time to swap the file. You need to search his place thoroughly as the file must be
still in his house.]

[We found a hidden compartment in Phillip’s room, but there’s an electronic alarm
on the switch. We’re trying to remove it. Protect yourself well if our plan fails.] It
was the last message Sophie sent to Lucia. Turning to look at Edmund’s laptop,
Lucia saw the proposal of the government for next month. She tried to show her
concern to Edmund, so she said in a relaxing tone, “Is that hard to deal with?
How is it going?”

“You can take Phillip back to our room if you feel boring.” Letting out a smile,
Edmund added apologetically, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t expect the proposal would be
that urgent. I thought I would have a good vacation with you and Phillip.” “That’s
fine. Your job is more important.” Lucia sat back to her seat. The two of them
were both pondering over their own business, so the electronic products they
were using became the best covers. Neither of them wanted to continue the talk.

Edmund was staring at Lucia, but the smile on his face was so fake and he
looked so serious. As he typed the keyboard, the file on the screen immediately
switched to the interface of the intranet. The information of Lucia was displayed.
Not all the information about her was true but something still could be found.
When Edmund was wondering whether to send the information to Currer, the
remote alarms on his phone and laptop sounded at the same time.

Lucia was being so nervous as she looked towards Edmund warily, but she still
pretended to be calm. “What’s up?” Edmund gazed at her with a malicious look,
saying word by word, “Follow me.” Taking a deep breath, Lucia followed Edmund
after casting a glance at Phillip and the seats next to him. Two people with big
sunglasses were sitting on the two seats. One of them said in a childlike and
concerning voice, “Are you gonna follow them? Will she get in trouble following
him alone?”

Before the girl could finish talking, the man next to her had stood up gracefully. He followed Lucia and
Edmund hurriedly after asking the girl to take good care of Phillip who was alone. Edmund arrived at
the rooftop first and cast a glare at Lucia who was following him. “You’ve known the truth already.
Lucia stopped all of a sudden and the smile on her face disappeared at the same time. She asked
knowingly, “What do you mean?”

The look on the face of Lucia irritated Edmund even more. He shouted at her in a cold voice, “Stop
pretending. The real Edmund has died long before. Why you tried your utmost to have a vacation with
me here is to get that file. Am I right?” As Edmund had exposed everything, Lucia didn’t pretend
anymore. She relied in a deep voice, ‘You killed your sister-in-law in person. You won’t be able to get
yourself away with it for good.”
“Do you think she’s the only one I killed? To tell you the truth, the death of my dad isn’t an accident.
So is that of my elder brother.” Edmund looked up and laughed wickedly. “We two are twins. How
come he could live a wonderful life while I had to live mine with a bunch of farm animals in the

It was really windy on the rooftop. Lucia couldn’t help but hit a shiver and stepped backwards
subconsciously. And her back had been wet with cold sweat. The man in front of her wasn’t a
gentleman at all but actually a demon. Edmund was stepping towards Lucia and stood so close to
her. He grabbed her arm harshly and poured out his resentment.

“Phillip, he should have disappeared
in this world if he hadn’t been useful to me. Well, he’s useless now…” The expression on Edmund’s
face gradually became hideous as he said word by word, ‘You can be waiting for him in hell as I’ll
send him there very soon.” Lucia was being so terrified. Before she could do something to stop
Edmund, she had been dragged to the edge of the rooftop.

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