Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 615

Submit To The Boss Lucia And August Novel Chapter 615 – The Nightmare Was Going to Start

Just being dragged out of the room by him, Mandy was already in such fear that she was trembling like hell and could not walk.
This fear was from the inside, like extending vines, spreading through all the limbs and bones, which seemed not to be hers.

She knew well about the temper of Bishop, he always did what he said without perfunctory If today, he did take her to the hospital, then there would be no escape. So, this secret could not be hidden anymore? She hadn’t figured out how to do the abortion, and now he found out?

Approaching the entrance, Mandy shook her head so hard, with every single cell struggling, and, with limited strength, she hold on with him, “I’m not going I don’t want to “Why aren’t you going?”

He suddenly stopped, and pushed her onto the wall, with hands stuck on her neck, face gloomy and dread like hell, “Mandy Lu, you freak out! I am going to find something out, and this made you scared, isn’t it?”

The man’s voice was so loud that she finally could not take it anymore. She closed her eyes, with tears pouring out. Now, all her persistence and resistance were futile, though she did not want to admit it and still hold on.

Leaning against the wall, she slowly slipped downward, then finally shrank together and buried her face between her knees.
“Okay. Since you refuse to go, I would call someone over to check.”

Bishop said. He took out his phone at once and dialed a call. And soon, ten minutes later,
a man came up to the door.
It was Bishop’s family doctor, who had come over several times before to treat her
wounds, not a stranger already. Not until Mandy reacted, Bishop had already commanded
maids at home to hold down her limbs, for the family doctor to her draw her blood.

Looking at the tube filled with bright-red liquid, her eyes were also filled with despair.
This time, there would be no way out, no matter how hard she tried.
With the door slammed heavily, the house suddenly fell into silence. Lying on the
bed, Mandy gasped for air, with tears dropping from the corners of her eyes to
her ears. The blood test for pregnancy was much more accurate than using a
stick, and there would be no way to fake it, and even if she could, she wouldn’t
have a chance.

“There is no way back ” At this moment, these words were lingering in her mind.
Unless Bishop himself didn’t want this child, otherwise, the nightmare would
accompany her throughout her whole life.
At the house door, Bishop stood still, listening to the family doctor aside.
“I’ll bring the sample back to the studio later and check it out. The result will be
out in half an hour.”
Slowly, Bishop said, “Got it. Thanks.”

Watching the doctor leave, his face was getting gloomy
Why? Why did Mandy hide her pregnancy, avoiding him knowing? What on earth
was she thinking about, keep it or abort it?
Not until he cleared his mind, footsteps came from behind him. Bob came along
and whispered to remind, “Master, it’s getting late. It’s time to set off, or Miss
Norton will be waiting
for us.”
Hearing the words “Miss Norton”, Bishop then came back to his senses.

curbed the shade under his eyes, then turned around and walked upwards to the
second floor, “I will
have my clothes changed, hold on.”
This day was important. An important day for him and Helena Wooing Norton’s
daughter for so long, he finally made her his girlfriend. This was their first date
after they had been going steady.

However, at this crucial moment, this kind of thing occurred unexpectedly, which
inevitably distracted him.
He changed his clothes, turning into a modest nobleman again. Before getting
out, he commanded the aunt who took care of Mandy with a cold face, “Make
sure to keep an eye on

The aunt knew she was once negligent and no longer dared to make the same
mistake this time. She nodded repeatedly, “Yes, sir, I will definitely keep an eye
on her!”
At these words, Bishop swept a glance at her, then stepped into the car and left.
The aunt stood on the steps and respectfully watched the car leave.

When the car drove away, she turned around and went back to the house. She
didn’t notice that something had been thrown down from the second-floor
Leaning on the balcony railings to look down, Mandy gritted her teeth. She was
still a bit uncertain. Such height. If she failed to jump onto the quilt, she would
definitely break her limbs
However, she had no way back. As now Bishop was out, it was the only chance
she could escape from this house, or he would come back.

Thinking of this, she gritted her teeth again, slowly climbed up to the window
ledge, took a deep breath, and brew her emotions, about to jump.
At this time, the sound of the door handle being turned came from outside,
followed by the voice of the aunt, “Miss Lu, why have you locked the door, open
it, NOW!” Mandy gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and leaped out without

With a “Bang!”, she felt her body sinking down with a strong pain throughout her
body. She could not help but cough a few times.
But fortunately, she jumped right onto the quilt. Besides the ache in her body,
nothing was wrong.
She raised her eyes to look at the house gate, which was not far away, and she
had no time to care about the pain in her body, she forced herself to get up at
once and rapidly ran towards the house gate
Approaching the iron gate, she pushed out the gate in a hurry and ran out.

The moment she stepped on the land outside the big house, she was excited and
cheerful, and her whole self was wrapped up in freedom. However, just several meters
away out, she heard yelling coming from inside the house, “There she is! She got out!”
Promptly, the sense of tension tulfilled her instantly.

She did not dare to stop or turn her
head back. She ran forward in big strides, without a moment’s slack
Just at the drop of the hat, the noise of chasing and yelling came from her back, Mandy
looked around to search for a shelter to hide. However, except for the greenery, this area
was totally bare. And just then, at this tense moment, she caught a glimpse of the security

She swiftly ran over and looked into the security post, out of expectation, it was empty! No
one was there!
Through the surveillance, she could clearly see that those people were already running in
her direction, if she ran out at this moment, she would only be caught in the What could
she do? What could she do!
Chapter 615 The Nightmare Was Going to Start
Just then, her eyes caught that there was an old phone on the table. She didn’t even think
about it, but immediately grabbed it and stuffed it into her clothes.

At this moment, she has already seen those people run over. She only hesitated for a
second, then she gritted her teeth, fished out several hundred dollar bills from her pocket,
put them on the table.

If she was caught back, then the MOST important thing was to get a communication tool
that can contact the outside world.
Obviously, she couldn’t run away, and this phone would be her last hope.

A few maids panting ran up to the door of the security room and blocked her way.
Mandy’s gaze swept over them coldly, with no struggles and a single word, just allowing
them to hold her and take her back to the house.

The aunt stood at the door. Her face wrinkled together. Seeing Mandy was caught back
again, she let out a long sigh of relief. If she did not stop Mandy from escaping the house

her life would probably be finished.
The aunt looked at Mandy, sighed, shook her head, and said, “It is useless, why are you
still trying?

Mandy did not say anything, with her head down and no resistance, allowing them to take
her back to the room.

She was lying on the bed, not in a hurry to touch the phone, but calmly reviewing the
events of the day.

Bishop knew that she threw up this morning and he was also clear that she did not eat the
meat, which means that… This room had already been equipped with CAMERAS!

Realizing this, Mandy got goosebumps that rose up all over her body.
She would never have expected that he was such, such a vicious, vile, and horrible

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